
spatial analysis of the distribution of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) on white-tailed deer in ogle county, illinois.the pattern of infestations of ixodes dammini on white-tailed deer in ogle county in illinois was studied through examinations of hunted deer from 1988 to 1990. the illinois geographic information system mapped the spatial distribution of tick infestations on deer and related it to a known endemic focus for i. dammini and borrelia burgdorferi (castle rock state park), and to a major waterway (rock river). second-order neighborhood analysis was used to analyze the spatial distribution of deer aro ...19921495039
isolation and characterization of borrelia burgdorferi from illinois ixodes dammini.ixodes dammini ticks from two northwestern illinois sites were found to be infected with borrelia burgdorferi at rates of 19 and 32%. b. burgdorferi isolates, one from each site, had protein and antigenic patterns similar to those of the b-31 strain. an indirect immunofluorescence method proved to be more sensitive than dark-field microscopy in detection of these spirochetes. a modified bsk medium containing rifampin was found to be more efficient for spirochete isolation than unsupplemented bsk ...19911761698
spatial and temporal dispersion of immature ixodes dammini on peromyscus leucopus in northwestern illinois.infestation by immature ixodes dammini and infection by borrelia burgdorferi of the white-footed mouse peromyscus leucopus were studied in castle rock state park in northwestern illinois during june-october 1990. prevalence and intensity of infestation of larvae on mice were highest in august with a smaller peak in early june. the distribution of larvae on mice was highly aggregated during each of the sampling periods. aggregation appears to be the result of a series of nonrandom successful atta ...19911779300
survey for ixodes spp. and borrelia burgdorferi in southeastern wisconsin and northeastern illinois.forested areas adjacent to milwaukee, wis., and chicago, ill., were investigated for rodents and ticks infected with borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of lyme disease. white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus or peromyscus maniculatus), meadow voles (microtus pennsylvanicus), and eastern chipmunks (tamias striatus) were captured; and specimens from these animals were cultured for b. burgdorferi to define whether the midwestern lyme disease area currently encompasses these large metropolita ...19912007650
spatial and temporal distribution of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in a northwestern illinois state park.five km of hiking trails in castle rock state park in ogle co., ill., were drag-sampled for ixodes dammini spielman, clifford, piesman & corwin between 15 may and 19 october 1989. densities of nymphs peaked on 22 june, larval densities peaked on 9 august, and adult densities had two peaks, 15 may and 19 october. the terrain crossed by the trails consisted of woods and meadow. there were no discernible habitat preferences for adult females, but nymphs and larvae were most numerous in the woods. p ...19912033600
status of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in illinois.ixodes dammini spielman, clifford, piesman & corwin was found for the first time in illinois in november 1987, when two adult females were collected from two deer in jo daviess county in the northwestern corner of the state. in 1988, in a study of six state parks in northern illinois, questing adults and nymphs were encountered in one park in ogle county. during the firearm deer hunt in november 1988, adult female and male ticks were found in several counties, with a high rate of infestation (gr ...19902388231
influence of season and habitat on ixodes scapularis infestation on white-footed mice in northwestern illinois.the effects of season and habitat on the infestation of the white-footed mouse (peromyscus leucopus) by immature ixodes scapularis were studied at castle rock state park, northwestern illinois, during june-october 1991. relative density of larvae on mice was higher in mid-late summer (13.7 ticks per mouse) than during the rest of the study period, whereas prevalence of nymphal infestation was highest in early summer (33.3%). relative density of i. scapularis larvae and prevalence of nymphs on mi ...19947799148
ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) infestation on medium-sized mammals and blue jays in northwestern illinois.high prevalence of infestation of five species of medium-sized mammals and blue jays, cyanocitta cristata (l.), by immature ixodes dammini spielman, clifford, piesman and corwin was found in castle rock state park in northwestern illinois during may-august 1991. raccoons, procyon lotor l., and opossums, didelphis virginiana kerr, were infested with the highest larval densities and were trapped primarily in bottomland forest and ecotone habitats. all species had similar nymphal densities, except ...19938254647
