
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ...19921483899
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1990, the united states and its territories reported 4,881 cases of rabies in animals to the centers for disease control, a 1.5% increase from 1989. of these, 553 were domestic animals, 4,327 were wild animals, and one was a human being. pennsylvania reported the highest number (611) of rabies cases in animals in 1990. for the first time since surveillance of rabies in wild animals was begun in the 1950s, the number of cases of rabies in raccoons exceeded that in skunks. particularly large in ...19921577642
rabies surveillance, united states, 1988.the primary purpose of the annual report on rabies surveillance is to assist local and state public health officials in the planning of rabies control programs and to guide health professionals in evaluating the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis in patients who are exposed to animals that may be rabid. in 1988, a total of 4,724 cases of animal rabies were reported by 47 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico, similar to the total (4,729) for 1987. no human cases of rabies were ...19892505046
unreported dog bites in 1981, more than 3,200 pennsylvania children, ages 4 to 18 years, were surveyed about their dog bite histories and attitudes toward animals. dog bites were much more common than previously reported: 45 percent of children had been bitten during their lifetimes, and 15.5 percent had been bitten in 1980, more than 36 times the rate reported to health authorities. in 1980, the highest bite rate occurred among children 7-12 years old (20 percent). children were bitten more frequently by the dogs o ...19853923540
rabies in the united states and canada, 1983.primarily as a result of organized canine rabies vaccination, leash laws, and other preventive procedures aimed at the canine population, the number of rabid dogs decreased markedly in the last thirty years (figure 10). this decrease was accompanied by a similar marked reduction in human rabies (table 2, figure 11). as domestic animal rabies declined, rabies in wildlife increased. since 1958 the number of cases of rabid wildlife surpassed domestic rabies cases, and today they account for over 85 ...19853932839
epidemiological analysis of the most prevalent sites and types of canine neoplasia observed in a veterinary hospital. 19744529096
infections in man due to pasteurella multocide. 19734734708
tuberculosis in canine and feline populations. study of high risk populations in pennsylvania, 1966-1968. 19714942215
canine pulmonary disease. ii. retrospective radiographic analysis of pulmonary disease in rural and urban dogs. 19705462665
reconstruction and imaging of the beating methods are discussed which have been developed by the medical image processing group (formerly at suny/buffalo, now at the university of pennsylvania) for the reconstruction of the beating human heart from x-ray projections. two data collection modes are emphasized: the dynamic spatial reconstructor and gated cardiac scanning with a rotate-only (third-generation) computed tomography scanner. how the reconstructed beating heart can be displayed by means of dynamic computer graphics is a ...19826750267
early research in parenteral nutrition. 19806776312
human toxocariasis in a rural community.a questionnaire and serologic survey of a pennsylvania community revealed that 23 (54%) of 43 study participants had antibody titers to toxocara canis (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test [elisa]) in the range defined as positive (greater than or equal to 1:32). age-specific seropositivity rates were highest among adults (greater than or equal to 18 years). positive titers ranged from 1:32 to 1:512. seropositivity did not cluster by family, and seropositivity rates were significantly higher t ...19807424857
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1995, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,877 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (7,247 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (630 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 4.2% from that of 1994 (8,230 cases). most of the decline was the result of 17.1% fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons in areas of the northeast, where rabies is now e ...19968960176
human rabies--new hampshire, 1996.on august 20, 1996, a 32-year-old resident of new hampshire died in a massachusetts hospital from an illness characterized by rapid neurologic deterioration. rabies had been clinically suspected on the date of her transfer from a new hampshire hospital (august 14) and was confirmed by cdc on august 17. this report summarizes the investigation of this case by the state health departments of new hampshire, massachusetts, maryland, and pennsylvania, which implicated a dog in kathmandu, nepal, as th ...19979091784
