
study of vertical transmission of fowl adenoviruses.the vertical transmission of fowl adenoviruses (fadvs) was studied by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and virus isolation. liver, spleen, kidney, and bursa of fabricius were collected from 60 chicks 1 d old representing progenies hatched to 6 broiler breeder flocks in 6 geographically different premises in ontario, canada. the presence of fadv dna sequences was detected by pcr with the use of primers specific for the conserved pvi gene of fadv-9 in 58 (24%) of the 240 samples tested. all samples ...200616850947
isolation and identification of duck adenovirus 1 in ducklings with proliferative tracheitis in ontario.increased mortality was reported in two flocks of muscovy ducklings from two consecutive hatches originating from the same breeder flock. coughing, dyspnea, and gasping were observed in some ducklings between 6 and 11 days of age. opaque white plugs of exudate were seen in the tracheas with some ducklings having multiple tracheal plugs. tracheal and bronchial epithelium was hyperplastic and superficial epithelial cells contained eosinophilic intranuclear viral inclusions. virus particles compati ...200919630243
aerial distribution of onrab baits as a tactic to control rabies in raccoons and striped skunks in ontario, canada.during august 2006 and 2007, baits containing oral rabies vaccine, live adenovirus vector, known as onrab , were aerially distributed in sw ontario, canada. bait acceptance during 2006 was 62 and 74% in raccoons (procyon lotor) in areas baited at 150 baits/km(2) and 75 and 77% in plots baited at 300 baits/km(2). during 2007, bait acceptance for raccoons ranged between 59% and 80%, and 83% and 87%, in areas baited at 75 and 400 baits/km(2), respectively. bait acceptance by skunks varied among plo ...200919395746
characterization of fowl adenoviruses isolated in ontario and quebec, canada.fowl adenoviruses (fadv) are generally considered ubiquitous, but certain serotypes and strains are known to be associated with primary diseases, such as inclusion body hepatitis (ibh). fifty-two fadv isolates were collected from the provinces of ontario and quebec over a 4-year period. these 2 provinces have the largest poultry industries in canada. except for one virus, which originated from a guinea fowl, all other viruses were isolated from chicken samples. most of these were from broilers, ...200818505186
genotyping of canadian isolates of fowl adenoviruses.five hundred and seventy-three clinical submissions with fowl adenovirus (fadv) involvement were examined to investigate the association of different types of fadv with clinical problems related to fadv infection. samples were received from 2000 to 2006 and originated from seven canadian provinces. four hundred and eighty-seven submissions were inclusion body hepatitis (ibh) related, while 86 were not ibh related. viruses isolated from 287 samples were further analysed by hexon gene loop 1 seque ...200818202956
isolation of enteric viruses in ontario during 1960-1962.during the past three years at the central laboratory, ontario department of health, 681 isolations were made in tissue culture from 6822 specimens submitted for virus studies by physicians and hospitals from all over ontario. nearly 74% of the isolates were enteroviruses, approximately 5% adenoviruses and about 1% reoviruses. the remaining 20% are still to be identified.although the bulk of isolations was made during the same three-month period (august, september and october) of each year, the ...196314052975
adenoviral infection in captive moose (alces alces) in canada.adenoviral infection was associated with hemorrhagic enteritis, serosal hemorrhages, and severe pulmonary edema in six captive moose (alces alces) in toronto, ontario, canada: an adult female moose and three calves in 1985 and two calves in 1998. adenoviral disease was suspected based on histological findings of systemic vasculitis and widespread thrombosis associated with amphophilic intranuclear inclusions in endothelial cells. diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry using antiserum to ...200212216797
silver staining of dna restriction fragments for the rapid identification of adenovirus isolates: application during nosocomial outbreaks.the ultrasensitive photochemical silver stain for nucleic acids, described by beidler et al. (1982), has been applied to the detection of adenovirus restriction fragments as a relatively rapid technique for the identification of virus isolates. in this study, restriction enzyme cleavage analysis was used to characterize adenovirus isolates from what appeared to be two nosocomial outbreaks. the first outbreak was thus shown to include two clusters of patients, and involved two serotypes ad7c and ...19846210299
studies on fastidious adenoviruses in ontario: a distinct strain associated with gastroenteritis.from 100 cases of gastroenteritis among children caused by adenovirus infection in ontario, 33 virus isolates were divided into three categories according to their biological behavior in tissue cultures. so far, the results of neutralization tests, structural protein analysis, and dna restriction patterns showed that the virus of category 1 was similar to adenovirus type 40. however, the adenovirus of category 2 was a distinct adenovirus which shared some similarities with adenovirus type 5. vir ...19863009537
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