proceedings of the international embryo transfer society. fifth annual conference - 14-16 january, 1979. | | 1979 | 33864 |
campylobacter enteritis associated with canine infection. | campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni has recently been recognised as a human enteric pathogen. five cases of campylobacter enteritis are described. all five patients had abdominal pain and diarrhoea. two of the five patients had bloody diarrhoea and relapses. all the patients had been in contact with young dogs which had had diarrhoea. campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni was isolated from these dogs or from their litter-mates. canine infection with campylobacter fetus ss. jejuni may be an important source ... | 1978 | 82001 |
passive smoking and canine lung cancer risk. | a case-control study was conducted to determine whether household exposure to environmental tobacco smoke is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer in pet dogs. lung cancer cases and controls with other forms of cancer were obtained from two veterinary teaching hospitals during 1985-1987. exposures assessed included the number of smokers in the household, the amount smoked, and the proportion of time spent indoors by the pet. a weak relation was found for exposure to a smoker in the h ... | 1992 | 1546698 |
risk factors for development of chronic superficial keratitis in dogs. | proportional hospital accession ratios for chronic superficial keratitis (csk) of dogs were determined for 16 us veterinary teaching hospitals participating in the veterinary medical data base between jan 1, 1976 and dec 31, 1991. the prevalence of csk was significantly correlated (r = 0.90) with altitude of residence, but not with latitude, longitude, mean annual solar radiation, or mean annual relative humidity. medical records of dogs with (n = 595) and without (n = 72,877) csk examined at th ... | 1994 | 8050943 |
cured and broiled meat consumption in relation to childhood cancer: denver, colorado (united states) | the association between cured and broiled meat consumption by the mother during pregnancy and by the child was examined in relation to childhood cancer. five meat groups (ham, bacon, or sausage; hot dogs; hamburgers; bologna, pastrami, corned beef, salami, or lunch meat; charcoal broiled foods) were assessed. exposures among 234 cancer cases (including 56 acute lymphocytic leukemia [all], 45 brain tumor) and 206 controls selected by random-digit dialing in the denver, colorado (united states) st ... | 1994 | 8167261 |
portosystemic communications: follow-up of 32 cases. | a multicentre retrospective study of dogs that underwent surgical attenuation of portosystemic communications (psc) was conducted. these dogs were followed from three months after surgery to evaluate the long term effect of surgery on their life span, disease-free interval, and owner assessment of postoperative quality of life of the dogs. seventy-five per cent of the dogs in this study had no long term postoperative recurrence of clinical signs. of the 25 per cent of dogs that showed recurrent ... | 1995 | 8583758 |
which dogs bite? a case-control study of risk factors. | dog bites cause an estimated 585,000 injuries resulting in the need for medical attention yearly and children are the most frequent victims. this study sought to determine dog-specific factors independently associated with a dog biting a nonhousehold member. | 1994 | 8190576 |
waste anesthetic gas and vapor exposures in veterinary hospitals and clinics. | a survey of veterinary hospitals and clinics was conducted to determine the extent of usage of inhalation anesthetics and measure exposures of veterinarians and their assistants to waste anesthetic gases and vapors. a questionnaire survey indicated 80.8 percent of practices in the study area used inhalation of anesthetics, with a wide range noted between types of practices. exposures to waste anesthetics were less in veterinary hospitals than reported in human hospitals. mean methoxyflurane conc ... | 1980 | 7395736 |
reservoirs for human campylobacteriosis. | the epidemiology of human enteric infection due to campylobacter fetus subspecies jejuni is not well understood. to determine whether an endogenous human reservoir is present, the rate of isolation of c. fetus subspecies jejuni from several populations of diarrheal and asymptomatic adults and children were compared. c. fetus subspecies jejuni was recovered from 4.1% of patients with diarrhea and 66.7% of household contacts of the index patients who themselves had diarrhea. carriage of organisms ... | 1980 | 7373089 |
dirofilaria immitis in west central colorado. | | 1980 | 7218108 |
zoonoses at henry ford hospital: clinical, epidemiologic, and therapeutic aspects. | | 1982 | 7085343 |
zoonoses in modern medical practice. | | 1982 | 7085342 |
cysticercosis in laboratory rabbits. | there are no data on the current incidence of taenia pisiformis in laboratory rabbits. two cases of cysticercosis most likely due to t. pisiformis in laboratory rabbits (intermediate host) are presented. both rabbits had no contact with dogs (final host); their caretakers did not work with dogs, and these caretakers changed into facility scrubs and wore gloves when working with the rabbits. rabbit 1 may have been infected after being fed hay at our facility. in light of the life cycle of the par ... | 2001 | 11300689 |
metropolitan home living conditions associated with indoor endotoxin levels. | household endotoxin exposure in allergy and asthma has been gaining attention for its dual potential to exacerbate these conditions in individuals with established disease and to abrogate atopy before disease onset. | 2001 | 11344344 |
dog bites. a neglected problem in accident prevention. | dog bites are a common but neglected pediatric problem. to clarify the epidemiology of dog bites and to learn if parents would welcome counseling aimed at preventing bites, 455 families (960 children) in a denver pediatric practice were surveyed. one hundred ninety-four children (20.2%) had been bitten at least once, with the majority of bites occurring before the child was aged 5 years. forty-three percent of the bites prompted a visit to a physician and 16.5% received sutures. german shepherds ... | 1982 | 7064943 |
