
microbial composition, including the incidence of pathogens, of goat milk from the bergamo region of italy during a lactation year.sixty samples of raw goat milk intended for caprino cheese-making were collected from ten farms in the bergamo area over a 6-month period. analyses of main microbial groups, somatic cell count (scc) and ph were performed to determine the effect of origin (farm) and lactation period (april - september) on microbial composition and the incidence of pathogens in milk. overall mean values were: standard plate count (spc), 5.0 x 10(4) cfu/ml; yeasts, 2.5 x 10(2) cfu/ml; coliforms, 91 x 10(2) cfu/ml; ...200212222800
phenotypic and genotypic characterization of sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting (suspected o157) escherichia coli isolated from milk samples in lombardy investigate phenotypic and genotypic aspects of sorbitol-negative or slow-fermenting escherichia coli, suspected to belong to o157 serogroup, isolated in italy.200515892748
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