
a comparison of three methods for the isolation of arcobacter spp. from retail raw poultry in northern ireland.recent evidence suggests that arcobacters, especially arcobacter butzleri, are potential foodborne pathogens, but standardized detection methods have yet to be established. a study was undertaken to determine which of three isolation methods was the most effective for the isolation of arcobacter spp. from fresh raw poultry. methods 1 was microaerobic and involved a membrane filtration step followed by plating onto blood agar. method 2 was also microaerobic and involved enrichment and plating med ...200415083734
prevalence of arcobacter spp. in raw milk and retail raw meats in northern ireland.a 1-year study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of arcobacter spp. in raw milk and retail raw meats on sale in northern ireland. retail raw poultry samples (n = 94), pork samples (n = 101), and beef samples (n = 108) were obtained from supermarkets in northern ireland, and raw milk samples (n = 101) were kindly provided by the milk research laboratory, department of agriculture and rural development, belfast, northern ireland. presumptive arcobacters were identified by previously descr ...200616924929
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