
geographical assessment of body measurements and qualitative traits in west african cattle.a total of 1015 adult cows belonging to nine west african cattle breeds were assessed for 16 body measurements and 18 qualitative traits to ascertain the existence of geographical patterns of variation. sampling was carried out in 29 different provinces of mali, burkina faso and benin. for body measurements, taurine breeds took lower average values than the zebu breeds. sanga cattle took intermediate values. qualitative traits did not allow to differentiate among cattle groups (taurine, zebu or ...201526224600
seasonal variation of ticks on cattle in burkina faso.cattle of the sahel zebu peuhl breed from traditionally managed livestock herds in a representative area of north soudanese savana (with 400-900 mm of rainfall/year from may to september) located in the central land of burkina faso, were monitored over 12 months for tick and blood parasite. two species of ticks were found: amblyomma variegatum and hyalomma marginatum rufipes. h. m. rufipes was found on cattle all year round with a highest infestation rate in june characterized by means of 10 +/- ...19989668496
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