
virus-neutralizing antibody titers against 8 avian adenovirus serotypes in breeder hens in georgia by a microneutralization procedure.serums from 16 chicken-breeder flocks in georgia were tested for virus-neutralizing antibody to 8 serotypes of avian adenovirus. titers to all 8 serotypes were demonstrated in 8 of the flocks, titers to 7 in 6, and titers to fewer than 7 in the other 2 flocks. although titers were high overall to some serotypes (types 2 and 8) and low to others (types 1, 4, and 5), with statistically significant differences between many titers, the data were difficult to interpret because of possible heterotypic ...1977194569
pharyngoconjunctival fever caused by adenovirus type 4: report of a swimming pool-related outbreak with recovery of virus from pool water.during the summer of 1977, an outbreak of pharyngoconjunctival fever (pcf) occurred at a private recreational facility in georgia. a total of 72 cases of pcf was identified. adenovirus type 4 (av-4) was recovered from conjunctival or pharyngeal swab specimens from 20 of 26 persons in the group of cases tested. av-4 was also recovered, for the first time reported in the literature, from two concentrated samples of water obtained from the swimming pool at the facility on different dates. all perso ...1979222852
a continuing surveillance of enterovirus infections in healthy children in six united states cities. i. viruses isolated during 1960 and 1961. 196314071359
clinical presentations for influenza and influenza-like illness in young, immunized soldiers.concern about respiratory diseases in soldiers increased in the late 1990s as production of the successful adenovirus vaccines stopped and the possibilities of an emergent pandemic influenza strain and use of bioweapons by terrorists were seriously considered. current information on the causes and severity of influenza-like illness (ili) was lacking. viral agents and clinical presentations were described in a population of soldiers highly immunized for influenza. using standard virus isolation t ...200515724862
detection of viral agents in fecal specimens of monkeys with diarrhea.diarrheal disease is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in humans and animals, including non human primates. while the diagnostics for gastrointestinal bacterial and parasitic pathogens and their etiological role in disease are well established, little is known about the epidemiology, prevalence and role of viral agents in diarrheal illness among monkeys.200717493140
source water quality effects on monochloramine inactivation of adenovirus, coxsackievirus, echovirus, and murine norovirus.there is a need for more information regarding monochloramine disinfection efficacy for viruses in water. in this study, monochloramine disinfection efficacy was investigated for coxsackievirus b5 (cvb5), echovirus 11 (e11), murine norovirus (mnv), and human adenovirus 2 (hadv2) in one untreated ground water and two partially treated surface waters. duplicate disinfection experiments were completed at ph 7 and 8 in source water at concentrations of 1 and 3 mg/l monochloramine at 5 and 15 °c. the ...201021145573
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