
subtypes of campylobacter jejuni from sporadic cases of diarrhoeal disease at different locations in england are highly diverse.serotyping (heat stable antigens) was performed on 398 strains of campylobacter jejuni from faeces of human enteritis cases in england. strains isolated over 12 months at three locations were heterogeneous with 33 hs serotypes represented. hs1 and hs4 complex were the predominant types (34% of all strains). the monthly strain frequency distributions were similar at the three locations. the late spring peak appeared to be associated with a rise in miscellaneous serotypes rather than with the emer ...19979384275
identification of potential environmentally adapted campylobacter jejuni strain, united a study of campylobacter infection in northwestern england, 2003-2006, c. jejuni multilocus sequence type (st)-45 was associated with early summer onset and was the most prevalent c. jejuni type in surface waters. st-45 is likely more adapted to survival outside a host, making it a key driver of transmission between livestock, environmental, and human settings.200818976567
prevalence of campylobacter spp. in raw retail poultry on sale in northern ireland.a year-long survey of fresh, retail poultry products on sale in northern ireland was undertaken to define the prevalence of campylobacter spp. by using protocols based on iso (standard) 10272-1:2006. incubation at 37 and 42 degrees c was undertaken to increase the diversity of isolates obtained. overall, 652 isolates were identified as campylobacter spp. by using pcr and amplified fragment length polymorphic typing. phenotyping wrongly identified 21% of isolates. prevalences of campylobacter fou ...200919777882
campylobacters in man and the environment in hull and east yorkshire.campylobacter organisms isolated from water samples taken weekly from ponds and land-drains in the city of hull were compared with isolates from humans. of 314 campylobacter organisms isolated from patients, 237 (75.5%) of the strains were identified as typical campylobacter jejuni, whilst of 125 identified strains isolated from the water samples, 85 (68%) resembled c. jejuni in most respects but were hippurate hydrolysis negative by the hwang and ederer method. the ponds and land drains in the ...19883181312
spatio-temporal epidemiology of campylobacter jejuni enteritis, in an area of northwest england, 2000-2002.a total of 969 isolates of campylobacter jejuni originating in the preston, lancashire postcode district over a 3-year period were characterized using multi-locus sequence typing. recently developed statistical methods and a genetic model were used to investigate temporal, spatial, spatio-temporal and genetic variation in human c. jejuni infections. the analysis of the data showed statistically significant seasonal variation, spatial clustering, small-scale spatio-temporal clustering and spatio- ...201020202286
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