dog bites in children admitted to pennsylvania trauma bites are a major public health problem in the pediatric population, requiring emergency treatment for wound repair and possible hospitalization in a trauma center. data from the pennsylvania trauma outcome study were analyzed, and the records of 183 pediatric dog bite patients from 1990 to 1995 were evaluated. dog bites were found to constitute a very small proportion of the total pediatric admissions to pennsylvania trauma centers; however, the findings were similar to other reported studi ...19989855983
hemocytic rickettsia-like organisms in ticks: serologic reactivity with antisera to ehrlichiae and detection of dna of agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis by pcr.ixodid ticks were collected from connecticut, massachusetts, missouri, pennsylvania, rhode island, and british columbia (canada) during 1991 to 1994 to determine the prevalence of infection with hemocytic (blood cell), rickettsia-like organisms. hemolymph obtained from these ticks was analyzed by direct and indirect fluorescent antibody (fa) staining methods with dog, horse, or human sera containing antibodies to ehrlichia canis, ehrlichia equi, or rickettsia rickettsii. of the 693 nymphal and a ...19958567911
canine exposure to borrelia burgdorferi and prevalence of ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) on deer as a measure of lyme disease risk in the northeastern united states.surveillance programs that identify areas where both the vector (ixodes dammini) and etiologic agent (borrelia burgdorferi) are present may identify the risk of lyme disease and its spread earlier and more accurately than do programs relying on any single method, particularly human case reports. hunter-killed deer (n = 1,204) from 22 counties in maryland, massachusetts, new hampshire, new york, and pennsylvania were examined in fall 1989 and all ectoparasites were identified. the following sprin ...19938433324
extension of the range of dermacentor variabilis (acari: ixodidae) in pennsylvania.the american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say), until recently was recorded only from the southeastern and southwestern counties of pennsylvania. since 1968, this species has expanded its range and is reported from 63 of pennsylvania's 67 counties. this range extension is a matter of concern to the medical community and to physicians throughout pennsylvania, particularly those with practices in areas where this tick was previously unknown and who may not be familiar with the symptoms of roc ...19938360904
chronic mitral valve disease in cavalier king charles spaniels: 95 cases (1987-1991)systolic heart murmurs caused by chronic mitral valve disease are particularly common in cavalier king charles spaniels (ckcs) in great britain. to determine if american-bred ckcs have a similar high prevalence of chronic valve disease, results of stethoscopic examinations on 394 ckcs were analyzed. left apical systolic heart murmurs were found in 22% of the dogs. the prevalence ranged from 9% in dogs < 1 year old to 100% in those > or = 10 years old; prevalence was 56% in dogs > or = 4 years ol ...19938135932
time series analysis of the prevalence of endoparasitic infections in cats and dogs presented to a veterinary teaching hospital.the apparent prevalence of endoparasitic infections of cats and dogs presented to the small animal veterinary hospital of the university of pennsylvania was measured between 1984 and 1991. two thousand feline and 8077 canine fecal samples were examined along with 6830 canine blood samples. the overall mean monthly prevalence of feline infections was 16% for ascarids, 0.9% for hookworms, 4.0% for tapeworms, 2.4% for giardia spp. and 4.2% for coccidia. the overall mean monthly prevalence of canine ...19957483240
prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to neospora caninum in raccoons, procyon lotor.neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that causes neonatal neuromuscular disease in dogs and abortions in cattle. dogs are the only proven definitive host. little is known about the prevalence of antibodies to this parasite in wildlife. sera from 99 raccoons (procyon lotor) were examined for agglutinating antibodies to n. caninum using the modified agglutination test employing formalin-fixed tachyzoites as antigen. raccoons originated in florida (n = 24, collected in 1996), new jersey (n ...200111695399
rocky mountain spotted fever in areas of high and low prevalence: survey for canine antibodies to spotted fever rickettsiae.antibodies to rickettsia rickettsii were detected by indirect immunofluorescence in sera from 149 of 467 dogs (32%) examined from 4 military installations located in kentucky, north carolina, pennsylvania, and virginia. the prevalence at individual installations ranged from 4.3% at fort knox, ky, to 63.4% at fort bragg, nc. most of the seropositive dogs were in the working and sporting groups of dogs. the difference in antibody prevalence between sexes was not significant. serologic responses we ...19826808878
primary lung cancers in birds and mammals of the philadelphia zoo. 19665948820
chromosome studies of a transplanted and a primary canine venereal sarcoma. 19655897386
exploitation of epidemiologic aspects of malignant lymphoma. 19685674815
[comparative pathology of gastrointestinal cancer in the dog and cat]. 19675626321
