
[prevalence of hepatitis b and hepatitis c viruses in different counties of catalonia, spain: cross-sectional study].there are few data available in our community regarding the prevalence of hepatitis b (hbv) and hepatitis c (hcv) virus infection in the general population.200212106536
hepatitis c virus sequences from different patients confirm the existence and transmissibility of subtype 2q, a rare subtype circulating in the metropolitan area of barcelona, spain.the hepatitis c virus (hcv) has been classified into six genotypes and more than 70 subtypes with distinct geographical and epidemiological distributions. while 18 genotype 2 subtypes have been proposed, only 5 have had their complete sequence determined. the aim of this study was to characterize hcv isolates from three patients from the barcelona metropolitan area of spain for whom commercial genotyping methods provided discordant results. full-length genome sequencing was carried out for 2 of ...201121412791
[seroepidemiology of hepatitis c virus infection in pregnant women in catalonia].the aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of hepatitis c virus (hcv) infection in a population of pregnant women in catalonia and the sociodemographic variables and risk factors associated to this prevalence.19947799677
[spanish scientific publications on hepatitis c virus. a medline study (1980-2002)].to analyze the scientific publications on hepatitis c virus infection from spanish hospitals between 1980 and 2002.200415461937
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