
overwintering of west nile virus in southern california.west nile virus (family flaviviridae, genus flavivirus, wnv) invaded southern california during 2003, successfully overwintered, amplified to epidemic levels, and then dispersed to every county in the state. although surveillance programs successfully tracked and measured these events, mechanisms that allowed the efficient overwintering and subsequent amplification of wnv have not been elucidated. our current research provided evidence for three mechanisms whereby wnv may have persisted in south ...200616619621
west nile virus emergence and persistence in los angeles, california, 2003-2008.west nile virus (wnv) invaded los angeles in september 2003, and during the subsequent five-year period followed a pattern of amplification, subsidence, and resurgence. enzootic transmission was tracked by abundance and infection incidence in culex pipiens quinquefasciatus and cx. tarsalis and by seroprevalence in peridomestic passerine birds, infection in dead birds, and seroconversions in sentinel chickens. culex p. quinquefasciatus served as the primary vector of wnv, with gravid traps servin ...201020682890
infectious disease surveillance update. 200415298027
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