
microbiological quality of selected recreational waters. 19816797820
nosocomial infection in the community hospital: severe infection due to serratia species.serratia bacteremia is an uncommon illness in hospitalized patients. the aim of this study was to determine how frequently this disease occurs nosocomially and to discover the most common portals of entry and the underlying disorders.19968636679
shifting trends in bacterial keratitis in south florida and emerging resistance to study the distribution, current trends, and patterns of resistance to antimicrobial agents of bacterial keratitis isolates in south florida.200010919897
human sewage identified as likely source of white pox disease of the threatened caribbean elkhorn coral, acropora palmata.caribbean elkhorn coral, acropora palmata, has been decimated in recent years, resulting in the listing of this species as threatened under the united states endangered species act. a major contributing factor in the decline of this iconic species is white pox disease. in 2002, we identified the faecal enterobacterium, serratia marcescens, as an etiological agent for white pox. during outbreaks in 2003 a unique strain of s. marcescens was identified in both human sewage and white pox lesions. th ...201020132278
human pathogen shown to cause disease in the threatened eklhorn coral acropora palmata.coral reefs are in severe decline. infections by the human pathogen serratia marcescens have contributed to precipitous losses in the common caribbean elkhorn coral, acropora palmata, culminating in its listing under the united states endangered species act. during a 2003 outbreak of this coral disease, called acroporid serratiosis (aps), a unique strain of the pathogen, serratia marcescens strain pdr60, was identified from diseased a. palmata, human wastewater, the non-host coral siderastrea si ...201121858132
site-specific variation in gene expression from symbiodinium spp. associated with offshore and inshore porites astreoides in the lower florida keys is lost with bleaching and disease stress.scleractinian coral are experiencing unprecedented rates of mortality due to increases in sea surface temperatures in response to global climate change. some coral species however, survive high temperature events due to a reduced susceptibility to bleaching. we investigated the relationship between bleaching susceptibility and expression of five metabolically related genes of symbiodinium spp. from the coral porites astreoides originating from an inshore and offshore reef in the florida keys. th ...201728355291
shifting white pox aetiologies affecting acropora palmata in the florida keys, 1994-2014.we propose 'the moving target hypothesis' to describe the aetiology of a contemporary coral disease that differs from that of its historical disease state. hitting the target with coral disease aetiology is a complex pursuit that requires understanding of host and environment, and may lack a single pathogen solution. white pox disease (wpx) affects the caribbean coral acropora palmata. acroporid serratiosis is a form of wpx for which the bacterial pathogen (serratia marcescens) has been establis ...201626880837
systematic analysis of white pox disease in acropora palmata of the florida keys and role of serratia marcescens.white pox disease (wpd) affects the threatened elkhorn coral, acropora palmata. owing in part to the lack of a rapid and simple diagnostic test, there have been few systematic assessments of the prevalence of acroporid serratiosis (caused specifically by serratia marcescens) versus general wpd signs. six reefs in the florida keys were surveyed between 2011 and 2013 to determine the disease status of a. palmata and the prevalence of s. marcescens. wpd was noted at four of the six reefs, with wpd ...201525911491
use of quantitative real-time pcr for direct detection of serratia marcescens in marine and other aquatic environments.serratia marcescens is the etiological agent of acroporid serratiosis, a distinct form of white pox disease in the threatened coral acropora palmata. the pathogen is commonly found in untreated human waste in the florida keys, which may contaminate both nearshore and offshore waters. currently there is no direct method for detection of this bacterium in the aquatic or reef environment, and culture-based techniques may underestimate its abundance in marine waters. a quantitative real-time pcr ass ...201424375136
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