
identification of ovine adenovirus types five and six in an epizootic of respiratory tract disease in recently weaned lambs.eight hundred fourteen polypay-cross lambs, 32 to 35 days old, were housed in an isolation barn under semiconfinement conditions. the lambs were observed twice daily for clinical signs of respiratory tract disease. during the 8-week observation period, an epizootic of respiratory tract disease developed, in which the combined morbidity and mortality was approximately 13%. the overall mortality was 4.1%, of which 57.6% was attributable to pneumonia. pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from 11 (5 ...19873038805
a seroepidemiologic survey of three pronghorn (antilocapra americana) populations in southeastern idaho, 1975-1977.sera from 104 adult and 42 fawn pronghorn antelope (antilocapra americana) from southeastern idaho were tested against selected livestock pathogens. the numbers positive/numbers tested (% positive) were as follows: bovine virus diarrhea - adults 2/102 (2), fawns 0/41 (0);; infectious bovine rhinotracheitis - adults 27/101 (27), fawns 9/42 (22); parainfluenza 3 - adults 79/104 (76), fawns 22/42 (52); bovine adenovirus 7 - adults 42/103 (41), fawns 20/48 (48); bovine adenovirus 3 - adults 11/32 (3 ...19806246285
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