conservation genetics of the fisher (martes pennanti) based on mitochondrial dna sequencing. | translocation of animals to re-establish extirpated populations or to maintain declining ones has often been carried out without genetic information on source or target populations, or adequate consideration of the potential effects of mixing genetic stocks. we consider the conservation status of the fisher (martes pennanti) and evaluate the potential genetic consequences of past and future translocations on this medium-sized carnivore by examining population variation in mitochondrial control-r ... | 2003 | 12492877 |
a qualitative exploration of fishing and fish consumption in the gullah/geechee culture. | the gullah/geechee (g/g) heritage is rooted in a culture largely dependent on fish and seafood as a primary food source. research suggests that african-american (aa) fishers in the southeastern us consume larger amounts of fish, potentially exposing them to higher environmental contaminant levels. this in-depth study was conducted to explore g/g and aa sea island attitudes, perceptions, and cultural beliefs about fishing in one urban and two rural south carolina coastal counties. results indicat ... | 2014 | 24737279 |
ciguatera fish poisoning--texas, 1998, and south carolina, 2004. | ciguatera fish poisoning is characterized by gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea and neurologic symptoms such as weakness, tingling, and pruritus (itching). the condition is caused by eating fish containing toxins produced by the dinoflagellate gambierdiscus toxicus, a one-celled plantlike organism that grows on algae in tropical waters worldwide. because these toxins are lipid soluble, they accumulate through the food chain as carnivorous fish consume contaminated h ... | 2006 | 16943762 |
science, policy, stakeholders, and fish consumption advisories: developing a fish fact sheet for the savannah river. | in recent years there has been a startling rise in the issuance of fish consumption advisories. unfortunately, compliance by the public is often low. low compliance can be due to a number of factors, including confusion over the meaning of advisories, conflicting advisories issued by different agencies, controversies involving health benefits versus the risks from consuming fish, and an unwillingness to act on the advisories because of personal beliefs. in some places, such as along the savannah ... | 2001 | 11289450 |