
natural infection of dogs on cape cod with rickettsia rickettsii.four isolates of rickettsiae from sick dogs on cape cod, mass., were serologically identical to isolates of rickettsia rickettsii from human patients with rocky mountain spotted fever. the antigenic analysis used the indirect fluorescent-antibody test and antisera prepared in mice to each of the isolates and to reference strains of r. rickettsii and rickettsia montana. serological responses of infected dogs were specific for r. rickettsii, although antibodies to r. montana were also detected in ...1979114534
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1989, 4,808 cases of rabies in animals other than human beings were reported to the centers for disease control, 1.8% more (4,724 to 4,808) than in 1988. eighty-eight percent (4,224/4,808) of those affected were wild animals and 12% (584/4,808) were domestic animals. cases were reported from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico; hawaii remained rabies-free. skunks (1,657) continued to be the most commonly reported rabid wild animal. for the second consecutive year, more cats ( ...19902276949
antibodies to spotted fever-group rickettsiae in dogs in north carolina.a seroepidemiologic survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of antibodies reactive with 4 spotted fever-group (sfg) rickettsiae in sera of dogs from various geographic regions in north carolina. serum specimens were obtained from 600 dogs, and antibody titers were determined, using microimmunofluorescence. data analysis (setting as the criterion for a positive result, a rickettsia rickettsii titer greater than or equal to 1:64) overestimated the actual prevalence of canine exposure to t ...19873118744
coyote as a final host for sarcocystis species of goats, sheep, cattle, elk, bison, and moose in montana.tissues (1 kg) from sheep, goats, cattle, moose, bison, or elk naturally infected with sarcocystis species were fed to one to four sarcocystis-free coyotes and the number of sporocysts in feces and intestines were counted. all 12 coyotes fed naturally infected tissues shed sarcocystis in feces, with a prepatent period of 9 to 15 days. the four coyotes fed infected beef had 15, 25, 113, and 201 million sporocysts in their feces and intestines. the coyotes fed elk, moose, or bison had 2.5, 15, and ...19806778270
antibodies to spotted fever-group rickettsiae in dogs and prevalence of infected ticks in southern connecticut.blood samples and ticks were obtained from dogs to assess canine exposure to spotted fever-group (sfg) rickettsiae during 1978-1980 in southern connecticut. of the 1,576 dog sera screened by microimmunofluorescence. 174 (11.0%) contained specific antibodies at titers greater than or equal to 1:64 against rickettsia montana (n = 34), r rickettsii (n = 31), r rhipicephali (n = 19), or the unclassified 369-c rickettsia (n = 90). end points greater than or equal to 1:8,192 to r rickettsii and to r r ...19826803626
rocky mountain spotted fever in areas of high and low prevalence: survey for canine antibodies to spotted fever rickettsiae.antibodies to rickettsia rickettsii were detected by indirect immunofluorescence in sera from 149 of 467 dogs (32%) examined from 4 military installations located in kentucky, north carolina, pennsylvania, and virginia. the prevalence at individual installations ranged from 4.3% at fort knox, ky, to 63.4% at fort bragg, nc. most of the seropositive dogs were in the working and sporting groups of dogs. the difference in antibody prevalence between sexes was not significant. serologic responses we ...19826808878
clinically mild tularemia associated with tick-borne francisella tularensis.between may 9 and july 3, 1979, 12 cases of glandular or ulceroglandular tularemia occurred in residents of the crow indian reservation in southcentral montana; only 13 cases had been reported from this geographic area in the preceding 25 years. the illness was mild, characterized by fever and cervical or occipital adenopathy. systemic symptoms were self-limited although residual lymphadenopathy was common. francisella tularensis was isolated from ticks (dermacentor variabilis), the suspected ve ...19836886487
epizootic toxoplasmosis associated with abortion in dairy goats in montana.perinatal toxoplasmosis was diagnosed in goats from 2 farms in montana. of 7 pregnant does from one farm, 1 aborted a dead fetus and 2 each had a kid infected in utero. toxoplasma gondii was demonstrated histologically in the placenta of 2 of the infected does and by mouse inoculation in all 3 of them. the organism also was isolated from internal organs of 6 of 7 does, 4 of 4 cats, and 3 of 11 chickens from the farm. a pregnant doe from the other farm delivered 3 kids infected with t gondii. one ...19817204243
