
comparative studies of the efficacy of parvaquone and parvaquone-plus-frusemide in the treatment of theileria parva infection (east coast fever) in cattle.comparative studies of the efficacy of parvaquone (parvexon) and parvaquone-plus-frusemide (fruvexon) bimeda chemicals, ireland, were done on 60 naturally infected cases of east coast fever (ecf; theileria parva infection in cattle). small-scale dairy farmers in the peri-urban of dar es salaam city reported ecf-suspected cases from march to mid-october 2001 and were treated with the two drugs alternately, as were diagnosed positive for ecf. four sub-groups of 15 cattle each (early stage, 15; adv ...200212237138
evaluation of buparvaquone (buta-kel kela, belgium) as a treatment of east coast fever in cattle, in the peri-urban of dar es salaam city, tanzania.evaluation trials of the efficacy of buparvaquone (buta-kel kela laboratoria, n.v. belgium), as a treatment of field cases of theileria parva infection (east coast fever - ecf) were carried out on 63 cattle in the peri-urban of dar es salaam city, tanzania, during the period november 2004 to august 2005. thirty-two cattle (56%) received single-dose treatment (2.5 mg buparvaquone per kg body weight), while two and three-dose treatment with interval(s) of 48 h was given to 33% and 11% of total tre ...200616567050
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