
demasculinization of male fish by wastewater treatment plant male fathead minnows (pimephales promelas) were exposed to effluent from the city of boulder, colorado wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) under controlled conditions in the field to determine if the effluent induced reproductive disruption in fish. gonadal intersex and other evidence of reproductive disruption were previously identified in white suckers (catostomus commersoni) in boulder creek downstream from this wwtp effluent outfall. fish were exposed within a mobile flow-through exposur ...201121473848
presence and effects of pharmaceutical and personal care products on the baca national wildlife refuge, colorado.pharmaceuticals and personal care products (ppcps) have raised concerns due to their potential effects to aquatic organisms. these chemicals appear in mixtures at very low concentrations thus making their detection and quantification difficult. polar organic chemical integrative samplers (pocis) concentrate trace levels of chemicals over time increasing method sensitivity and thus represent a cost-effective screening tool for biomonitoring studies. the baca national wildlife refuge (bnwr), color ...201525465958
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