
acanthocephala of marine fishes off fiji islands, with descriptions of filisoma longcementglandatus n. sp., neorhadinorhynchus macrospinosus n. sp. (cavisomidae), and gravid females of rhadinorhynchus johnstoni (rhadinorhynchidae); and keys to species of the genera filisoma and neorhadinorhynchus.a parasitological collection from marine fishes off the fiji islands yielded 5 species of acanthocephalans from 4 species of fish as follows: filisoma longcementglandatus n. sp. from scat scatophagus argus; neorhadinorhynchus macrospinosus n. sp. from vermiculated rabbit fish siganus vermicularis; neorhadinorhynchus nudum (harada, 1938) yamaguti, 1939 (cavisomidae) from mackerel tuna euthynnus affinis; rhadinorhynchus johnstoni golvan, 1969 (rhadinorhynchidae) from e. affinis; and neoechinorhync ...19947931911
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