canine brucellosis in a commercial breeding kennel. | | 1984 | 6725119 |
aspects of the diagnosis, pathogenesis and epidemiology of canine parvovirus. | between 18 july 1980 and 2 january 1981, 188 samples (145 faeces and 43 intestinal contents) were submitted from dogs with suspected canine parvovirus (cpv) enteritis. cpv was demonstrated in 56 (30%) of these samples; the weekly rate of positive cpv identification was remarkably constant at approximately 30% even though clinical and often post-mortem findings strongly supported a diagnosis of cpv enteritis. the simplest, most sensitive and most rapid method for detection of virus was haemagglut ... | 1983 | 6314962 |
relative potentials of domestic animals for zooprophylaxis against mosquito vectors of encephalitis. | | 1970 | 5443080 |
cardiomegaly at high altitudes: pathogenetic considerations. | | 1973 | 4270966 |
incidence of ethylene glycol intoxication in dogs and cats seen at colorado state university veterinary teaching hospital. | the number of cases of ethylene glycol intoxication in dogs and cats seen at the colorado state university veterinary teaching hospital between 1979 and 1986 was compared with the number of cases of rodenticide, insecticide, herbicide, simple organic compound and food poisonings for the same time period. of 104 intoxications, ethylene glycol (30/104), rodenticide (53/104), and food poisonings (6/104), were major contributors. case-fatality rates were 43.3%, 11.3% and 16.7% respectively. data ava ... | 1987 | 3824875 |
prevalence and treatment of palpebral neoplasms in the dog: 200 cases (1975-1983). | the prevalence and treatment of 255 eyelid tumors in 200 dogs was related to breed, age, sex, location, and tumor type. treatment methods included cryosurgery and surgical excision. the mean age of all dogs with eyelid tumors was 9.6 years (+/- 0.2 sem). beagles, siberian huskies, and english setters had a higher risk of tumor development, whereas the mixed-breed dogs had a lower risk. sebaceous tarsal gland adenomas, benign melanomas, and papillomas were observed most often (88%). malignant tum ... | 1986 | 3793587 |
cultural ecology of prehistoric parasitism on the colorado plateau as evidenced by coprology. | the study of coprolites (desiccated feces) is recognized as a viable method for analyzing parasitism of prehistoric peoples. eight species of helminth parasites, including nematodes, cestodes, and acanthcephalans, have been recovered from archaeological sites on the colorado plateau. the comparative analysis of parasitological findings illustrates the effects of changing subsistence strategies and varying life-style on prehistoric human parasitism. this comparative study is based on the analysis ... | 1988 | 3067587 |
epizootic vesicular stomatitis in colorado, 1982: some observations on the possible role of wildlife populations in an enzootic maintenance cycle. | sera obtained from wild ungulates, carnivores, and rodents in colorado were tested for neutralizing (n) antibody against vesicular stomatitis, new jersey serotype (vsnj), virus to determine their involvement in the 1982 colorado vsnj epizootic in domestic animals. viremic and n antibody responses of two local rodent species to a 1982 colorado isolate of vsnj were determined in the laboratory. the rodents produced only weak viremias, but all developed n antibody. n antibody prevalences for vsnj i ... | 1987 | 3035241 |
epizootic vesicular stomatitis in colorado, 1982: epidemiologic studies along the northern colorado front range. | epidemiologic evaluations were made of farm personnel on vesicular stomatitis-affected premises along the front range of the rocky mountains in colorado during the 1982 epizootic. a similar antibody prevalence was noted to that of veterinarians and research and regulatory personnel who were involved with the same epizootic. risk of infection resulted from intimate physical contact with infected horses or cows. incidence and infection rates in horses were 45%; rates in cows were much lower, only ... | 1987 | 3028193 |
prevalence of circulating heartworm antigen in dogs in northeastern colorado. | heartworm antigenemia was evaluated and found to be negative in 1010 dogs in northeastern colorado that were examined at the colorado state university veterinary teaching hospital. the estimated prevalence of canine heartworm for the native northeastern colorado population was determined to be 0.3% and is similar to the prevalence reported 10 years ago in the same area. we conclude there has not been an increase in prevalence of heartworm in the last 10 years; because of the low prevalence, ther ... | 1991 | 1954742 |
prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in wild and domestic animals of new mexico, arizona and colorado. | using the sabin-feldman dye test, sera from wild and domestic animals in new mexico, arizona and colorado were tested for the prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii. the prevalence of positive titers (greater than or equal to 1:8) in animals from these areas was: new mexico (178 of 569, 31%), arizona (11 of 56, 20%), and colorado (2 of 7, 29%). the overall prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma was 30% (191 of 632). nine of 17 fecal samples from wild zoo felines contained toxoplasma-like ... | 1976 | 933314 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 18-24, 2004. | during august 18-24, a total of 154 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, connecticut, florida, georgia, illinois, kentucky, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, south dakota, tennessee, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15329654 |
serum concentrations of mibolerone in beagle bitches as influenced by time, dosage form, and geographic location. | a radioimmunoassay was developed for the assay of mibolerone in the serum of adult bitches with a lower limit of detection of 0.5 ng of mibolerone/ml of serum. serum concentrations in beagle bitches given mibolerone were found to be dependent on concentration in and type of formulation. the type of formulation also influenced the time to reach peak serum concentrations of mibolerone. serum concentrations were also different for the same animals treated at 2 geographic locations. | 1978 | 565606 |