a probable case of dracunculus medinensis (linnaeus, 1758) gallandant, 1773, in a dog in pennsylvania. 19664223893
association of cauda equina compression on magnetic resonance images and clinical signs in dogs with degenerative lumbosacral stenosis.magnetic resonance imaging (mri) was used to examine the lumbosacral spine of 27 dogs with degenerative lumbosacral stenosis. four normal dogs were also similarly imaged. compression of the soft-tissue structures within the vertebral canal at the lumbosacral space was assessed in two ways: by measuring dorsoventral diameter on t1-weighted sagittal images and cross-sectional area on transverse images. the severity of the clinical signs was compared to the severity of cauda equina compression. no ...200212428888
epizootiology of endoparasitic infections in pet dogs and cats presented to a veterinary teaching hospital.prevalences of, and risk factors associated with, protozoan and helminth parasite infections were determined for pet dogs and cats presented to the teaching hospital of the university of pennsylvania school of veterinary medicine. of 2294 canine fecal specimens, 34.8% were found to contain one or more kinds of parasite, consisting of: hookworms (14.4%); trichuris vulpis (12.3%); giardia (7.2%); ascarids (5.5%); coccidia (2.7%); cestodes (1.6%). the following risk factors were identified with inf ...19883245104
epidemiologic, clinical, pathologic, and prognostic characteristics of splenic hemangiosarcoma and splenic hematoma in dogs: 217 cases (1985).data on age, sex, and breed were obtained from surgical pathologic records of 92 dogs with splenic hemangiosarcoma (shs) and for 125 dogs with splenic hematoma (sha) diagnosed in 1985 at the university of pennsylvania school of veterinary medicine. further information on body weight, clinical and surgical findings, and survival time was obtained for 59 dogs (64.1%) with shs and 91 dogs (72.8%) with sha. splenic hemangiosarcoma was markedly more common in dogs 8 to 13 years old, and sha was appre ...19883192450
evidence of an unusual pattern of polychlorinated biphenyls in the serum of some residents and canines in paoli, pennsylvania.the present study uses gas liquid chromatography (glc) electron capture detection with packed and capillary columns to detect polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) in serum samples from people living near the electric car repair and maintenance facility of the southeastern pennsylvania transit authority in paoli, pennsylvania. most of the cohort surveyed had serum patterns similar to patterns for aroclor 1260 (ar 1260); a small portion (3/89) had patterns indicative of an ar with higher chlorination ...19911917803
canine axial skeletal osteosarcoma. a retrospective study of 116 cases (1986 to 1989).axial skeletal osteosarcomas were evaluated retrospectively in 116 dogs. thirty-one tumors occurred in the mandible, 26 in the maxilla, 17 in the spine, 14 in the cranium, 12 in the ribs, 10 in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, and 6 in the pelvis. medium-sized and large dogs were most commonly affected. females outnumbered males 2.1:1, but this varied with tumor location. the mean age was 8.7 years. osteosarcomas of the rib occurred in significantly younger dogs (mean age, 5.4 years) than ...19921455640
contamination of soil in two city parks with canine nematode ova including toxocara canis: a preliminary study. 19751237238
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004.during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania).200415343148
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004.during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin).200415371969
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
west nile virus activity--united states, september 29-october 5, 2004.during september 29-october 5, a total of 81 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, florida, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, missouri, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, texas, and virginia).200415470326
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004.during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah).200415483530
medical and behavioral surveillance of dogs deployed to the world trade center and the pentagon from october 2001 to june evaluate early medical and behavioral effects of deployment to the world trade center, fresh kills landfill, or the pentagon on responding search-and-rescue (sar) dogs.200415485044
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004.during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415499683
west nile virus activity--united states, october 27-november 2, 2004.during october 27-november 2, a total of 10 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, iowa, michigan, new mexico, ohio, oklahoma, and pennsylvania).200415525902
west nile virus activity--united states, november 9-16, 2004.during november 9-16, a total of 31 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, maryland, michigan, missouri, new york, pennsylvania, and texas).200415549023
