
seasonal abundance and diel landing periodicity of sabethes chloropterus (diptera: culicidae) in trinidad, west indies.the seasonal occurrence and diel landing periodicity of sabethes chloropterus (humboldt) was studied weekly for 1 yr using the human bait catch in the pt. gourde forest, trinidad, w.i. population abundance remained low throughout the dry season (16%) but increased after the onset of the rains in may and peaked by the middle of the rainy season (july-october). the diurnal periodicity of landing was unimodal during the wet season with a major peak between 1200-1600 hours and bimodal during the dry ...19901980705
sylvatic yellow fever activity in trinidad, 1988-1989.of a total of 18,068 mosquitoes (361 pools) collected in south-eastern trinidad forests from december 1988 to may 1989, 47 species belonging to 14 genera were identified. five yellow fever virus isolates were made from haemagogus janthinomys and one from sabethes chloropterus. all the other pools of mosquitoes examined were negative for the virus. the mosquito isolates were made in december and january. in addition, in late february and early march, 2 infected howler monkeys (alouatta sp.) were ...19901971734
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