editorial: chihuahuas and laetrile, chelation therapy, and honey from boulder, colo. | | 1976 | 182097 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004. | during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15371969 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004. | during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15499683 |
genomic screening for fucosidosis in english springer spaniels. | to develop a robust molecular genetic test for alpha-l-fucosidosis in english springer spaniels and to screen dogs from the united kingdom and united states for the mutant allele. | 1999 | 10376901 |
three species of blowfly (diptera: calliphoridae) collected from a human stillborn infant in the rocky mountains of colorado. | in july of 1997, the remains of a human stillborn infant were found at an elevation of 2,835 m in summit county, co. larvae recovered from the infant were reared to adulthood and identified as calliphora terraenovae (macquart), protophormia terraenovae (robineau-desvoidy), and phormia regina (meigen). these represent new county records for high elevation species in colorado. | 1999 | 10337090 |
by going to the dogs and featuring its patients, memorial hospital gets on cbs. | | 1996 | 10162509 |
blastomycosis acquired occupationally during prairie dog relocation--colorado, 1998. | on august 31, 1998, two suspected cases of fungal pneumonia were reported to the boulder county (colorado) health department (bchd). both patients were immunocompetent, otherwise healthy adults working for the city of boulder open space (cbos) program on a prairie dog relocation project. this report summarizes the epidemiologic investigation by bchd, the colorado department of public health and environment, and cdc; the findings indicate that these two persons acquired blastomycosis in colorado, ... | 1999 | 10072267 |
complications and mortality associated with anesthesia in dogs and cats. | the complications and mortality associated with anesthesia of dogs and cats in a university teaching hospital were determined. during one year, 2,556 dogs and 683 cats were anesthetized by the anesthesia service. hypotension occurred in 179 (7%) dogs and 58 (8.5%) cats. cardiac dysrhythmias occurred in 64 (2.5%) dogs and 12 (1.8%) cats. transfusions were required in 31 (1.2%) dogs. hypercapnea occurred in 33 (1.3%) dogs and one (less than 1%) cat. hypoxemia occurred in 14 (0.5%) dogs. anesthetic ... | 1999 | 9934922 |
from the centers for disease control and prevention. blastomycosis acquired occupationally during prairie dog relocation--colorado, 1998. | | 1999 | 10404898 |
expanding epidemiology of blastomycosis: clinical features and investigation of 2 cases in colorado. | on the basis of case reports of blastomycosis, blastomyces dermatitidis is widely accepted to be endemic in the central united states in and around the ohio and mississippi river valleys. blastomycosis also occurs in parts of canada and in the southeastern united states. however, there has been no large-scale skin testing, and the environmental range of b. dermatitidis may have been underestimated. we describe 2 immunocompetent patients with blastomycosis acquired while working in the front rang ... | 2000 | 10722448 |
computed tomographic findings of dogs with cubital joint lameness. | the purpose of this study was to identify the incidence of abnormal computed tomography (ct) findings in dogs with lameness of one or both elbows. ct examinations of 102 elbows in 51 dogs were reviewed individually and by group consensus by 3 examiners and graded for various abnormalities. frequently encountered abnormalities included abnormal shape and sclerosis of the medial coronoid process of the ulna, irregularity of the radial incisure of the ulna, and ulnar trochlear notch sclerosis. othe ... | 2000 | 10779071 |
outcome following treatment of vertebral tumors in 20 dogs (1986-1995). | twenty dogs with histopathologically confirmed primary (n=15) or metastatic (n=5) osteosarcoma (n=14) or fibrosarcoma (n=6) of the vertebral column were treated with surgery (n=4), radiation therapy and chemotherapy (n=6), surgery and chemotherapy (n=2), or surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy (n=8). all dogs died due to their disease; 15 died due to local failure, and five died due to nonvertebral metastasis. overall median survival time was 135 days, with a range of 15 to 600 days. of the fact ... | 2000 | 10825097 |
surgical treatment of adrenocortical tumors: 21 cases (1990-1996). | twenty-four adrenocortical tumors were surgically removed from 21 dogs. histopathological examination confirmed 18 carcinomas and six adenomas. four dogs died in the perioperative period. fifteen of the 17 dogs that survived the perioperative period had long-term resolution of their clinical signs. two dogs with incompletely resected tumors were treated with mitotane to control their clinical signs. overall median kaplan-meier life-table survival for dogs with carcinomas was 778 days (range, one ... | 2001 | 11204483 |
life-threatening dog attacks: a devastating combination of penetrating and blunt injuries. | children often are the victims of dog attacks. although bite injuries sustained in an attack characteristically are attributed to the penetrating component of the bite, the blunt nature of a bite may represent the most serious and devastating component of injury. the purpose of this study was to characterize a group of children suffering life-threatening dog bites and examine the predominant aspect of injury. | 2001 | 11479838 |
isolation and characterization of borrelia parkeri in ornithodoros parkeri (ixodida: argasidae) collected in colorado. | this study describes the identification of borrelia parkeri spirochetes in colorado. two isolates of b. parkeri (6230 and 6232) were recovered from ornithodoros parkeri cooley ticks collected at an inactive prairie dog town in moffat county. both isolates were partially characterized by sequencing and subsequent parsimony and neighbor-joining analyses of appropriate regions of the 16s ribosomal rna, flagellin and p66 genes. analyses of the 16s gene sequences from the colorado isolates indicated ... | 2001 | 11580039 |
