endemic human plague in new mexico: risk factors associated with infection. | a retrospective case-control study was conducted to identify risk factors, other than contact with infected animal tissues, for infection caused by yersinia pestis in non-indian residents of areas with endemic sylvatic plague in new mexico. the study group consisted of 16 persons who had bacteriologically confirmed cases of plague in the period 1975-1976 and 45 controls who were matched by age, sex, and location of residence. participants were questioned about outdoor activities, environmental c ... | 1979 | 574152 |
epidemiologic investigation of echinococcosis in american indians living in arizona and new mexico. | ten cases of echinococcosis diagnosed in american indians in arizona and new mexico between 1972 and 1975 were investigated as part of a regional epidemiologic study. patients were visited at home to discover factors associated with local parasite transmission, to detect possible additional cases among family members, and to perform diagnostic tests on dogs. six patients were navajo, 2 zuni, and 2 santo domingo indians. an additional case in a navajo man was detected by serologic testing of pati ... | 1977 | 842773 |
prevalence of echinococcus granulosus and other cestodes in dogs on the navajo reservation in arizona and new mexico. | fecal specimens from 429 dogs purged with arecoline hydrobromide at 131 rural camps on the navajo reservation in arizona and new mexico were examined for cestodes. echinococcus granulosus was found in feces from 3 dogs at 3 different camps. other cestodes present were taenia hydatigena--45.5%, taenia pisiformis--21.0%, taenia serialis--11.9%, and taenia ovis--1.6%. | 1977 | 879566 |
epidemiologic and clinical features of an outbreak of bubonic plague in new mexico. | an outbreak of seven cases of bubonic plague in new mexico was investigated. clinical features were studied and correlated with field studies in an attmept to determine the source of infection in patients with indefinite histories of exposure. most patients presented with fever, malaise, and an acute painful lymphadenitis (bubo). one death occurred in a patient with bubonic-septicemic plague complicated by meningitis due to yersinia pestis. all patients lived in rural or semirural areas, and mos ... | 1977 | 908848 |
echinococcosis in american indians living in arizona and new mexico: a review of recent studies. | | 1977 | 920725 |
prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in wild and domestic animals of new mexico, arizona and colorado. | using the sabin-feldman dye test, sera from wild and domestic animals in new mexico, arizona and colorado were tested for the prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii. the prevalence of positive titers (greater than or equal to 1:8) in animals from these areas was: new mexico (178 of 569, 31%), arizona (11 of 56, 20%), and colorado (2 of 7, 29%). the overall prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma was 30% (191 of 632). nine of 17 fecal samples from wild zoo felines contained toxoplasma-like ... | 1976 | 933314 |
rabies surveillance, united states, 1988. | the primary purpose of the annual report on rabies surveillance is to assist local and state public health officials in the planning of rabies control programs and to guide health professionals in evaluating the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis in patients who are exposed to animals that may be rabid. in 1988, a total of 4,724 cases of animal rabies were reported by 47 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico, similar to the total (4,729) for 1987. no human cases of rabies were ... | 1989 | 2505046 |
cultural ecology of prehistoric parasitism on the colorado plateau as evidenced by coprology. | the study of coprolites (desiccated feces) is recognized as a viable method for analyzing parasitism of prehistoric peoples. eight species of helminth parasites, including nematodes, cestodes, and acanthcephalans, have been recovered from archaeological sites on the colorado plateau. the comparative analysis of parasitological findings illustrates the effects of changing subsistence strategies and varying life-style on prehistoric human parasitism. this comparative study is based on the analysis ... | 1988 | 3067587 |
a study of dog bites on the navajo reservation. | reservation-wide dog-bite statistics indicate a bite rate on the navajo reservation that is comparable to that of a large city. detailed analysis of 772 bite reports was made to determine the characteristics of biters and their victims. this included an assessment of the behavioral antecedents leading up to the bite incident; 98.4 percent of all cases for which a possible cause could be ascertained were provoked in some way. both dog control and public education measures need to be taken to redu ... | 1986 | 3080791 |
ectoparasites of vertebrates cohabiting black-tailed prairie dog towns in eastern new mexico. | | 1985 | 3981751 |
vi. plague. epidemiology. | | 1972 | 5069999 |
the role of domestic animals in the epidemiology of plague. ii. antibody to yersinia pestis in sera of dogs and cats. | | 1971 | 5115674 |
a survey of intestinal helminths in dogs from albuquerque, new mexico. | | 1967 | 5624879 |
animal bites as an occupational hazard among animal control officers. | one hundred-and-two full-time animal control officers (acos) in new mexico were surveyed to learn about animal bite risks in this little-studied occupational group. the overall bite rate was 2.57 per working-year (175-500 times population-based rate estimates). a "high risk" aco subset (seven officers involved in 67 per cent of bite incidents) was discovered. evaluation of animal bite data can contribute to prevention of occupational injuries among the estimated 10,000 full-time acos in this cou ... | 1984 | 6696157 |
the veterinarian as an expert witness. | | 1982 | 7130005 |
