
role of pantoea agglomerans in opportunistic bacterial seed and boll rot of cotton (gossypium hirsutum) grown in the investigate the aetiology of seed and boll rot of cotton grown in south carolina (sc).200717184328
sampling stink bugs (hemiptera: pentatomidae) for population estimation and pest management in southeastern cotton production.stink bugs (hemiptera: pentatomidae) were sampled in commercial cotton, gossypium hirsutum l., fields in 2007 and 2008 in south carolina and georgia. the main species collected with the beat cloth and sweep net methods were green stink bug, acrosternum hilare (say) (63 and 57%, respectively); brown stink bug, euschistus servus (say) (23 and 18%, respectively); and southern green stink bug, nezara viridula (l.) (14 and 22%, respectively). average stink bug densities were 0.145 +/- 0.010 (mean +/- ...200920069868
spatial dynamics of stink bugs (hemiptera: pentatomidae) and associated boll injury in southeastern cotton fields.grid sampling (one sample per 0.40 ha) in 12 cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) fields for stink bugs and boll injury caused by stink bug feeding was conducted in 2007 and 2008 in south carolina and georgia. the main species collected using the beat cloth method were the green stink bug, acrosternum hilare (say) (69%); brown stink bug, euschistus servus (say) (18%); and the southern green stink bug, nezara viridula (l.) (14%), respectively. the inverted distance weighted interpolation method and spa ...201020550811
relationship between piercing-sucking insect control and internal lint and seed rot in southeastern cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.).in 1999, crop consultants scouting for stink bugs (hemiptera spp.) in south carolina discovered a formerly unobserved seed rot of cotton that caused yield losses ranging from 10 to 15% in certain fields. the disease has subsequently been reported in fields throughout the southeastern cotton belt. externally, diseased bolls appeared undamaged; internally, green fruit contain pink to dark brown, damp, deformed lint, and necrotic seeds. in greenhouse experiments, we demonstrated transmission of the ...201526470293
spatial and temporal dynamics of stink bugs in southeastern farmscapes.a 3-yr study (2009-2011) was conducted to examine the spatial and temporal dynamics of stink bugs in three commercial farmscapes. study locations were replicated in south carolina and georgia, in an agriculturally diverse region known as the southeastern coastal plain. crops included wheat, triticum aestivum (l.), corn, zea mays (l.), soybean, glycine max (l.), cotton, gossypium hirsutum (l.), and peanut, arachis hypogaea (l.). farmscapes were sampled weekly using whole-plant examinations for co ...201525843577
within-plant distribution and dynamics of thrips species (thysanoptera: thripidae) in cotton.a 2-yr study in cotton (gossypium hirsutum l.) was conducted to determine the abundance and species composition of thrips (thysanoptera: thripidae) on different plant parts throughout the season in alabama, georgia, north carolina, south carolina, and virginia. plant parts sampled included seedlings, terminals with two expanded leaves, leaves from the upper, middle, and lower sections of the canopy, white flowers, and medium-sized bolls. adult thrips were significantly more abundant on seedlings ...201728475718
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