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004.during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania).200415343148
sylvatic plague reduces genetic variability in black-tailed prairie dogs.small, isolated populations are vulnerable to loss of genetic diversity through in-breeding and genetic drift. sylvatic plague due to infection by the bacterium yersinia pestis caused an epizootic in the early 1990s resullting in declines and extirpations of many black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies in north-central montana, usa. plague-induced population bottlenecks may contribute to significant reductions in genetic variability. in contrast, gene flow maintains genetic vari ...200415362819
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
west nile virus activity--united states, october 20-26, 2004.during october 20-26, a total of 80 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 16 states (arizona, california, florida, iowa, kentucky, louisiana, michigan, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, new york, ohio, south dakota, texas, and utah).200415514584
survey of 11 western states for heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) infection, heartworm diagnostic and prevention protocols, and fecal examination protocols for gastrointestinal parasites.heartworm infection in dogs and cats in the western united states is a fairly new phenomenon, and for this reason it is often considered to be of minimal significance. the purpose of this survey was to collect data from 11 western states (arizona, california, colorado, idaho, montana, nevada, new mexico, oregon, utah, washington, and wyoming) in an effort to assess awareness of heartworm disease and identify areas in which improvement in understanding is needed. to accomplish this goal, veterina ...200718183548
mountain plover responses to plague in montana.plague is a bacterial (yersinia pestis) disease that causes epizootic die-offs in black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) populations in the north american great plains. through their grazing and burrowing, prairie dogs modify vegetation and landscape structure on their colonies in ways that affect other grassland species. plague epizootics on prairie dog colonies can have indirect effects on species associated with colonies. the mountain plover (charadrius montanus) preferentially nests ...201020158330
sarcocystis caninum and sarcocystis svanai n. spp. (apicomplexa: sarcocystidae) associated with severe myositis and hepatitis in the domestic dog (canis familiaris).there are several reports of sarcocystis sarcocysts in muscles of dogs, but these species have not been named. additionally, there are two reports of sarcocystis neurona in dogs. here, we propose two new names, sarcocystis caninum, and sarcocystis svanai for sarcocysts associated with clinical muscular sarcocystosis in four domestic dogs (canis familiaris), one each from montana and colorado in the usa, and two from british columbia, canada. only the sarcocyst stage was identified. most of the s ...201625256157
enzootic plague reduces black-footed ferret (mustela nigripes) survival in ferrets (mustela nigripes) require extensive prairie dog colonies (cynomys spp.) to provide habitat and prey. epizootic plague kills both prairie dogs and ferrets and is a major factor limiting recovery of the highly endangered ferret. in addition to epizootics, we hypothesized that enzootic plague, that is, presence of disease-causing yersinia pestis without any noticeable prairie dog die off, may also affect ferret survival. we reduced risk of plague on portions of two ferret rein ...201020158329
no evidence of persistent yersina pestis infection at prairie dog colonies in north-central montana.sylvatic plague is a flea-borne zoonotic disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, which can cause extensive mortality among prairie dogs (cynomys) in western north america. it is unclear whether the plague organism persists locally among resistant host species or elsewhere following epizootics. from june to august 2002 and 2003 we collected blood and flea samples from small mammals at prairie dog colonies with a history of plague, at prairie dog colonies with no history of plague, and fr ...200616699160
asbestos problems in montana and california. 200414968837
good medicine has gone to the dogs. 199910662346
soil ingestion estimates for children residing on a superfund site.soil ingestion estimates were obtained from a stratified, simple random sample of 64 children aged 1-4 years residing on a superfund site in montana. the study was conducted during the month of september for 7 consecutive days. the study utilized a mass-balance methodology in which eight naturally occurring soil tracers (al, si, ti, ce, nd, la, y, and zr) believed to be poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract were employed to provide soil ingestion estimates. food and fecal samples were an ...19979143454
