
osteoarthrosis in a coyote x dog hybrid from nebraska.osteoarthrosis is described in a wild, 14-year-old coyote (canis latrans) x dog (c. familiaris) hybrid shot in southeastern nebraska. there was ankylosis of five vertebrae, the head of the left femur was absent, and periarticular osteophytes occurred throughout the skeleton. the age is significant because wild coyotes seldom live beyond 6 years and coyote x dog hybrids are considered to be less fit for survival in the wild than coyotes.1978691134
canine heartworm in the domestic and wild canids of southeastern nebraska.the prevalence of canine heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) was examined in the domestic dog, coyote (canis latrans), and red fox (vulpes fulva) populations of southeastern nebraska. microfilariae were detected in 21.4% (22 of 103) of the domestic dogs. the average age of infection for dogs was 5.8 yr. nine of the 22 infected dogs also were positive for dipetalonema reconditum. thirty-nine of 443 (8.9%) coyotes were found to have adult heartworms. the average number of male and female worms per hea ...19854093815
the veterinarian as an expert witness. 19827130005
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1994, 48 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,224 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 6 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,632 cases) were wild animals, whereas 7% (592 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 13.4% from that of 1993 (9,498 cases), with most of the decline resulting from 19.2% fewer cases of rabies in raccoons. two previously described epizootics of rabies involvi ...19957493894
the effects of the presence of a companion animal on physiological arousal and behavioral distress in children during a physical examination.the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the presence of a companion animal on physiological arousal and behavioral distress exhibited by preschool children during a routine physical examination. a within-subject, time-series design was used to study 23 healthy children ages 3 years to 6 years during two physical examinations, with and without a dog. statistically significant differences were found with greater reductions in subjects' systolic and mean arterial pressure, heart rat ...19979420370
evidence of point-source exposure to neospora caninum and protective immunity in a herd of beef determine whether cows with evidence of previous infection with neospora caninum were less likely to abort or give birth prematurely during an outbreak of neosporosis, compared with herdmates with evidence of primary infection.200010997162
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004.during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin).200415371969
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004.during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415385920
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
west nile virus activity--united states, october 20-26, 2004.during october 20-26, a total of 80 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 16 states (arizona, california, florida, iowa, kentucky, louisiana, michigan, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, new york, ohio, south dakota, texas, and utah).200415514584
nebraska experience.nebraska agencies and public health organizations collaboratively addressed cyanobacterial issues for the first time after two dogs died within hours of drinking water from a small private lake south of omaha on may 4, 2004. a necropsy on one of the dogs revealed that the cause of death was due to ingestion of microcystin toxins. within two weeks after the dog deaths, state and local officials jointly developed strategies for monitoring cyanobacterial blooms and issuing public health alerts and ...200818461768
evaluations of land cover risk factors for canine leptospirosis: 94 cases (2002-2009).associations of land cover/land use variables and the presence of dogs in urban vs. rural address locations were evaluated retrospectively as potential risk factors for canine leptospirosis in kansas and nebraska using geographic information systems (gis). the sample included 94 dogs positive for leptospirosis predominantly based on a positive polymerase chain reaction test for leptospires in urine, isolation of leptospires on urine culture, a single reciprocal serum titer of 12,800 or greater, ...201121724280
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