
wenyonella baghdadensis sp. n. from the bandicoot rat nesokia indica in the baghdad area.oocysts of wenyonella baghdadensis sp. n. were found in the feces of 2 of 12 bandicoot rats nesokia indica gray & harwicke from the baghdad area. sporulated oocysts were subspherical to broadly ellipsoidal, 25.4 (18-22) x 20.8 (15-28) micrometer, with a 2-layered wall, the outer wall being mammillated, without micropyle, micropylar cap, residuum, or polar granule. sporozoites were ovoid, 11.8 (9-15) x 8.4 (6-10) micrometer, with stieda body and residuum. two sporozoites in each sporocyst were el ...1978102783
eimeria taterae sp. n. and other intestinal parasites from the antelope rat, tatera indica in baghdad district.of 8 fecal specimens from the antelope rat, tatera indica hardwicke examined, 4 were found positive for intestinal parasites. among these was eimeria taterae sp. n., sporulated oocysts of which are described, their characteristics serving for the diagnosis of this species. entamoeba coli cysts, as well as ova of hymenolepis sp. and trichuris sp., were also found.19751117434
first report of escherichia coli o157 among iraqi children.we determined the prevalence of enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli, especially e. coli o157, and other enteropathogens among 200 children with bloody diarrhoea and 100 age-matched controls at two baghdad hospitals. bacterial and parasitic agents were found in 39.5% and 28.5% of cases, respectively; no pathogen was detected in 32%. e. coli o157 was identified in 11.5% and more than one pathogen was found in 15.5% of cases. the most common pathogens were enteropathogenic e. coli (epec) (5%); e. c ...200315562746
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