range of heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) infection in montana dogs.the serological presence of heartworm in dogs of montana was studied in a 3-yr survey. serum samples were provided by veterinary practitioners throughout montana or were submitted to the state diagnostic laboratory. sera from 3,490 dogs were tested using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for circulating adult heartworm antigen. twenty-four serum samples were positive for heartworm antigen. two were from dogs that had never been outside the state. nineteen additional positive dogs, 7 o ...19938331485
the centenary of lester dragstedt--fifty years of therapeutic vagotomy.lester reynolds dragstedt was trained initially as a physiologist and subsequently became a surgeon. he achieved renown not only because of his intellectual and technical skills, but because he was able to utilize physiological principles to define the development of surgical procedures. a humble upbringing in anaconda, montana was followed by a scientific education in chicago. his brief background in surgery was obtained during a two year period spent mostly in vienna and budapest. at the unive ...19947502534
sarcocystis species in moose (alces alces), bison (bison, bison), and pronghorn (antilocapra americana) in montana.the transmission of sarcocystis spp from naturally infected moose, bison, and pronghorn was attempted in laboratory-raised coyotes and dogs. infected musculature from a moose was feed to a dog and a coyote, and 12 days later, both animals shed sporocysts. sporocysts were 14 to 17 x 8.5 to 10.5 micron (av 14.5 x 8.8). a coyote was fed muscle from a bison, and 11 days later, it shed sporocysts. the sporocysts were 14 to 16 x 9 to 11 micron (14.0 x 9.0). infected tissues from a pronghorn were fed t ...19806782919
spotted fever group rickettsiae in dermacentor variabilis from cape cod, massachusetts.spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae were identified by indirect immunofluorescent antibody tests in 1.1% of 6,956 specimens of dermacentor variabilis collected on cape cod, massachusetts. forty-one of 45 rickettsial isolates were serotyped as rickettsia montana, one as rickettsia rickettsii, and three were unidentified. studies of canines and humans with clinical evidence of spotted fever, and of healthy dogs with antibody to sfg rickettsiae, indicated that exposure of the canine population to ...19806773430
epidemiology of rocky mountain spotted fever in ohio, 1981: serologic evaluation of canines and rickettsial isolation from ticks associated with human case exposure sites.a survey for the prevalence of rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) antibodies in dogs associated with confirmed human cases in ohio was conducted during 1981. twelve of 14 confirmed cases (85%) had a history of dog association prior to onset of rmsf. a total of 29 dogs were included in the study, with 16 dogs providing serum samples for antibody testing and the remainder providing tick samples. serum samples tested by indirect microimmunofluorescence techniques revealed 12/16 dogs (75%) to be se ...19846435461
antibodies to ehrlichia canis, ehrlichia platys, and spotted fever group rickettsiae in louisiana dogs.antibodies to ehrlichia canis, ehrlichia platys, and spotted fever group (sfg) rickettsiae were detected by indirect immunofluorescence in sera from 27 ill individually owned thrombocytopenic dogs (platelet concentrations less than 200,000 platelets/microliters) and 59 healthy kenneled dogs located in southern louisiana. platelet concentrations less than 100,000 platelets/microliters were detected in 63% of ill thrombocytopenic dogs and 6.8% of healthy kennel dogs. one ill thrombocytopenic dog h ...19883146636
sarcocystis in feces of coyotes from montana: prevalence and experimental transmission to sheep and cattle. 1978104939
the absence of concordant population genetic structure in the black-tailed prairie dog and the flea, oropsylla hirsuta, with implications for the spread of yersinia pestis.the black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) is a keystone species on the mid- and short-grass prairies of north america. the species has suffered extensive colony extirpations and isolation as a result of human activity including the introduction of an exotic pathogen, yersinia pestis, the causative agent of sylvatic plague. the prairie dog flea, oropsylla hirsuta, is the most common flea on our study colonies in north-central montana and it has been shown to carry y. pestis. we used mic ...201020550633
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