a possible association between house pets and multiple sclerosis. | 29 patients with multiple sclerosis (m.s.) from families in new jersey believed to have more than 1 member with this disease and 29 controls matched for age, sex, neighbourhood, and socio-economic status were questioned about their ownership of pets. no difference in ownership of cats or dogs was found. exposure to small indoor pets (cats or dogs), however, was significantly higher in the m.s. group (p less than 0-001). exposure to small indoor pets was particularly striking during the ten years ... | 1977 | 67471 |
intestinal helminths and protozoa of new jersey dogs. | | 1977 | 592049 |
further evidence of a possible association between house dogs and multiple sclerosis. | the present study was undertaken because of the recent report of an association between familial multiple sclerosis (ms) and prior ownership of a small pet. forty-five patients with sporadic ms were retrospectively compared with 45 closely matched controls and were found to have owned a significantly greater number of indoor dogs prior to the onset of ms. importantly, the ms patients had also had more exposure to neurologically ill dogs in the five years before the onset of symptoms. these new d ... | 1978 | 655663 |
assessment of student experiences in technical procedures in surgical clerkship. | to determine the amount of exposure to technical procedures received by students at the new jersey medical school, newark, nj, during their first surgical clerkship, a prospective study was carried out over a 3-year period. students completing each 12-week clerkship filled in a questionnaire to indicate whether they had received exposure to a series of technical procedures. the study showed that students received relatively little experience in some important, though less commonly employed, tech ... | 1978 | 737595 |
survey of dirofilaria immitis infection among dogs at fort dix & mcguire afb, new jersey. | | 1976 | 1048799 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991. | in 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ... | 1992 | 1483899 |
benefits and costs of using an orally absorbed vaccine to control rabies in raccoons. | in november 1989, the epizootic of rabies affecting raccoons in the mid-atlantic states reached new jersey. an economic evaluation was conducted in 2 counties first affected by the epizootic to estimate the costs of the epizootic and to assess the costs and benefits of orally administering a newly developed recombinant rabies vaccine to prevent further spread of the disease. data on expenditures associated with prevention of rabies in human beings and domestic animals and laboratory testing of s ... | 1992 | 1483905 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1990. | in 1990, the united states and its territories reported 4,881 cases of rabies in animals to the centers for disease control, a 1.5% increase from 1989. of these, 553 were domestic animals, 4,327 were wild animals, and one was a human being. pennsylvania reported the highest number (611) of rabies cases in animals in 1990. for the first time since surveillance of rabies in wild animals was begun in the 1950s, the number of cases of rabies in raccoons exceeded that in skunks. particularly large in ... | 1992 | 1577642 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1989. | in 1989, 4,808 cases of rabies in animals other than human beings were reported to the centers for disease control, 1.8% more (4,724 to 4,808) than in 1988. eighty-eight percent (4,224/4,808) of those affected were wild animals and 12% (584/4,808) were domestic animals. cases were reported from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico; hawaii remained rabies-free. skunks (1,657) continued to be the most commonly reported rabid wild animal. for the second consecutive year, more cats ( ... | 1990 | 2276949 |
species composition and feeding success of mosquitoes attracted to caged dogs in indiana. | a field study using caged dogs in mosquito bait traps was conducted in eastcentral indiana to determine the species composition of mosquitoes coming to feed. fourteen species of mosquitoes from 5 genera were collected; aedes trivittatus predominated. feeding success rates were measured as the percentage of mosquitoes collected that had a fresh blood meal. the species having the highest rates were: culex erraticus, aedes stimulans and ae. trivittatus. aedes vexans and cx. pipiens/restuans had mar ... | 1985 | 2906663 |