tuberculin sensitivity in a high-risk canine epidemiologic study of tuberculosis in dogs exposed to humans with recently reported tuberculosis was undertaken in philadelphia between july 1966 and june 1968. a total of 29 dogs meeting the criteria for inclusion in the high-risk population were studied by history, physical examination, intradermal tuberculin tests, and radiographic and bacteriologic examination. ten of the 29 dogs showed positive responses to us department of agriculture (usda) standard mammalian tuberculin. positive tube ...19751155446
variables associated with outcome in dogs undergoing extrahepatic biliary surgery: 60 cases (1988-2002).to report clinical findings and define clinical variables associated with outcome in dogs undergoing extrahepatic biliary surgery.200415659021
lead poisoning in dogs at the university of pennsylvania veterinary hospital.twenty-seven dogs with lead poisoning were admitted to the university of pennsylvania veterinary hospital from july, 1963, to april, 1975. the major source of the lead was paint. a common history was ingestion of plaster or paint scrapings during room renovation. most of the dogs were less than 1 year old and had clinical signs referable to the gastrointestinal or the nervous system, or both. the gastrointestinal signs, in order of frequency, were vomiting, anorexia, tender abdomen, diarrhea, an ...1976815231
dog bites can be prevented by proper education of children, appropriate selection of family pets and the restraint of guard dogs in the community. an unusually high incidence of bites by german shepherds was observed in this study. treatment of injuries inflicted by dogs should include: careful wound toilet, appropriate excision of damaged tissues, careful wound repair with adequate drainage and systematic therapy with selected antibiotics.1977556659
the genesis of intravenous hyperalimentation. 197798650
animal bite epidemiology and surveillance for rabies postexposure understand the epidemiology of animal bites and exposure, evaluate the animal exposure reporting system for surveillance of rabies postexposure prophylaxis (pep), and identify opportunities to reduce pep.200010909457
dog bites in children treated in a pediatric emergency department.unintentional injury is the leading cause of death and disability among children. this study sought to describe the characteristics of dog bite injuries to aid in promoting healthy environments for children.200010879363
prevalency data regarding hip dysplasia in dogs needs clarification. 19999887933
dog bite incidence in the city of pittsburgh: a capture-recapture approach.the purpose of this study was to estimate the number of dog bite injuries occurring in the city of pittsburgh in 1993.19979357359
phosphorus loadings associated with a park tourist attraction: limnological consequences of feeding the fish.the linesville spillway of pymatuning state park is one of the most visited tourist attractions in pennsylvania, usa, averaging more than 450,000 visitors . year(-1). carp (cyprinus carpio linnaeus) and waterfowl congregate at the spillway where they are fed bread and other foods by park visitors. we hypothesized that the "breadthrowers" constitute a significant nutrient vector to the upper portion of pymatuning reservoir. in the summer of 2002, we estimated phosphorus loadings attributable to b ...200717265114
annual booster vaccinations. is there an association with immune-mediated problems? 19979127288
a retrospective study of risk factors for repeated admissions for asthma in a rural/suburban university the study reported, the authors examined risk factors for repeated hospital admissions for asthma in a rural/suburban setting. charts of patients who were hospitalized two or more times with the diagnosis of asthma between june 1991 and january 1998 were reviewed. a questionnaire was completed for each admission for 65 patients. the results demonstrated an equal male-to-female ratio, with a mean age of 27 years. hispanics represented 12% of the patients although they accounted for only 2.5% o ...200111409260
allergy test results of a rural and small-city population compared with those of an urban population.the frequency of sensitization to environmental antigens changes in different regions. as such, the pattern of sensitivity to common allergens was studied at multiple sites across central pennsylvania, an area composed of small cities and rural communities, to determine uniqueness of allergies in populations from this area in contrast to allergies as determined by skin testing in large urban centers. the study reported was undertaken to determine allergen variation from an urban population compa ...200111409261
the paws program: pediatric animal awareness and safety. 200111468634
cause of death in dogs according to breed: a necropsy survey of five breeds.the final necropsy diagnoses, obtained between 1985 and 1999, were compared among 1,206 golden retrievers, boxers, german shepherd dogs, labrador retrievers, and rottweilers. a significantly larger proportion of boxers and golden retrievers died of neoplastic disease than the other three breeds. the ages at death were not significantly different among golden retrievers, german shepherd dogs, and labrador retrievers. however, rottweilers and boxers died at a younger age from both neoplastic and n ...200111563442
