
[experimental schistosomiases. i. study of s. mansoni fecondity as regards to its adaptation to different biomphalaria glabrata strains (author's transl)].we compared the infestation of different strains of b. glabrata from brasil (recife). guadeloupe, martinique and porto-rico with 6 to 8 miracidia of s. mansoni (from recife. we noted the four following points: 1. the planorbid snails from martinique and guadeloupe had a low resistance to infestation. 2. the guadeloupean snails showed the lesser rate of positivity and the lower medium amount of emitted cercaries but, in the four strains of snails, the level of the issued cercaries is quite the sa ...19751221915
biological control of biomphalaria glabrata and b. straminea by the competitor snail thiara tuberculata in a transmission site of schistosomiasis in martinique, french west martinique, intestinal schistosomiasis was discovered at the beginning of this century. the intermediate host snail, biomphalaria glabrata, was considered in the past as a common species in the different habitats of the island, but during the last decade it has been found only in water-cress beds. several of these water-cress cultures contained mixed populations of b. glabrata and b. straminea. moreover, these habitats also constituted transmission sites for schistosoma mansoni infection. in ...19892513787
[activities of a schistosoma mansoni focus of transmission in martinique (french antilles)].a focus of intestinal schistosomiasis was discovered in november 1981 in martinique in the saint-pierre area. an analysis of its structure and of the mecanisms of the transmission of the parasite was carried out between 1981 and 1983. this focus presents the following particularities: a transmission site very small constituted by water cress beds; a small human population infected with a prevalence of 13% (positive stools) to 41,3% (positive serologies); a weak fecal contamination of the water; ...19846524823
[evaluation of 10 years of research on s. mansoni schistosomiasis a in the french west indies].from 1971 until 1982, we studied the ecological factors which stead fast a perennial schistosomiasis in guadeloupe on an exhaustive mode. more recently, we start a similar investigation in martinique. in guadeloupe the single vector of schistosoma mansoni is the snail biomphalaria glabrata which is an ubiquist species. but the transmission to man is restricted to the "canal-sewers" where faeces are dropped and not in the rivers of basse-terre or the ponds of grande-terre. moreover, the infection ...19827126776
[control of intestinal schistosomiasis in martinique island].the presence of schistosomiasis mansoni is known in martinique since the beginning of the xxth century. a general survey of the distribution of the disease was carried out in 1977 and showed a mean prevalence of 12% (coprology and serology taken together) in the whole of the island. following this survey, an integrated control programme associating sanitary education, detection and treatment of patients and improved sanitation, was developed. in addition, a biological control programme against t ...19979587606
biological control of the snail hosts of schistosomiasis in areas of low transmission: the example of the caribbean area.the biological control of schistosomiasis has already proven its efficiency in several habitats in the caribbean area. two main types of biological control agents, either trematode parasites or competitor snails have been studied and tested against the snail hosts of schistosomiasis in this region. the first one, ribeiroia guadeloupensis, a trematode sterilizing biomphalaria glabrata was successfully tested in a guadeloupean pond housing a natural population of b. glabrata. the second agent invo ...200010996120
biological control of the snail intermediate hosts of schistosoma mansoni in martinique, french west martinique water-cress beds constituted the last transmission sites for schistosomiasis. the competitor snail, melanoides tuberculata, was introduced at the beginning of 1983 to a group of water-cress beds and eliminated the snail hosts, biomphalaria glabrata and b. straminea, in less than two years. following this first success, m. tuberculata was introduced to the other groups of beds which were inventoried at the beginning of the eighties. at the present time, b. glabrata and b. straminea ...19921519033
[freshwater snails and vectors of schistosomiasis mansoni in martinique (french west indies)].an inventory of the freshwater molluscs in martinique was worked out during 1972 to 1978. each of the 19 species is shown with its main characteristics. the distribution of biomphalaria glabrata and biompharia straminea was studied. the epidemiological importance of these two snails is discussed.1979575471
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