
panel--community activists' perspectives on strategic litigation.this article contains summaries of the five presentations made during this panel. emilie laliberté provides an overview of the activities of stella, which fights for sex workers' rights in the montréal region. louis letellier de st-just speaks of the work of cactus montreal and the question of public health policy in quebec as it relates to drugs. nikki thomas outlines the dangers that sex workers face on a daily basis due to obstacles in the criminal code. ann livingston of the vancouver area n ...201122165284
[community organizations and fighting stds, hiv and aids in montreal: lessons for sub-saharan africa].the hiv/aids pandemic is one of the most important public health problems in the world. in benin as elsewhere in africa, the combination of some sociological and sociocultural factors with socio-economic realities have led this pandemic to progress faster in some farming regions than in urban areas. this survey was performed during a three-month internship researching community-based organizations in montreal that care for hiv/aids patients. objectives: to analyse the actions taken by community- ...201020685643
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