mycoplasmal respiratory infections in small animals: 17 cases (1988-1999). | seventeen cases (i.e., 14 dogs and three cats) were identified as having mycoplasma spp. as the sole bacterial isolate cultured from airway washings in 224 cases evaluated for lower respiratory disease that was present in each case. primary diagnoses included pneumonia (35.3%), airway collapse (35.3%), and bronchitis (29.4%). fourteen cases had follow-up information available. of these cases, eight showed resolution or improvement with antimycoplasmal drugs. mycoplasma spp. is recognized as a pr ... | 2002 | 11908828 |
evaluation of cross-reactivity of allergens by use of intradermal testing in atopic dogs. | to examine cross-reactivity of aeroallergens in colorado and surrounding states by evaluating concurrent positive reactions of related and nonrelated allergens of intradermal tests in dogs. | 2002 | 12061535 |
sampling for sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among prairie dog colonies on ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis in new mexico and colorado. | the possible presence of sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among colonies of gunnison's prairie dogs, cynomys gunnisoni baird, was investigated on or near ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis (vs) in domestic livestock in the mid-rio grande river valley, nm, and west-slope region of colorado. sampling was conducted at six locations, three in each region, using three methods: standard down-draft suction/light traps, up-draft suction/light traps (both supplemented with co2), and burrow-e ... | 2002 | 12144304 |
dorsal laminectomy for caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy: postoperative recovery and long-term follow-up in 20 dogs. | to evaluate the postoperative morbidity and long-term outcome of dogs after dorsal laminectomy for caudal cervical spondylomyelopathy (ccsm). | 2002 | 12209412 |
survival and prognostic indicators for dogs with intrahepatic portosystemic shunts: 32 cases (1990-2000). | to determine prognostic indicators for short-term outcome and long-term survival for dogs with intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (ipss). | 2002 | 12415525 |
prevalence of enteric pathogens in dogs of north-central colorado. | to evaluate the prevalence of enteric pathogens in dogs of north-central colorado, fecal samples were obtained from client-owned dogs presented to the veterinary teaching hospital at colorado state university for evaluation of acute small-bowel, large-bowel, or mixed-bowel diarrhea (n=71) and from age-matched, client-owned, healthy dogs (n=59). infectious agents potentially associated with gastrointestinal disease were detected in 34 of 130 (26.1%) fecal samples. agents with zoonotic potential w ... | 2003 | 12549614 |
detection of novel bartonella strains and yersinia pestis in prairie dogs and their fleas (siphonaptera: ceratophyllidae and pulicidae) using multiplex polymerase chain reaction. | we developed a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay that simultaneously detects three types of flea-associated microorganisms. targets for the assay were sequences encoding portions of the glta, a 17-kda antigen, and pla genes of bartonella spp. strong et al., rickettsia spp. da rocha-lima, and yersinia pestis yersin, respectively. a total of 260 flea samples containing bloodmeal remnants were analyzed from fleas collected from abandoned prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) burrows at t ... | 2003 | 12943112 |
coccidia (eimeria) from the prairie dog, cynomys ludovicianus ludovicianus, in northern colorado. | | 1964 | 14119566 |
treatment of black-tailed prairie dog burrows with deltamethrin to control fleas (insecta: siphonaptera) and plague. | burrows within black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies on the rocky mountain arsenal national wildlife refuge, colorado, were dusted with deltamethrin insecticide to reduce flea (insecta: siphonaptera) abundance. flea populations were monitored pre- and posttreatment by combing prairie dogs and collecting fleas from burrows. a single application of deltamethrin significantly reduced populations of the plague vector oropsylla hirsuta, and other flea species on prairie dogs and in ... | 2003 | 14596288 |
use of radiation and a slow-release cisplatin formulation for treatment of canine nasal tumors. | the purpose of this study was to evaluate the combined use of radiation and a slow-release cisplatin chemotherapy formulation for treatment of malignant nasal tumors in dogs. in this retrospective analysis, 51 dogs were evaluated with respect to treatment toxicity, tumor type, stage of disease, cribriform plate involvement, and overall survival. in general, treatment was well tolerated. mean and median survival as assessed by the kaplan-meier product limit method was 570 and 474 days, respective ... | 2004 | 15605853 |
short-term impact of a randomized multifaceted intervention for wheezing infants in low-income families. | to present an interim analysis of the effect of a home-based intervention with low-income caregivers of wheezing infants at risk for childhood asthma on mediating variables. | 2005 | 15630062 |
cyclooxygenase-2 expression in canine appendicular osteosarcomas. | osteosarcoma is the most common primary bone tumor in dogs and it has a high mortality rate from distant metastatic disease. targeted adjuvant therapies are needed to prolong currently achievable survival times. the role of cyclooxygenase-2 (cox-2) in carcinogenesis has been attributed to the production of prostaglandins and involvement in apoptosis, immune surveillance, and angiogenesis. cox-2 is up-regulated in a number of different human and animal epithelial tumors, but data about its functi ... | 2004 | 15638270 |
are carnivores universally good sentinels of plague? | sylvatic plague, caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, is a flea-borne disease that primarily affects rodents but has been detected in over 200 mammal species worldwide. mammalian carnivores are routinely surveyed as sentinels of local plague activity, since they can present antibodies to y. pestis infection but show few clinical signs. in boulder county, colorado, usa, plague epizootic events are episodic and occur in black-tailed prairie dogs. enzootic hosts are unidentified as are plague f ... | 2009 | 18973449 |