feasibility of myxomatous mitral valve repair using direct leaflet and chordal radiofrequency ablation.minimally invasive repair of mitral valve prolapse (mvp) causing severe mitral regurgitation (mr) should reduce mr and have chronic durability. our ex vivo, acute in vivo, and chronic in vivo studies suggest that direct application of radiofrequency ablation (rfa) to mitral leaflets and chordae can effect these repair goals to decrease mr.200818973508
recurrence rates and sites for grade ii canine cutaneous mast cell tumors following complete surgical excision.a retrospective study was performed on 31 dogs with completely excised, grade ii, cutaneous mast cell tumors in order to determine recurrence rates and sites. distant tumor recurrence developed in 22% of dogs, and local tumor recurrence developed in 11% of dogs; however, the vast majority of these animals were incompletely staged initially. complete surgical excision of grade ii mast cell tumors was associated with effective local control in 89% of these dogs. therefore, adjuvant radiation thera ...200211804319
a retrospective study of canine and feline cutaneous vasculitis.twenty-one cases of cutaneous vasculitis in small animals (dogs and cats) were reviewed, and cases were divided by clinical signs into five groups. an attempt was made to correlate clinical types of vasculitis with histological inflammatory patterns, response to therapeutic drugs and prognosis. greater than 50% of the cases were idiopathic, whereas five were induced by rabies vaccine, two were associated with hypersensitivity to beef, one was associated with lymphosarcoma and two were associated ...200111906650
canine gastric adenocarcinoma and leiomyosarcoma: a retrospective study of 21 cases (1986-1999) and literature review.this retrospective study describes the clinical course, treatment, and outcome of 21 dogs with gastric adenocarcinomas (n=19) and leiomyosarcomas (n=2). medical records from 1986 to 1999 were reviewed for signalment, weight, diagnosis, tumor location, clinical signs, radiographic imaging procedures, surgical procedures, chemotherapy, duration of follow-up monitoring, outcome, cause of death, metastatic rate, metastatic sites, and method of detection of metastasis. fourteen of 19 (74%) dogs with ...200211908834
traumatic rupture of the ureter: 10 cases.a retrospective study was performed on eight dogs, one cat, and one ferret with ruptured ureters secondary to blunt trauma. the most common physical examination findings were abdominal distension/discomfort (in five of 10 animals) and gross hematuria (in five of six animals). multiple organ injury was also common (in seven of 10 animals). loss of retroperitoneal and peritoneal detail was the most common radiographic finding (in four of six animals). ureteronephrectomy was the most common surgica ...200211908838
trigeminal neuropathy in dogs: a retrospective study of 29 cases (1991-2000).the medical records of 29 dogs unable to close their mouths due to flaccid paralysis or paresis of the muscles innervated by the mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve, were reviewed. idiopathic trigeminal neuropathy was diagnosed in 26 dogs based on complete resolution of clinical signs and lack of any long-term neurological disease. of these dogs, golden retrievers were overrepresented. no age, sex, or seasonal predispositions were identified. trigeminal sensory innervation deficits were ob ...200212022413
a comparison of dog bite injuries in younger and older children treated in a pediatric emergency bites account for a significant number of traumatic injuries in the pediatric population that often require medical treatment. although agent, host, and environmental characteristics of dog bites have been well documented, no attempt has been made to compare these characteristics by patient age group. the purpose of this study is to determine if differences exist in agent, host, and environmental characteristics among younger (< or =6 y) and older (>7 y) patients treated in a pediatric emerg ...200212066018
molecular characterization of cephalosporin-resistant salmonella enterica serotype newport isolates from animals in pennsylvania.multidrug-resistant (mdr) strains of salmonella enterica serotype newport have been described for many years. however, the recognition of newport strains with resistance to cephalosporin antibiotics is more recent. plasmid-mediated cmy-2 ampc beta-lactamases have been identified in salmonella in the united states, and the bla(cmy-2) gene has been shown to be present in salmonella serotype newport. this organism is currently undergoing epidemic spread in both animals and humans in the united stat ...200212454172
volunteers, animals, and butterflies equal good therapy. 200314614388