role of the eastern chipmunk as a host for immature ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in northwestern illinois.infestation of the eastern chipmunk, tamias striatus l., by immature ixodes dammini spielman, clifford, piesman and corwin was studied in castle rock state park in northwestern illinois during june-october 1991. mean larval density peaked in august, while nymphal density declined steadily through the study period. prevalence of tick infestation was high throughout the trapping period. tick distribution on chipmunks was aggregated in most of the sampling periods. levels of i. dammini infestation ...19938433349
role of the eastern chipmunk (tamias striatus) in the epizootiology of lyme borreliosis in northwestern illinois, usa.the role of the eastern chipmunk (tamias striatus) in the epizootiology of lyme borreliosis was evaluated in castle rock state park, illinois (usa), an enzootic region, from june to august 1993. prevalence, intensity, and molting rate of immature ixodes scapularis were determined for chipmunks, white footed mice (peromyscus leucopus), and raccoons (procyon lotor). chipmunks were the primary host for i. scapularis nymphs and an important secondary host for i. scapularis larvae. based upon ear pun ...19979027689
canine surveillance system for lyme borreliosis in wisconsin and northern illinois: geographic distribution and risk factor analysis.a seroprevalence survey for borrelia burgdorferi was conducted among the healthy canine pet population in selected counties of wisconsin and northern illinois to determine the distribution of lyme disease and associated risk factors. information obtained for each dog included place of residence, lyme disease vaccination status, history of travel and tick exposure, signalment, and medical history. serum samples were screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and confirmed by an immunoblot proc ...200111716112
predicting the risk of lyme disease: habitat suitability for ixodes scapularis in the north central united states.the distribution and abundance of ixodes scapularis were studied in wisconsin, northern illinois, and portions of the upper peninsula of michigan by inspecting small mammals for ticks and by collecting questing ticks at 138 locations in state parks and natural areas. environmental data were gathered at a local level (i.e., micro and meso levels), and a geographic information system (gis) was used with several digitized coverages of environmental data to create a habitat profile for each site and ...200211927027
detection, characterization, and prediction of tick-borne disease foci.tick-borne disease (tbd) transmission foci need to be characterized in space and time, and are often discontinuous on both scales. an active tbd focus is dependent on the fulfillment of three conditions: tick survival, pathogen survival and opportunities for human exposure. the essentials for tick survival include food sources, reproduction, and protection from environmental extremes. the pathogen survival kit includes sufficient densities of ticks and suitable reservoir hosts, and opportunities ...200212141734
populations of ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) are modulated by drought at a lyme disease focus in illinois.from 1990 through 1997, ixodes scapularis say larvae and nymphs were sampled between may and october along a 400-m segment of a nature trail in a lyme disease endemic site in northern illinois. ticks were removed from peromyscus leucopus mice and collected via tick drags at approximately 3-wk intervals. mouse population estimates along the trail varied from 2, in the spring of 1996 following a year of drought, to > 200 in 1993, the wettest year on record. during the 8-yr period, there were major ...200015535585
county-level surveillance of white-tailed deer infestation by ixodes scapularis and dermacentor albipictus (acari: ixodidae) along the illinois river.from 1998 to 2003, 4,935 hunter-killed deer in northern and central illinois were examined for ticks; 4,066 blacklegged ticks, ixodes scapularis say, and 6,530 winter ticks, dermacentor albipictus (packard) (acari: ixodidae), were collected. i. scapularis was the predominant tick species in the northern portion of the study area, with a decreasing north-to-south prevalence gradient. in contrast, d. albipictus was more common in the south with a decreasing south-to-north prevalence gradient. comp ...200617017213
ixodes scapularis and borrelia burgdorferi among diverse habitats within a natural area in east-central illinois.abstract the distributions of the tick vector, ixodes scapularis, and of the etiologic agent of lyme disease, borrelia burgdorferi (bb), have continued expanding in illinois over the past 20 years, but the extent of their spread is not well known. the role of multiple habitats in the establishment and maintenance of i. scapularis and bb at local scales is not well understood, and the use of integrated approaches to evaluate local scale dynamics is rare. we evaluated habitat diversity and tempora ...201121688974
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