a novel surgical stapling technique for rectal mass removal: a retrospective analysis. | both benign and malignant rectal masses occur in dogs. the mainstay of treatment is surgical excision with adjuvant therapy based on histopathological diagnosis and completeness of removal. location of the mass within the rectum helps dictate the approach used. this paper describes the use of a novel technique for removal of rectal masses involving the distal third of the rectum in seven dogs. to perform this technique, the rectum is prolapsed and stay sutures are placed to maintain prolapse. a ... | 2009 | 19258417 |
intradermal testing with the storage mite tyrophagus putrescentiae in normal dogs and dogs with atopic dermatitis in colorado. | the purpose of this study was to evaluate reactions to intradermal injections of tyrophagus putrescentiae extract in healthy dogs and dogs with atopic dermatitis and to compare the prevalence of positive reactions in the two groups. twenty-one healthy dogs and 26 atopic dogs were tested intradermally with t. putrescentiae extract at 1000, 500, 250, 125, 63, 32 and 16 pnu/ml. reactions were evaluated objectively and subjectively. a mann-whitney test was used to determine differences in grade of r ... | 2005 | 15725102 |
metacarpophalangeal and metatarsophalangeal osteoarthritis in 49 dogs. | although osteoarthritis (oa) is a common and debilitating condition in the canine patient, few data are available on oa of the metacarpophalangeal (mcp) and metatarsophalangeal (mtp) joints. review of medical records of 49 dogs with a radiographic diagnosis of mcp or mtp oa presented over a 7-year period demonstrated that oa was an "incidental finding" for the majority of animals (n=35), while 14 dogs were identified as clinically lame as a result of mcp or mtp oa. dogs that were clinically lame ... | 2009 | 19411646 |
developing and implementing an assessment method to evaluate a virtual canine anatomy program. | a computer-based anatomy program, virtual canine anatomy: the head, was incorporated into a first-year veterinary dissection laboratory two years ago to address challenges inherent in the traditional pedagogical approach. the program uses specimen photographs, quicktime virtual reality, and interactive features to help students study the dissection, osteology, and radiology of the canine head. photographs of each phase of dissection are displayed in the program, along with dissection instruction ... | 2005 | 16078179 |
bacterial meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis due to migrating plant foreign bodies in three dogs. | regional suppurative meningoencephalitis and ventriculitis of variable chronicity was diagnosed in three young dogs residing in colorado. grass awns were grossly identified in the right occipital cortex of one dog and in the right lateral ventricle of another. intralesional plant material was microscopically evident in the dura mater overlying the right occipital cortex of the third dog. one grass awn was identified as a floret of hordeum jabatum. in each case, aerobic culture of brain tissue id ... | 2005 | 16301584 |
views denver's breed-specific ban as inhumane. | | 2006 | 16538823 |
extreme plasticity in thermoregulatory behaviors of free-ranging black-tailed prairie dogs. | in the natural environment, hibernating sciurids generally remain dormant during winter and enter numerous deep torpor bouts from the time of first immergence in fall until emergence in spring. in contrast, black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) remain active throughout winter but periodically enter short and shallow bouts of torpor. while investigating body temperature (t(b)) patterns of black-tailed prairie dogs from six separate colonies in northern colorado, we observed one populat ... | 2006 | 16691512 |
evaluation of survival time in dogs with stage iii osteosarcoma that undergo treatment: 90 cases (1985-2004). | objective-to assess survival time in dogs that underwent treatment for stage iii osteosarcoma and evaluate factors affecting survival. design-retrospective case series. animals-90 dogs with stage iii osteosarcoma. procedures-records in the osteosarcoma database at the animal cancer center at colorado state university from 1985 to 2004 were searched for dogs with metastatic disease at the time of evaluation. dogs were included in the study if they had metastasis to any site and if treatment was i ... | 2006 | 16784383 |
heart transplantation. | on december 3, 1967, christiaan barnard (1922-2002) introduced heart transplantation in humans for the first time. the journey that took him from groote schuur hospital in cape town, south africa to the university of minnesota hospitals in minneapolis and back to cape town is described through this writing. we present the seminal events forming this incredible story, starting in antiquity as the first physicians of our civilization began to consider and study the heart. the anatomy of the heart, ... | 2010 | 20232998 |
magnetic resonance imaging characteristics of peripheral nerve sheath tumors of the canine brachial plexus in 18 dogs. | magnetic resonance imaging (mri) examinations from 18 dogs with a histologically confirmed peripheral nerve sheath tumor (pnst) of the brachial plexus were assessed retrospectively. almost half (8/18) had a diffuse thickening of the brachial plexus nerve(s), six of which extended into the vertebral canal. the other 10/18 dogs had a nodule or mass in the axilla (1.2-338 cm3). seven of those 10 masses also had diffuse nerve sheath thickening, three of which extended into the vertebral canal. the m ... | 2007 | 17236352 |
results of wellness examinations of 28 african hunting dog (lycaon pictus) puppies at the denver zoological foundation. | since 2002 the denver zoological foundation has produced 28 african hunting dog (lycaon pictus) puppies in 3 litters (7, 14 and 7 pups) from the same dam and sire. wellness examinations were performed on each puppy. the wellness examinations spanned the range of 6-14 weeks of age. during the wellness examinations, in addition to physical examinations and vaccinations, blood samples for complete blood counts and sera biochemistry were obtained. weights, morphometric measurements, rectal cultures ... | 2007 | 17665764 |