pre-west nile virus outbreak: perceptions and practices to prevent mosquito bites and viral encephalitis in the united states.mosquitoes can transmit over 100 of the viruses that can cause encephalitis, meningitis, and hemorrhagic disease in humans (chin 2000; gubler 1996; monath 1989). while much is known about the ecology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of the arboviral encephalitides (campbell et al. 2002; centers for disease control and prevention 1997; gubler 1998; hayes 1989; hubálek and halouzka 1999), little empirical research exists regarding the u.s. population's knowledge of mosquitoes and arbovir ...200314733669
value before cost when screening for canine hip dysplasia. 200415163057
tracheal signs and associated vascular anomalies in dogs with persistent right aortic arch.medical records of 55 dogs with 1 or more vascular rings around the esophagus and trachea were reviewed to determine the nature and frequency of related vascular anomalies and to determine the reliability of tracheal deviation on radiographs for the diagnosis of persistent right aortic arch (praa). fifty-two (95%) of the 55 dogs had praa. of the 52 dogs with praa, 44% had coexisting compressive arterial anomalies: 17 had retroesophageal left subclavian artery and 6 had double aortic arch with at ...200415320589
the dog as a sentinel for human infection: prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi c6 antibodies in dogs from southeastern and mid-atlantic states.lyme disease is the most frequently reported human vector-associated disease in the united states. infection occurs after the bite of an ixodid tick that is infected with borrelia burgdorferi. dogs have often been reported to serve as effective sentinel animals to assess the risk of human b. burgdorferi infection. based on published data of human lyme disease case numbers and our clinical impressions, we hypothesized that canine exposure to b. burgdorferi would be lower in north carolina when co ...200415631067
diagnosis and surgical management of ureteral calculi in dogs: 16 cases (1990-2003).to examine the clinical signs, laboratory and radiographic findings, surgical technique, ureterolith composition, and post-operative outcomes in dogs managed surgically for ureterolithiasis to determine whether surgical removal of ureteroliths in dogs resulted in a positive clinical outcome.200515731830
the dog as a sentinel for human infection: prevalence of borrelia burgdorferi c6 antibodies in dogs from southeastern and mid-atlantic states.lyme disease is the most frequently reported human vector-associated disease in the united states. infection occurs after the bite of an ixodid tick that is infected with borrelia burgdorferi. dogs have often been reported to serve as effective sentinel animals to assess the risk of human b. burgdorferi infection. based on published data of human lyme disease case numbers and our clinical impressions, we hypothesized that canine exposure to b. burgdorferi would be lower in north carolina when co ...200516011425
efficacy of training in theriogenology as determined by a survey of determine whether veterinarians perceive that theriogenology training at veterinary medical schools in north america and the caribbean is adequate for achievement of theriogenology skills commonly used in private practice.200616910848
complications and radiographic findings following cemented total hip replacement: a retrospective evaluation of 97 dogs.cemented total hip replacement (cthr) is commonly performed to treat intractable coxofemoral pain in dogs. while owners generally perceive a good outcome after the procedure, the longevity of the implant may be limited by complications such as infection and aseptic loosening. the objective of this retrospective study was to identify the prevalence of complications and radiographic changes following cthr, and to identify factors that may predispose to a need for revision surgery. medical records ...200616972000
the hilar perivenous hyperechoic triangle as a sign of acute splenic torsion in dogs.diagnosis of acute primary splenic torsion is challenging. the ultrasonographic appearance of this condition has been described, but other splenic diseases, such as diffuse infarction because of thrombosis, can appear very similar. we describe an additional ultrasonographic sign of acute splenic torsion; a triangular hyperechoic area at the hilus between the veins and the splenic parenchyma that is continuous with the hyperechoic mesentery. in a group of animals where acute splenic torsion was p ...200617009514
surgical and interventional radiographic treatment of dogs with hepatic arteriovenous report outcome after surgical and interventional radiographic treatment of hepatic arteriovenous fistulae (havf) in dogs.200717461943
cutaneous reactive histiocytosis in dogs: a retrospective evaluation of 32 cases.thirty-two cases of canine cutaneous histiocytosis were retrospectively evaluated. median age at onset was 4 years. lesions included nodules and plaques affecting the head/face, trunk and limbs, and erythema, swelling and depigmentation of the nasal planum/nares. systemic involvement was not ruled out in all cases. all dogs had complete resolution of dermatological lesions after initial treatment (median 45 days). initial treatment included prednisone +/- antibiotics (12 of 32 dogs), prednisone ...200717845621
