
understanding of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) epidemics and outbreaks of paederus spp keratoconjuctivitis, periorbital oedema ("nairobi red eyes") and dermatitis.a recent epidemic of acute conjunctivitis in dar es salaam showed again the importance of developing a strong infectious diseases epidemiological surveillance network which is effective in minimising disease outbreaks. the current misunderstanding of diseases causation and management explains the repetitive nature of acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis (ahc) in dar es salaam. this article aims at increasing public awareness by elaborating two diseases (acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis and paederus ...201021516962
bacterial hand contamination among tanzanian mothers varies temporally and following household characterize mechanisms of hand contamination with faecal indicator bacteria and to assess the presence of selected pathogens on mothers' hands in tanzania.201021091858
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