
complete taiwanese macaque (macaca cyclopis) mitochondrial genome: reference-assisted de novo assembly with multiple k-mer strategy.the taiwanese (formosan) macaque (macaca cyclopis) is the only nonhuman primate endemic to taiwan. this primate species is valuable for evolutionary studies and as subjects in medical research. however, only partial fragments of the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of this primate species have been sequenced, not mentioning its nuclear genome. we employed next-generation sequencing to generate 2 x 90 bp paired-end reads, followed by reference-assisted de novo assembly with multiple k-mer strate ...201526125617
studies on infections with two strains of plasmodium inui from taiwan in rhesus monkeys and different anopheline mosquitoes.rhesus monkeys infected with the taiwan strains of plasmodium inui could be appropriate models for understanding host-parasite relationships during long-term chronic infection. two strains of p. inui originally from taiwan were studied in rhesus monkeys and different anopheline mosquitoes. maximum parasite counts for 13 intact animals infected with the taiwan i strain ranged from 22,215 to 760,000/microl (median maximum parasite count = 242,800/microl). following splenectomy, the maximum parasit ...19989645855
experimental schistosomiasis japonica in the rhesus monkey. a comparison of the ilan (taiwan) and japanese strains. 19664960286
immunization with a zoophilic strain of schistosoma japonicum: a re-evaluation of the formosan strain of s. japonicum in rhesus monkeys. 19734200813
a new threat to public health: organochlorines and food.ambient levels of persistent toxic chemicals, chemicals that persist for decades in the environment, have reached levels high enough to affect the health of children. the organochlorines (pcbs, ddt and the dioxin family) accumulate in human adipose tissue. pregnant women pass the contamination to their fetuses. the developing nervous system is the most vulnerable. neurobehavioral deficits, including short-term memory loss, are detected in children born to mothers at the high end of the distribut ...19921603449
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