behavioral assessment of child-directed canine characterize behavioral circumstances of bites to children by dogs presented to a veterinary behavior clinic.200717916894
slc11a1 (formerly nramp1) and susceptibility to canine visceral leishmaniasis.visceral leishmaniasis is the most important zoonosis in europe and it is caused by leishmania infantum, a protozoan intracellular parasite. canine visceral leishmaniasis (cvl) is endemic in the mediterranean basin, middle east, and south america, and is emerging within non endemic areas such as the united kingdom and north america. we have analyzed 24 polymorphisms in the canine slc11a1 (formerly nramp1) gene: 19 new polymorphisms characterized by direct sequencing from 40 dogs of different bre ...200818307968
multistate outbreak of human salmonella infections caused by contaminated dry dog food--united states, 2006-2007.during january 1, 2006-december 31, 2007, cdc collaborated with public health officials in pennsylvania, other states, and the food and drug administration (fda) to investigate a prolonged multistate outbreak of salmonella enterica serotype schwarzengrund infections in humans. a total of 70 cases of s. schwarzengrund infection with the outbreak strain (xbai pulsed-field gel electrophoresis [pfge] pattern jm6x01.0015) were identified in 19 states, mostly in the northeastern united states. this re ...200818480745
update: recall of dry dog and cat food products associated with human salmonella schwarzengrund infections--united states, 2008.on may 16, 2008, cdc reported on a 2006-2007 multistate outbreak of infection with salmonella enterica serotype schwarzengrund that was associated with dry dog food. at the time of that report, a total of 70 cases had been reported from 19 states, with the last case identified on october 1, 2007. subsequently, an additional case was identified on december 29, 2007. epidemiologic and environmental investigations have suggested the source of the outbreak was dry pet food produced by one manufactur ...200818987615
revised state law goes after puppy mills. 200819014281
courage and character, leaders and legends: an interview with joel cooper, md, facs, frcps. interview by linda ohler. 200819186573
physical activity and pet ownership in year 3 of the health abc ownership among older adults was investigated to determine whether dog owners were more likely to engage in physical activity than non-dog-pet or non-pet owners. the relationship between pet ownership and physical activity was examined using data from the health abc study. after age, race, education level, number of assets, family income, and site were adjusted for dog owners were more likely than non-pet owners to have engaged in non-exercise-related walking in the preceding week but did no ...200619462546
endoparasite prevalence and recurrence across different age groups of dogs and cats.the apparent prevalence of endoparasite infections across different age groups was calculated from 6555 dogs and 1566 cats that had a fecal examination performed upon presentation to the veterinary hospital of the university of pennsylvania between 1997 and 2007. based on notations from the medical history indicating prior parasite infections, estimates of recurrence were generated for each common group of parasites, including trichuris, giardia, ascarids, hookworms, cystoisospora, and tapeworms ...200919709815
factors influencing heartworm, flea, and tick preventative use in patients presenting to a veterinary teaching hospital.the introduction of modern heartworm, flea, and tick preventatives has provided a safe and effective means of controlling companion animal endoparasites, but achieving good owner compliance remains an ongoing challenge for the veterinary profession. based on a sample of patients from the veterinary teaching hospital at the university of pennsylvania, this study retrospectively examined factors associated with preventative use and areas of potential weakness in client communication. between 1999 ...201019931925
an assessment of the agreement between the new zealand veterinary association hip dysplasia scoring system and the pennhip distraction index in german shepherd determine the level of agreement between the new zealand veterinary association (nzva) hip dysplasia scoring system and the university of pennsylvania hip improvement program (pennhip) distraction index in german shepherd dogs, and whether using the nzva subtotal score or its components affected the level of agreement.200919966893
risk factors for endoparasitism in dogs: retrospective case-control study of 6578 veterinary teaching hospital cases.the diagnostic utility of routine faecal examinations can be greatly enhanced through an appreciation of risk factors most commonly associated with endoparasitism.200919972636
severe blunt trauma in dogs: 235 cases (1997-2003).to evaluate population characteristics, injuries, emergency diagnostic testing, and outcome of dogs with blunt trauma requiring intensive care in an urban hospital.200920017765
