
viral respiratory infections in hospitalized and community control children in alaska.respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) in alaska native children from the yukon kuskokwim (yk) delta is associated with a hospitalization rate five times higher than that reported for the general us child population. the role of other viral respiratory pathogens has not been studied in this population. yk delta children <3 years of age hospitalized with respiratory infections and same aged community control children were prospectively enrolled between october 2005 and september 2007. polymerase chain ...201020513097
respiratory syncytial virus season and hospitalizations in the alaskan yukon-kuskokwim delta.from 1993 to 1996, alaska native infants younger than 1 year of age from the yukon-kuskokwim delta region in alaska experienced a respiratory syncytial virus (rsv) hospitalization rate 5 times higher than the u.s. general infant population rate. this article describes the trends in hospitalization and prolonged annual season of rsv hospitalizations in yukon-kuskokwim children from 1993 to 2004 and discusses factors associated with high rates of rsv hospitalization and the impact of interventions ...200718090200
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