the potential role of swift foxes (vulpes velox) and their fleas in plague outbreaks in prairie dogs. | swift foxes (vulpes velox) have been proposed as potential carriers of fleas infected with the bacterium yersinia pestis between areas of epizootics in black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus). we examined antibody prevalence rates of a population of swift foxes in colorado, usa, and used polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assays to examine their flea biota for evidence of y. pestis. fifteen of 61 (24%) captured foxes were seropositive, and antibody prevalence was spatially correlated with ... | 2007 | 17699080 |
bartonella and rickettsia from fleas (siphonaptera: ceratophyllidae) of prairie dogs (cynomys spp.) from the western united states. | fleas of prairie dogs have been implicated in the transmission of bartonella spp. we used pcr to test dna extracts from 47 fleas of prairie dogs from 6 states. we amplified dna from 5 unique genotypes of bartonella spp. and 1 rickettsia sp. from 12 fleas collected in north dakota, oklahoma, texas, and wyoming. sequences from the bartonella spp. were similar, but not identical, to those from prairie dogs and their fleas in colorado. | 2007 | 17918386 |
temporal and spatial patterns of bartonella infection in black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus). | we describe the temporal dynamics and spatial distribution of bartonella in black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) based on a longitudinal study conducted in 20 black-tailed prairie dog (btpd) colonies in boulder county, co from 2003 to 2005. bartonella infection was widely distributed in all colonies with an overall prevalence of 23.1%, but varied by colony from 4.8% to 42.5% and by year from 9.1 to 39.0%, with a marked increase in bartonella activity in 2005. levels of bacteremia var ... | 2008 | 18176820 |
survey of 11 western states for heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) infection, heartworm diagnostic and prevention protocols, and fecal examination protocols for gastrointestinal parasites. | heartworm infection in dogs and cats in the western united states is a fairly new phenomenon, and for this reason it is often considered to be of minimal significance. the purpose of this survey was to collect data from 11 western states (arizona, california, colorado, idaho, montana, nevada, new mexico, oregon, utah, washington, and wyoming) in an effort to assess awareness of heartworm disease and identify areas in which improvement in understanding is needed. to accomplish this goal, veterina ... | 2007 | 18183548 |
characterization of bartonella strains isolated from black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus). | thirty bartonella strains were isolated from the blood of black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) from boulder county, colorado, usa. the bacteria appeared as small, fastidious, aerobic, gram-negative rods. the partial sequences of the citrate synthase gene (glta) demonstrated five unique genetic variants. phylogenetic analysis based on sequences of glta, 16s rrna, rpob, ftsz, and ribc showed that the black-tailed prairie dog-related bartonella variants comprise a distinct monophyletic ... | 2008 | 18237261 |
leishmaniasis in a dog native to colorado. | a 1-year-old 32.5-kg (71.5-lb) sexually intact male foxhound-treeing walker coonhound cross was evaluated because of a 2.5-month history of dermatologic lesions, weight loss, and diarrhea. | 2010 | 21118014 |
the role of selenium in protecting plants against prairie dog herbivory: implications for the evolution of selenium hyperaccumulation. | some plants can hyperaccumulate the element selenium (se) up to 10,000 mg se kg(-1) dry weight. hyperaccumulation has been hypothesized to defend against herbivory. in laboratory studies high se levels protect plants from invertebrate herbivores and pathogens. however, field studies and mammalian herbivore studies that link se accumulation to herbivory protection are lacking. in this study a combination of field surveys and manipulative field studies were carried out to determine whether plant s ... | 2008 | 18278517 |
estimating abundance using mark-resight when sampling is with replacement or the number of marked individuals is unknown. | although mark-resight methods can often be a less expensive and less invasive means for estimating abundance in long-term population monitoring programs, two major limitations of the estimators are that they typically require sampling without replacement and/or the number of marked individuals available for resighting to be known exactly. these requirements can often be difficult to achieve. here we address these limitations by introducing the poisson log and zero-truncated poisson log-normal mi ... | 2009 | 18479484 |
interactive disturbance effects of two disparate ecosystem engineers in north american shortgrass steppe. | disturbances such as fire, grazing, and soil mixing by animals interact to shape vegetation in grassland ecosystems. animal-generated disturbances are unique in that they arise from a suite of behaviors that are themselves subject to modification by external factors. the manner in which co-occurring animal taxa interact to alter vegetation is a function of their respective behaviors, which shape the characteristics (e.g., the magnitude or extent) of their disturbances. to determine whether prair ... | 2008 | 18504620 |
prevalence and abundance of fleas in black-tailed prairie dog burrows: implications for the transmission of plague (yersinia pestis). | plague, the disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, can have devastating impacts on north american wildlife. epizootics, or die-offs, in prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) occur sporadically and fleas (siphonaptera) are probably important in the disease's transmission and possibly as maintenance hosts of y. pestis between epizootics. we monitored changes in flea abundance in prairie dog burrows in response to precipitation, temperature, and plague activity in shortgrass steppe in north ... | 2008 | 18605787 |
