
rainfall-directed oviposition behavior of culex nigripalpus (diptera: culicidae) and its influence on st. louis encephalitis virus transmission in indian river county, florida.resting culex nigripalpus theobald were collected with a ground aspirator three times a week in indian river county, fla., from january 1985 through december 1987. the number of green (newly emerged), empty, blood-fed, and gravid females in each collection was counted; up to 100 empty females were dissected to estimate the abundance of empty, parous females in the population. in general, this species was uncommon during the dry season from january through june but increased during the wet season ...19902299655
seasonal forecast of st. louis encephalitis virus transmission, florida.disease transmission forecasts can help minimize human and domestic animal health risks by indicating where disease control and prevention efforts should be focused. for disease systems in which weather-related variables affect pathogen proliferation, dispersal, or transmission, the potential for disease forecasting exists. we present a seasonal forecast of st. louis encephalitis virus transmission in indian river county, florida. we derive an empiric relationship between modeled land surface we ...200415200812
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