
intestinal parasites in a migrant farmworker population.three hundred thirty-nine migrant worker women and children were screened by single stool examination for intestinal parasites. infection occurred in 34.2%. giardia lamblia and trichuris trichiura were the most common pathogens; entamoeba coli and endolimax nana were the most common commensals. infants under 1 year of age were free of infection. children between 2 and 5 years old and women between 25 and 35 years old had the highest prevalence. significantly more haitians were infected than mexi ...19863954523
cyclospora infection in adults infected with hiv. clinical manifestations, treatment, and determine the prevalence and clinical manifestations of cyclospora in haitians infected with human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) who have diarrhea and to evaluate therapy and prophylaxis.19947944073
[enteric parasites and aids in haiti: utility of detection and treatment of intestinal parasites in family members].intestinal parasites and human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) are major health problems in haiti. both entities are known to interact strongly with cell-mediated immunity. the purpose of this study undertaken in port-au-prince, haiti was to evaluate the risk of enteric parasite transmission between hiv-infected patients and family members. routine examination of stool specimens for parasites was conducted in 90 hiv-infected undergoing treatment for intestinal disorders due mainly to cryptosporidiu ...200617201290
high early mortality in patients with chronic acquired immunodeficiency syndrome diarrhea initiating antiretroviral therapy in haiti: a case-control study.this case-control study examines whether chronic diarrhea at initiation of antiretroviral therapy (art) affects survival of human immunodefiency virus-infected patients. cases (288) were treatment-naive, non-pregnant, adults with self report of frequent loose stool for > 3 weeks at the time art was initiated. one-third of patients had an enteric pathogen identified including cryptosporidium spp., giardia spp., isospora belli, cyclospora cayetanensis, and entamoeba histolytica. control patients ( ...200919478276
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