
seroprevalence of antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus in swine of iowa.a total of 2,614 swine from 104 herds located throughout iowa were tested for antibodies against encephalomyocarditis virus (emcv) by use of the microtitration serum neutralization test. the sample was composed of 587 sows and gilts and 2,027 finishing swine. a statistically significant (p less than 0.002) difference was observed between prevalence in sows and gilts (17.2%) and that in finishing swine (12.2%). breeding swine maintained in total confinement (20.5%) had significantly (p = 0.04) hi ...19911667528
surveillance of enterovirus infections in iowa 1957-62. 19664957040
grazing management effects on sediment, phosphorus, and pathogen loading of streams in cool-season grass pastures.erosion and runoff from pastures may lead to degradation of surface water. a 2-yr grazing study was conducted to quantify the effects of grazing management on sediment, phosphorus (p), and pathogen loading of streams in cool-season grass pastures. six adjoining 12.1-ha pastures bisected by a stream in central iowa were divided into three treatments: continuous stocking with unrestricted stream access (csu), continuous stocking with restricted stream access (csr), and rotational stocking (rs). ra ...201121712600
isolation of a new porcine enterovirus in the united states.a cytopathogenic virus isolated from an iowa farm pig with diarrhea was identified as a member of group 5 of the porcine enteroviruses. clinical signs observed in other pigs in the herd were diarrhea, debilitation and gauntness. morbidity and mortality rates were approximately 50% and 3% respectively.a group 5 porcine enterovirus had not been previously isolated in north america according to the western hemisphere committee on animal virus characterization.1977198077
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