
the seattle virus watch. vii. observations of adenovirus infections.the following findings were made from observations of adenovirus (av) infections in seattle vw families, 1965-1969, which extended the 1961-1965 new york vw studies: that infections are predominantly enteric, may be abortive or invasive and followed by persistent intermittent excretion was confirmed. that such excretion is most characteristic of types 1, 2, 3 and 5 viruses may explain why these types were usually endemic. however, since observed duration of excretion was not increased despite a ...1977192073
an adenovirus survey of poultry flocks during the growing and laying periods.chicken adenoviruses were isolated from asymptomatic chickens on each of 7 farms tested; a majority of them induced cytopathology by the second serial passage. although adenoviruses were isolated from chickens ranging in age from 8 to 34 weeks, the highest isolation rate was from those 8 to 14 weeks. eight serotypes (1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9) were identified in a relatively small geographic area; serotypes 1, 4, 7, and 9 were isolated most frequently. multiple serotypes were found on 6 of 7 fa ...1978206248
simian virus 40 apes cellular processes. molecular biology of sv40, polyoma and adenoviruses sponsored by cold spring harbor laboratory, cold spring harbor, ny, usa, august 15-19, 1990. 19901965147
the virus watch program: a continuing surveillance of viral infections in metropolitan new york families. ii. laboratory methods and preliminary report on infections revealed by virus isolation. 19664286696
the virus watch program: a continuing surveillance of viral infections in metropolitan new york families. 3. preliminary report on association of infections with disease. 19664286697
the virus watch program: a continuing surveillance of viral infections in metropolitan new york families. vi. observations of adenovirus infections: virus excretion patterns, antibody response, efficiency of surveillance, patterns of infections, and relation to illness. 19694303049
the virus watch program: a continuing surveillance of viral infections in metropolitan new york families. ix. a comparison of infections with several respiratory pathogens in new york and new orleans families. 19714329328
continuing surveillance of families for studying the epidemiology of viral infections. 19724360064
nosocomial viral infections: i. epidemiology and significance.viral illnesses in strong memorial hospital were monitored over a 17-month period. using criteria based primarily on the incubation periods for a number of common virus infections, the infections we found were classified as hospital- or community-acquired. hospital-acquired viral infections occurred on most hospital services; the majority of infections occurred on the pediatric and psychiatric services. infections due to herpesviruses were seen more frequently in a group of patients aged 14 year ...19806274823
serologic survey of selected viral agents in recently captured wild north american river otters (lontra canadensis).blood samples were collected from 64 wild north american river otters (lontra [lutra] canadensis) from northern and eastern new york state and analyzed for serologic evidence of exposure to selected viral agents during a 1995 1996 translocation program. no clinical signs of disease nor lesions suggestive of prior viral exposure were seen. titers were detected for antibodies against canine distemper virus, canine herpesvirus-1, and canine parvovirus-2 but not for antibodies against canine adenovi ...200010982127
a continuing surveillance of enterovirus infections in healthy children in six united states cities. i. viruses isolated during 1960 and 1961. 196314071359
respiratory virus. isolation and identification in new york state, 1962 to 1963. preliminary report. 196414103675
serologic surveys for respiratory virus antibodies in new york state. 196514278119
clinical features, adenovirus types, and local production of inflammatory mediators in adenovirus infections.adenovirus infection manifests in many ways, with respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms predominating.200919319023
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