quantitative assessment of exposure to dog (can f 1) and cat (fel d 1) allergens: relation to sensitization and asthma among children living in los alamos, new mexico. | our objective was to identify the allergens associated with asthma among schoolchildren in an area of the united states where dust mite growth is expected to be poor. los alamos, n.m., was chosen because it has low rainfall and is at high altitude (7200 feet) making it very dry. one hundred eleven children (12 to 14 years old) from the middle school who had been previously classified according to bronchial hyperreactivity to histamine (bhr) were studied. | 1995 | 7560654 |
potential mosquito vectors of dirofilaria immitis in bernalillo county, new mexico. | the susceptibility of aedes vexans, culex quinquefasciatus, and culex tarsalis to dirofilaria immitis infections was evaluated in bernalillo co., new mexico. mosquitoes that had taken a blood meal from a d. immitis-infected dog were dissected and observed for developing larvae. infection rates for ae. vexans, cx. quinquefasciatus, and cx. tarsalis were 68.9, 40.6, and 30.2%, respectively. infective d. immitis larvae developed after a minimum of 8 days in ae. vexans vs. 14 days in both cx. quinqu ... | 1995 | 7616197 |
capnocytophaga canimorsus sepsis misdiagnosed as plague--new mexico, 1992. | since 1961, 200 human isolates of capnocytophaga canimorsus--a gram-negative bacterium--have been sent to cdc for identification. infections with this organism may result in a spectrum of manifestations ranging from self-limiting cellulitis to fatal septicemia; most fatal infections have occurred in persons with a history of asplenia, alcoholism, or hematologic malignancy. in most (77%) cases, infection is preceded by a bite or other exposure to dogs. this report summarizes the investigation by ... | 1993 | 8429807 |
dynamics of plague in a gunnison's prairie dog colony complex from new mexico. | a plague (yersinia pestis) epizootic spread through gunnison's prairie dogs (cynomys gunnisoni), and possibly other rodent species, in the moreno valley in north-central new mexico between winter 1984-1985 and autumn 1987. we observed the progress of the epizootic and subsequent population recovery at four prairie dog towns within the valley during this period. at two towns (midlake and val verde) the prairie dogs were marked prior to the epizootic. at two additional towns (vega and south entran ... | 1997 | 9391954 |
serologic survey for hantavirus infection in domestic animals and coyotes from new mexico and northeastern arizona. | to determine whether animals had serologic evidence of infection with sin nombre virus (snv). | 1998 | 9540866 |
sampling for sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among prairie dog colonies on ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis in new mexico and colorado. | the possible presence of sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among colonies of gunnison's prairie dogs, cynomys gunnisoni baird, was investigated on or near ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis (vs) in domestic livestock in the mid-rio grande river valley, nm, and west-slope region of colorado. sampling was conducted at six locations, three in each region, using three methods: standard down-draft suction/light traps, up-draft suction/light traps (both supplemented with co2), and burrow-e ... | 2002 | 12144304 |
environmental, policy, and cultural factors related to physical activity in sedentary american indian women. | focus group interviews were conducted to explore sociocultural, environmental, and policy-related determinants of physical activity among sedentary american indian women. thirty women aged 20 to 50 years (mean = 37.4 +/- 10.6 years) participated. three sessions were conducted with women aged 20 to 34 years and three with women aged 35 to 50 to evaluate response differences by age. because no obvious age differences were observed, data were pooled. barriers to physical activity included inadequat ... | 2002 | 12487141 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 18-24, 2004. | during august 18-24, a total of 154 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, connecticut, florida, georgia, illinois, kentucky, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, south dakota, tennessee, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15329654 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004. | during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15343148 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004. | during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15371969 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004. | during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15385920 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004. | during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15457147 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004. | during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah). | 2004 | 15483530 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004. | during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15499683 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 27-november 2, 2004. | during october 27-november 2, a total of 10 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, iowa, michigan, new mexico, ohio, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15525902 |
west nile virus activity--united states, november 3-8, 2004. | during november 3-8, a total of 41 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from seven states (california, maryland, minnesota, new mexico, oregon, tennessee, and texas). | 2004 | 15538322 |
