
seroprevalences of brucellosis, q-fever and toxoplasmosis in slaughter livestock in trinidad.serum samples obtained from livestock (cattle, chickens, pigs, sheep, goats and water buffaloes) slaughtered at various slaughter houses in trinidad were screened for agglutinins to three zoonosis causing pathogens. of a total of 751 sera tested, 2 (0.3%) originating from chickens were positive for brucella abortus agglutinins using the rose bengal test (rbt), but both were negative by the tube serum agglutination test (sat). thirty-six (4.8%) of 749 sera were positive for coxiella burnetii aggl ...19968881416
likelihood ratio estimation without a gold standard: a case study evaluating a brucellosis c-elisa in cattle and water buffalo of trinidad.the likelihood ratio (lr) is a measure of association that quantifies how many more times likely a particular test result is from an infected animal compared to one that is uninfected. they are ratios of conditional probabilities and cannot be interpreted at the individual animal level without information concerning pretest probabilities. their usefulness is that they can be used to update the prior belief that the individual has the outcome of interest through a modification of bayes' theorem. ...200616600408
evaluation of brucellosis rb51 vaccine for domestic water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) in trinidad.thirty-two young domestic water buffalo (bubalus bubalis) were obtained from a brucellosis-free farm to determine effectiveness of rb51 vaccination for prevention of brucella infection under natural-exposure conditions in trinidad. study animals (20 males and 12 females 5-20 months old) were assigned to vaccination or control groups, using a block randomization design ensuring equal sex distributions between groups. the vaccination group received commercially available rb51 at the recommended ca ...200312706059
comparison of serologic tests for detection of brucella infections in cattle and water buffalo (bubalus bubalis).to estimate sensitivity and specificity of 4 commonly used brucellosis screening tests in cattle and domestic water buffalo of trinidad, and to compare test parameter estimates between cattle and water buffalo.200212428673
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