epizootic vesicular stomatitis in colorado, 1982: some observations on the possible role of wildlife populations in an enzootic maintenance cycle. | sera obtained from wild ungulates, carnivores, and rodents in colorado were tested for neutralizing (n) antibody against vesicular stomatitis, new jersey serotype (vsnj), virus to determine their involvement in the 1982 colorado vsnj epizootic in domestic animals. viremic and n antibody responses of two local rodent species to a 1982 colorado isolate of vsnj were determined in the laboratory. the rodents produced only weak viremias, but all developed n antibody. n antibody prevalences for vsnj i ... | 1987 | 3035241 |
evolution of a focus of lyme disease. | epidemiological investigations were initiated in 1984 when significant lyme disease activity was observed within a 5-km radius of an area previously used as a non-endemic control site for lyme disease research in new jersey. through 1983, collections of ixodes dammini from vegetation and feral rodents were infrequent and no human cases were identified within a 16-km radius of the control site. in 1984, 4 human cases and 3 serologically reactive canines (greater than or equal to 1:512) were recog ... | 1986 | 3577493 |
prevalence of canine lyme disease from an endemic area as determined by serosurvey. | from august 1984 through february 1985, 423 dogs from 43 municipalities in 7 new jersey counties were evaluated for the presence of antibodies to the lyme disease spirochete (borrelia burgdorferi). of these dogs, 34.7% with no apparent clinical symptoms were serologically reactive (ifa greater than or equal to 1:64); titers in this study ranged from non-reactive to 1:2048. ninety percent of the dogs surveyed had a current vaccination status to leptospira interrogans serovars canicola and icteroh ... | 1987 | 3591094 |
arthritis caused by borrelia burgdorferi in dogs. | from october 1982 to may 1984, we studied 34 dogs from the lyme, conn area that had a history of tick exposure and lameness associated with pain, warmth, and/or swelling in one or more joints. large numbers of polymorphonuclear leukocytes were seen in giemsa-stained smears of synovial fluid from 9 dogs, and spirochetes (borrelia burgdorferi) were found in 1 sample by darkfield microscopy and immunoperoxidase techniques. the geometric mean antibody titer to b burgdorferi in the 34 dogs was 1:2,70 ... | 1985 | 3997648 |
program involves visitor control. | | 1973 | 4795468 |
animal technician scores in new jersey practice. | | 1971 | 4936284 |
joint reactions in children vaccinated against rubella. i. comparison of two vaccines. | | 1972 | 5061698 |
liposarcoma in a dog. | | 1970 | 5535273 |
helminth survey of dogs and cats in new jersey. | | 1967 | 6066082 |
intestinal protozoan infections in dogs. | | 1967 | 6068022 |
the veterinarian as an expert witness. | | 1982 | 7130005 |
a survey of canine toxocariasis and toxocaral soil contamination in essex county, new jersey. | toxocara canis eggs were found in the feces of 33 of 246 dogs and in two of 629 soil samples from 32 public parks in essex county, new jersey. stool samples collected from these areas were free of t. canis eggs. the findings suggest that contamination of soil in public parks with t. canis eggs is not an important factor in the transmission of visceral larva migrans in this county. | 1980 | 7425196 |
canine leptospirosis in new jersey and michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995). | the clinical, laboratory, and serological findings in 17 dogs with disease resulting from leptospiral infection were evaluated retrospectively. acute renal failure was the most common syndrome, but cholestatic hepatic disease also was common. the most prevalent serovars identified were pomona, grippotyphosa, and autumnalis. paired serology was available on 10 dogs. aggressive fluid therapy in combination with ampicillin or amoxicillin resulted in a good survival rate. canine leptospirosis may be ... | 1996 | 8906726 |
prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to neospora caninum in raccoons, procyon lotor. | neospora caninum is an apicomplexan parasite that causes neonatal neuromuscular disease in dogs and abortions in cattle. dogs are the only proven definitive host. little is known about the prevalence of antibodies to this parasite in wildlife. sera from 99 raccoons (procyon lotor) were examined for agglutinating antibodies to n. caninum using the modified agglutination test employing formalin-fixed tachyzoites as antigen. raccoons originated in florida (n = 24, collected in 1996), new jersey (n ... | 2001 | 11695399 |
dirofilaria immitis in dogs and cats from south-central new jersey. | | 1964 | 14244820 |
