adenoviral infection in infant tree shrews. | an epizootic of fatal illness among infant common tree shrews (tupaia glis) occurred in a research colony. affected tree shrews were dehydrated, and ingested milk substitute remained in their stomachs for several hours without being digested. twelve of 15 tree shrews born during a 3-month period died. the 4 tree shrews we were able to examine had intranuclear inclusions in the epithelium of the stomach and intestines, with mild to moderate multifocal necrosis. one tree shrew also had nasal epith ... | 1984 | 6096329 |
gastrointestinal pathogenicity of adenoviruses and reoviruses isolated from broiler chickens in alabama. | adenoviruses and reoviruses isolated from commercial broiler chickens were evaluated for gastrointestinal pathogenicity in specific-pathogen-free leghorn chickens. the viruses were originally isolated from either the proventriculus or a gastrointestinal pool of tissues of broiler chickens with proventriculitis or enteritis. isolates were cloned by terminal dilution. day-old chickens were inoculated by oral and ocular routes with undiluted tissue culture fluids (titers of 10[2]-10[4] tcid50/ml) a ... | 1998 | 9576341 |