survey of 11 western states for heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) infection, heartworm diagnostic and prevention protocols, and fecal examination protocols for gastrointestinal parasites. | heartworm infection in dogs and cats in the western united states is a fairly new phenomenon, and for this reason it is often considered to be of minimal significance. the purpose of this survey was to collect data from 11 western states (arizona, california, colorado, idaho, montana, nevada, new mexico, oregon, utah, washington, and wyoming) in an effort to assess awareness of heartworm disease and identify areas in which improvement in understanding is needed. to accomplish this goal, veterina ... | 2007 | 18183548 |
chiropractic, veterinary groups negotiate roles in animal care. | | 2010 | 20336852 |
molecular characterization of coprophilous fungal communities reveals sequences related to root-associated fungal endophytes. | this paper reports the use of molecular methods to characterize the coprophilous fungal communities (cfc) that inhabit the dung of four species of mammalian herbivores at two sites, sevilleta national wildlife refuge (snwr) in new mexico and wind cave national park (wcnp) in south dakota. results reveal that cfc from domesticated cattle (bos taurus) at snwr, and bison (bison bison) and black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) at wcnp were diverse but dominated primarily by members within ... | 2011 | 20842497 |
animal-caused fatalities in new mexico, 1993-2004. | to evaluate animal-caused fatalities in new mexico using data collected during medicolegal death investigations, including toxicology, survival interval, and circumstances. | 2007 | 18076295 |
plague cases escalate again in new mexico. | | 1998 | 9676583 |
clarification about plague and its diagnosis. | | 1997 | 9301733 |
host preference of mosquitoes in bernalillo county, new mexico. | host preference of mosquitoes was determined using animal-baited traps. hosts used in the study were cattle, chickens, dogs, and horses. ten mosquito species representing 4 genera were collected from the animal-baited traps. aedes vexans, aedes dorsalis, culex quinquefasciatus. culex tarsalis, and culiseta inornata were used as indicator species for data analysis. greater numbers of ae. vexans, ae. dorsalis, and cs. inornata were collected from cattle and horses than from chickens or dogs. in ad ... | 1997 | 9152878 |
association of asthma with serum ige and skin test reactivity to allergens among children living at high altitude. tickling the dragon's breath. | asthma in children and young adults is strongly associated with immediate hypersensitivity to indoor allergens, notably those derived from the house dust mite. in addition, outdoor air pollution is considered to aggravate existing asthma. we investigated the prevalence of asthma and the pattern of allergen sensitization in a mite-free environment with low levels of outdoor air pollution. a total of 567 children aged between 12 and 14 attending los alamos middle school, nm (altitude 7,200 feet) w ... | 1995 | 7735590 |
dog and cat allergens and asthma among school children in los alamos, new mexico, usa: altitude 7,200 feet. | a survey of the middle school in los alamos, n.m., usa, identified 57 children with symptoms of asthma and 54 controls. among these children, sensitization to cat and dog allergens was very strongly associated with bronchial reactivity and symptoms. in contrast, sensitization to mites, cockroach, or grass pollen allergens was not significantly associated with symptoms or bronchial reactivity. in keeping with these results, dust from houses in los alamos only contained high levels of cat or dog a ... | 1995 | 7613154 |
anti-rabies treatments in new mexico: impact of a comprehensive consultation-biologics system. | fewer than 20% of the 30,000 anti-rabies treatments administered in the united states each year are necessary. new mexico established a comprehensive consultation-biologics program to assist physicians in making appropriate and systematic rabies treatment decisions. in 1978, 32 individuals received anti-rabies treatments as the result of 144 physician consultation requests. dog and cat exposures accounted for 70 per cent of consultations and 63 per cent of the treatments. a seasonal peak of both ... | 1980 | 7352606 |
flea abundance, diversity, and plague in gunnison's prairie dogs (cynomys gunnisoni) and their burrows in montane grasslands in northern new mexico. | plague, a flea-transmitted infectious disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, is a primary threat to the persistence of prairie dog populations (cynomys spp.). we conducted a 3-yr survey (2004-2006) of fleas from gunnison's prairie dogs (cynomys gunnisoni) and their burrows in montane grasslands in valles caldera national preserve in new mexico. our objectives were to describe flea communities and identify flea and rodent species important to the maintenance of plague. we live-trapped p ... | 2010 | 20688629 |
climatic predictors of the intra- and inter-annual distributions of plague cases in new mexico based on 29 years of animal-based surveillance data. | within the united states, the majority of human plague cases are reported from new mexico. we describe climatic factors involved in intra- and inter-annual plague dynamics using animal-based surveillance data from that state. unlike the clear seasonal pattern observed at lower elevations, cases occur randomly throughout the year at higher elevations. increasing elevation corresponded with delayed mean time in case presentation. using local meteorological data (previous year mean annual precipita ... | 2010 | 20065002 |
the role of feral mammals on wildlife infectious disease prevalence in two nature reserves within mexico city limits. | wild and feral medium-sized mammals were live trapped at two natural protected areas within the mexico city limits to determine antibody prevalence for the most common infectious diseases (rabies, toxoplasmosis, and canine parvovirus) in dogs and cats. mammals were trapped during the dry (march-april) and rainy seasons (july-august) of 1996 and 1997. a total of 68 individuals were captured, representing 8 species: opossums (didelphis virginiana), ringtails (bassariscus astutus), spotted skunks ( ... | 2005 | 17312768 |