
timing and reconstruction of the most recent common ancestor of the subtype c clade of human immunodeficiency virus type 1.human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (hiv-1) subtype c is responsible for more than 55% of hiv-1 infections worldwide. when this subtype first emerged is unknown. we have analyzed all available gag (p17 and p24) and env (c2-v3) subtype c sequences with known sampling dates, which ranged from 1983 to 2000. the majority of these sequences come from the karonga district in malawi and include some of the earliest known subtype c sequences. linear regression analyses of sequence divergence estimates ( ...200415367616
large-scale candidate gene study of tuberculosis susceptibility in the karonga district of northern malawi.twenty-seven polymorphisms from 12 genes have been investigated for association with tuberculosis (tb) in up to 514 cases and 913 controls from karonga district, northern malawi. homozygosity for the complement receptor 1 (cr1) q1022h polymorphism was associated with susceptibility to tb in this population (odds ratio [or] = 3.12, 95% confidence interval [ci] = 1.13-8.60, p = 0.028). this association was not observed among human immunodeficiency virus (hiv)-positive tb cases, suggesting either c ...200415381817
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