the relationship of age, sex, and glomerular location to the development of spontaneous lesions in the canine kidney: analysis of a life-span study. | it is well documented that the presence of spontaneous renal disease and renal dysfunction increases with age in many species of mammals. such alterations in renal structure and function may significantly affect the interpretation of long-term toxicology studies. the purpose of the present study was to assess the temporal evolution of selected renal lesions (cysts, interstitial inflammation, interstitial fibrosis, and glomerulosclerosis) in laboratory beagle dogs, an important animal model in ch ... | 2004 | 15200162 |
intraoperative extracorporeal irradiation for limb sparing in 13 dogs. | to evaluate extracorporeal intraoperative radiation therapy (iort) as a treatment method for limb and joint sparing in dogs with appendicular sarcomas in sites other than the distal aspect of the radius. | 2004 | 15362983 |
intercalary bone grafts for joint and limb preservation in 17 dogs with high-grade malignant tumors of the diaphysis. | to evaluate postoperative complications, limb function, and tumor control after intercalary resection and reconstruction for preservation of limb and joint function in dogs with high-grade malignant tumors of diaphyseal bone. | 2004 | 15362984 |
sonographic features of histiocytic neoplasms in the canine abdomen. | the purpose of this retrospective study was to describe the ultrasonographic features of malignant histiocytosis (mh), malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and histiocytic sarcoma in abdominal organs of dogs. the medical records of 18 dogs that had undergone abdominal sonography and had a histopathologic diagnosis of abdominal mh, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, and histiocytic sarcoma were reviewed. the organ most commonly affected was the spleen. mh was the most common followed by histiocytic sarco ... | 2004 | 15605848 |
transmission efficiency of two flea species (oropsylla tuberculata cynomuris and oropsylla hirsuta) involved in plague epizootics among prairie dogs. | plague, caused by yersinia pestis, is an exotic disease in north america circulating predominantly in wild populations of rodents and their fleas. black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) are highly susceptible to infection, often experiencing mortality of nearly all individuals in a town as a result of plague. the fleas of black-tailed prairie dogs are oropsylla tuberculata cynomuris and oropsylla hirsuta. we tested the efficiency of o. tuberculata cynomuris to transmit y. pestis daily ... | 2008 | 18787922 |
scavenging by mammalian carnivores on prairie dog colonies: implications for the spread of plague. | plague causes mass mortality of prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) in shortgrass steppe. although the pathogen, the bacterium yersinia pestis, is spread within colonies by flea bites or contact between infected hosts, it is unclear how y. pestis is transported over long distances between isolated colonies. one possibility is that wideranging, plague-resistant mammalian carnivores pick up fleas when scavenging prairie dog carcasses. using guinea pigs as surrogates for prairie dogs, we compared h ... | 2009 | 18945188 |
evidence for the involvement of an alternate rodent host in the dynamics of introduced plague in prairie dogs. | 1. the introduction of plague to north america is a significant threat to colonies of prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus), a species of conservation concern in the great plains. other small rodents are exposed to the causative agent, yersinia pestis, during or after epizootics; yet, its effect on these rodents is not known, and their role in transmitting and maintaining plague in the absence of prairie dogs remains unclear. 2. we live-trapped small rodents and collected their fleas on 11 colonie ... | 2009 | 19302321 |
flea abundance on black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) increases during plague epizootics. | black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus) on the great plains of the united states are highly susceptible to plague, caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, with mortality on towns during plague epizootics often approaching 100%. the ability of flea-borne transmission to sustain disease spread has been questioned because of inefficiency of flea vectors. however, even with low individual efficiency, overall transmission can be increased if flea abundance (the number of fleas on hosts) inc ... | 2009 | 19492944 |
effects of weather and plague-induced die-offs of prairie dogs on the fleas of northern grasshopper mice. | plague, the disease caused by the bacterium yersinia pestis, can have devastating impacts on black-tailed prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus ord). other mammal hosts living on prairie dog colonies may be important in the transmission and maintenance of plague. we examined the flea populations of northern grasshopper mice (onychomys leucogaster wied) before, during, and after plague epizootics in northern colorado and studied the influence of host and environmental factors on flea abundance patte ... | 2009 | 19496431 |
inferring host-parasite relationships using stable isotopes: implications for disease transmission and host specificity. | identifying the roles of different hosts and vectors is a major challenge in the study of the ecology of diseases caused by multi-host pathogens. intensive field studies suggested that grasshopper mice (onychomys leucogaster) help spread the bacterium that causes plague (yersinia pestis) in prairie dog colonies by sharing fleas with prairie dogs (cynomys ludovicianus); yet conclusive evidence that prairie dog fleas (oropsylla hirsuta) feed on grasshopper mice is lacking. using stable nitrogen is ... | 2009 | 19967881 |
