
[serotyping of strains of serpulina hyosenteriae isolated form swine with porcine dysentery symptoms in the province of buenos aires].seventeen serpulina hyodysenteriae strains isolated from faeces, rectal swabs and intestinal contents of pigs with swine dysentery, from farms located in buenos aires province were serotyped. samples on selective media (trypticase soy agar added by 5% ovine blood, 400 mg/l spectinomicin, 30 mg/l colistin, 30 mg/l vancomycin) were streaked and incubated under anaerobic atmosphere for 72 h at 42 degrees c. suspected s. hyodysenteriae growth were identified by strong beta-hemolytic zone, without co ...199910932752
antigenic relationships of moraxella bovis isolates recovered from outbreaks of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in argentina, brazil, and uruguay between 1983 and 2000.cross-reactivity indices (cris) of 28 isolates of moraxella bovis recovered from outbreaks of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis in argentina (a, 11 isolates), brazil (b, 7), and uruguay (u, 10) between 1983 and 2000 were estimated. hyperimmune sera were produced in rabbits and antibody titres determined with each isolate. isolates showing cris3 70 were placed in the same group. group i had 13 isolates (a, 1; b, 6; u, 6); group ii had 6 isolates (a, 4; u, 2); groups iii, iv, and v had 2 isol ...200314620871
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