trematodes of new jersey dogs and cats. | | 1965 | 14339367 |
pre-west nile virus outbreak: perceptions and practices to prevent mosquito bites and viral encephalitis in the united states. | mosquitoes can transmit over 100 of the viruses that can cause encephalitis, meningitis, and hemorrhagic disease in humans (chin 2000; gubler 1996; monath 1989). while much is known about the ecology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of the arboviral encephalitides (campbell et al. 2002; centers for disease control and prevention 1997; gubler 1998; hayes 1989; hubálek and halouzka 1999), little empirical research exists regarding the u.s. population's knowledge of mosquitoes and arbovir ... | 2003 | 14733669 |
host feeding patterns of established and potential mosquito vectors of west nile virus in the eastern united states. | an important variable in determining the vectorial capacity of mosquito species for arthropod-borne infections is the degree of contact of the vector and the vertebrate reservoir. this parameter can be estimated by examining the host-feeding habits of vectors. serological and polymerase chain reaction based methods have been used to study the host-feedings patterns of 21 mosquito species from new york, new jersey, and tennessee, 19 of which previously have been found infected with west nile viru ... | 2004 | 15018775 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004. | during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah). | 2004 | 15483530 |
the seeing eye in morristown. | | 2004 | 15605795 |
the mediating effect of pet attachment support between loneliness and general health in older females living in the community. | the relationship between loneliness and general health was investigated in 159 older females living in the community. pet attachment support, a variable tested as a mediator of this relationship, was examined also. participants completed the revised ucla loneliness scale, a pet attachment scale, and the psychological general well-being schedule: general health subscale. a negative relationship between loneliness and general health decreased when controlling for pet attachment support as a coping ... | 2008 | 18444062 |
rabies in a dog imported from iraq--new jersey, june 2008. | rabies vaccination and stray dog control have led to successful control of canine rabies in the united states. the number of rabid dogs reported decreased from approximately 5,000 in 1950 to 79 in 2006, when the canine rabies virus variant associated with dog-to-dog rabies transmission was declared eliminated in the united states. on june 18, 2008, a mixed-breed dog, recently shipped from iraq into the united states, was confirmed to have rabies by the public health and environmental laboratorie ... | 2008 | 18830211 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2008. | during 2008, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,841 cases of rabies in animals and 2 cases in humans to the cdc, representing a 3.1% decrease from the 7,060 cases in animals and 1 case in a human reported in 2007. approximately 93% of the cases were in wildlife, and 7% were in domestic animals. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,389 (34.9%) raccoons, 1,806 (26.4%) bats, 1,589 (23.2%) skunks, 454 (6.6%) foxes, 294 (4.3%) cats, 75 (1.1%) dogs, and 59 (0.9%) catt ... | 2009 | 19751163 |
impact of canine-assisted ambulation on hospitalized chronic heart failure patients' ambulation outcomes and satisfaction: a pilot study. | chronic heart failure (hf) is a prevalent and costly disease process. early ambulation has been shown to have a positive impact on patient outcomes and length of stay. animal-assisted therapy is a novel modality that has shown to be a safe and effective adjunct to a number of traditional treatment plans. this study sought to synergistically combine ambulation and animal-assisted therapy by using canine-assisted ambulation (caa) to improve the ambulation outcomes of hf patients. | 2011 | 21263346 |
Cutaneous Hepatozoon canis infection in a dog from New Jersey. | A 7-month-old mixed-breed intact female dog was presented to a private veterinarian with a 2 cm in diameter raised, pruritic, alopecic, subcutaneous, fluctuant swelling over the right eye. Cytology of the mass revealed many degenerate neutrophils, moderate numbers of eosinophils, moderate numbers of macrophages, rare mast cells, and few erythrocytes. Rare neutrophils contained a protozoal agent compatible with a Hepatozoon gamont. Real-time polymerase chain reaction of peripheral blood was posit ... | 2011 | 21908296 |