
genital bovine papillomavirus infection in saudi arabia.genital bovine papillomavirus infection was observed for the first time in the al-ahsa region of saudi arabia. the disease involved 1 female and 2 male 2-4-year-old crossbred cattle. fibropapillomas (warts) were limited to the prepuce and vulva. electron micrographs of thin sections of the lesions revealed the presence of intranuclear viruslike particles. using a broadly cross-reactive rabbit polyclonal antiserum directed against papillomavirus group-specific antigens, the infection was confirme ...19911645597
sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever involving 3-5-week-old calves in saudi arabia.between late december 1999 and late april 2000, three locally bred friesian calves (ageing 25, 28 and 35 days) in a dairy farm, at al-ahsa locality of the eastern region of saudi arabia showed dullness and inappetence. their rectal temperatures ranged between 41 and 41.5 degrees c. one to 2 days later and onwards, the calves showed lacrimation, nasal discharge, salivation, oedema of the head, conjunctivitis, exo-ophthalmia and corneal opacity. one calf showed diarrhoea. the superficial lymph nod ...200312675894
detection of insect immunity substances (lectins) in the midgut extracts from larvae and adult red palm weevil rhynchophorus ferrugineus (olivier) in al-ahsa, saudi arabia.the hemagglutination activities of midgut (mg) fractions of red palm weevil, rhynchophorus ferrugineus against mammalian erythrocytes (rbc) from man (abo), rabbit, horse and sheep were studied. the highest titers were seen with rabbit rbc (p < 0.05) followed by human group b, human group o, horse, human group a, human group ab and sheep, respectively. insect age and nutritional status significantly influenced the agglutinating activities. some of the unfed insects were having low activities (p > ...201020464944
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