disease surveillance and referral bias in the veterinary medical database. | the veterinary medical database (vmdb) is a summary of veterinary medical records from north american veterinary schools, and is a potential source of disease surveillance information for companion animals. a retrospective record search from four u.s. university veterinary teaching hospitals was used to calculate crude disease rates. our objectives were to evaluate the utility of the database for disease surveillance purposes by comparing the utility of two methodologies for creating disease cat ... | 2010 | 20129684 |
rodent and flea abundance fail to predict a plague epizootic in black-tailed prairie dogs. | small rodents are purported to be enzootic hosts of yersinia pestis and may serve as sources of infection to prairie dogs or other epizootic hosts by direct or flea-mediated transmission. recent research has shown that small rodent species composition and small rodent flea assemblages are influenced by the presence of prairie dogs, with higher relative abundance of both small rodents and fleas at prairie dog colony sites compared to grasslands without prairie dogs. however, it is unclear if incr ... | 2010 | 20158331 |
chiropractic, veterinary groups negotiate roles in animal care. | | 2010 | 20336852 |
communication skills education onsite in a veterinary practice. | to provide communication skills education to veterinary professionals in the practice setting and evaluate the training by measuring veterinarian communication pre- and post-intervention. | 2010 | 20609547 |
detection of yersinia pestis dna in prairie dog-associated fleas by polymerase chain reaction assay of purified dna. | we evaluated, refined, and applied well-established polymerase chain reaction (pcr) techniques for detecting yersinia pestis dna in fleas (mainly oropsylla spp.) collected from prairie dog (cynomys spp.) burrows. based on results from pcr of avirulent y. pestis strain a1122 dna, we used dna purification and primers for the plasminogen activator gene to screen field-collected fleas. we detected y. pestis dna in flea pools from two black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) colonies with evid ... | 2010 | 20688665 |
population genetic structure of the prairie dog flea and plague vector, oropsylla hirsuta. | oropsylla hirsuta is the primary flea of the black-tailed prairie dog and is a vector of the plague bacterium, yersinia pestis. we examined the population genetic structure of o. hirsuta fleas collected from 11 prairie dog colonies, 7 of which had experienced a plague-associated die-off in 1994. in a sample of 332 o. hirsuta collected from 226 host individuals, we detected 24 unique haplotype sequences in a 480 nucleotide segment of the cytochrome oxidase ii gene. we found significant overall po ... | 2011 | 20696095 |
colorado animal-based plague surveillance systems: relationships between targeted animal species and prediction efficacy of areas at risk for humans. | human plague risks (yersinia pestis infection) are greatest when epizootics cause high mortality among this bacterium's natural rodent hosts. therefore, health departments in plague-endemic areas commonly establish animal-based surveillance programs to monitor y. pestis infection among plague hosts and vectors. the primary objectives of our study were to determine whether passive animal-based plague surveillance samples collected in colorado from 1991 to 2005 were sampled from high human plague ... | 2009 | 20836802 |
microevolution of canine influenza virus in shelters and its molecular epidemiology in the united states. | canine influenza virus (civ) emerged around 2000 when an equine influenza virus (eiv) was transmitted to dogs in florida. after 2003, the canine virus was carried by infected greyhounds to various parts of the united states and then became established in several large animal shelters, where it has continued to circulate. to better understand the evolution of civ since its emergence, and particularly its microevolution in spatially restricted populations, we examined multiple gene segments of civ ... | 2010 | 20943966 |
infectivity and pathogenicity of canine h3n8 influenza a virus in horses. | equine h3n8 influenza a viruses (eivs) cause respiratory disease in horses and circulate among horses worldwide. in 2004, an outbreak of canine h3n8 influenza a virus (civ) occurred among dogs in florida and has spread among dogs in the united states (us). genetic analyses revealed that this civ is closely related to the recent eivs. although civ-infected dogs could be the source of h3n8 influenza a virus for horses, it remains unclear whether the civ circulating in the united states still maint ... | 2010 | 20958928 |
effects of a pilot training program on veterinary students' pain knowledge, attitude, and assessment skills. | the prevention and management of pain is fundamental to the practice of both human and veterinary medicine. the recognition and treatment of pain represents an important indicator of the quality of care delivered in human hospitals and veterinary hospitals. yet, both human and veterinary health care professionals have cited inadequate knowledge as a significant barrier to effective pain management. the aims of this pilot study were twofold: (1) to gauge veterinary medical students' current attit ... | 2010 | 21135403 |
seroprevalence and risk factors for canine h3n8 influenza virus exposure in household dogs in colorado. | since 2004, canine influenza virus (civ) has spread throughout the united states. while studies suggest that civ is commonly detected in shelter dogs, little is known about its prevalence in household dogs. | 2010 | 21155162 |
trends in intake and outcome data for animal shelters in colorado, 2000 to 2007. | to measure trends in animal shelter intake and outcome data for dogs and cats in colorado on a statewide, urban, and rural basis from 2000 through 2007. | 2011 | 21281216 |
bartonella spp. dna in cardiac tissues from dogs in colorado and wyoming. | background: several bartonella species (spp.) have been identified in dogs diagnosed with infectious endocarditis (ie) or myocarditis. objective: to interrogate cardiac tissues of dogs with suspected ie for the presence of bartonella spp. dna of dogs in the rocky mountain states. animals: nine dogs with a clinical diagnosis of endocarditis from january 1990 to june 2008 were included. methods: in this retrospective study, medical records at the veterinary teaching hospital were searched. animals ... | 2011 | 21539606 |