the association of blood lactate concentration with outcome in dogs with idiopathic immune-mediated hemolytic anemia: 173 cases (2003-2006).to determine the association of blood lactate with outcome and response to transfusion therapy in dogs with idiopathic immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (imha).201020731807
evaluation of an inhouse rapid elisa test for detection of giardia in domestic sheep (ovis aries).sheep (ovis aries) are increasingly used at our institution as models of human disease. within the research environment, routine husbandry and handling of sheep has potential for transmission of zoonotic agents, including giardia. the prevalence of giardia in sheep may approach 68%. classic diagnostic testing involves microscopic examination for fecal cysts or trophozoites; however, limitations of microscopy include time, labor, and potential false-negative results due to intermittent shedding. ...201021205445
comparative magnetic resonance imaging findings between gliomas and presumed cerebrovascular accidents in dogs.cerebrovascular accidents, or strokes, and gliomas are common intraaxial brain lesions in dogs. an accurate differentiation of these two lesions is necessary for prognosis and treatment decisions. the magnetic resonance (mr) imaging characteristics of 21 dogs with a presumed cerebrovascular accident and 17 with a glioma were compared. mr imaging findings were reviewed retrospectively by three observers unaware of the final diagnosis. statistically significant differences between the appearance o ...201121322385
point seroprevalence of canine influenza virus h3n8 in dogs participating in a flyball tournament in determine the seroprevalence of antibody against canine influenza virus h3n8 in a group of pet dogs that participate in flyball in pennsylvania. design-serologic survey: animals-dogs attending a flyball tournament in downingtown, pa, from november 13 to 14, 2009. procedures-blood samples were collected from dogs following owner consent. medical, travel, and activity history of the dogs for the previous 10.5 months was obtained from owners. serum was harvested and submitted to cornell universi ...201121401429
rabies vaccine baits, pennsylvania. 200516485505
brief report: respiratory illness associated with boot sealant products--five states, 2005-2006.during february 2005-february 2006, six regional poison control centers in five states were consulted regarding 172 human and 19 animal (i.e., pet cat or dog) exposures to shoe or boot leather protection or sealant products resulting in respiratory illness. one product was associated with 126 cases of human illness and another product with seven cases. an ongoing investigation, begun in december 2005, is being conducted by the poison centers. the majority of cases occurred in michigan, where poi ...200616675946
"non-bite dog-related" injuries: an overlooked injury mechanism in the pediatric population.each year, approximately 4.7 million americans sustain dog bites, the majority of which occur in children. in response to this alarming trend, injury prevention programs across the country have focused efforts on preventing dog bites in children. however, little attention has been given to non-bite dog-related injuries, and to date, no data have been presented on this type of injury in the western literature.201122072041
survey of antibodies to leishmania spp. in wild canids from pennsylvania and tennessee.visceral leishmaniasis (vl) is a zoonosis with worldwide distribution. infections with the leishmania donovani complex, including leishmania infantum, cause the vl. domestic dogs are the most important reservoir host for human vl, and wild canids are also susceptible. in the united states, infections with l. infantum are common in the foxhound dog breed. little information is available regarding l. infantum in wild canids in the unites states. sera from 11 foxes and 256 coyotes originating in pe ...201324450086
dentist-physician george j. ziegler: rogue researcher, "cosmic" editor and social industrious self-made man, george jacob ziegler (1821-1895) was successively a hairdresser, dentist, physician, author and editor. he is best known as the medical editor of the periscope section of the dental cosmos, and as a social activist who championed the welfare of soldiers, women, and nonsmokers. ziegler's most unfortunate legacy was his research on dogs, which he misinterpreted as demonstrating nitrous oxide's safety in resuscitation. pointing to ziegler's work, dental anesthetist g.q ...201121563726
indoor allergen sensitization and the risk of asthma and eczema in children in pittsburgh.several studies have shown that sensitization to cockroach and mouse allergens is correlated with presence and severity of asthma, especially among children living in inner cities. this study evaluated the prevalence of positive skin testing to indoor allergens in the pittsburgh area and the association with asthma and eczema. a retrospective analysis was performed of 540 children from the pittsburgh area who underwent skin testing to indoor allergens. presence of asthma and eczema were determi ...201122195690
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