evaluation of a polycarbonate filter for the detection of microfilaremia in dogs in central michigan. | several diagnostic techniques were used in determining the prevalence of microfilaremia in 479 dogs entering the holding facility for research animals at michigan state university. the modified knott test and cellulose filter procedures were initially applied, but persistent difficulties with the cellulose filter system prompted evaluation of the use of clear polycarbonate filters. this procedure was found to be equally as sensitive as the modified knott test and more sensitive than the microhem ... | 1977 | 870465 |
the relationship of park maintenance and accessibility to dogs to the presence of toxocara spp. ova in the soil. | three parks in st. joseph/benton harbor, michigan were examined for the presence of toxocara spp. ova in the soil. nineteen per cent (22/114) of the samples contained ova, and mean density (eggs/5 g soil) was 0.73. the density of two samples, collected at the base of playground equipment in one park, was greater than 2.1, which is considered sufficient for human infection. subjective assessments of park maintenance and accessibility to dogs were not good indicators of the presence of toxocara sp ... | 1989 | 2705598 |
canine heartworm disease in southeastern michigan. | | 1972 | 4640499 |
comparative development of temperate zone and arctic isolates of trichinella spiralis in the white mouse. | | 1971 | 5090960 |
incidence of microfilariasis in dogs in detroit, michigan. | | 1970 | 5462466 |
characterization of several canine populations by age, breed, and sex. | | 1967 | 6069498 |
determinants of tissue aluminum concentration. | these data taken together might indicate that increased tissue burdens of aluminum begin early in chronic renal disease as a consequence of oral aluminum administration. the initiation of dialysis leads to additional aluminum exposure via dialysate. elevated endogenous parathyroid hormone levels could further enhance the absorption of orally ingested aluminum and alter tissue distribution of aluminum resulting in high brain aluminum concentration. | 1981 | 7036718 |
rabies. new threats loom in michigan. | | 1996 | 8857361 |
canine leptospirosis in new jersey and michigan: 17 cases (1990-1995). | the clinical, laboratory, and serological findings in 17 dogs with disease resulting from leptospiral infection were evaluated retrospectively. acute renal failure was the most common syndrome, but cholestatic hepatic disease also was common. the most prevalent serovars identified were pomona, grippotyphosa, and autumnalis. paired serology was available on 10 dogs. aggressive fluid therapy in combination with ampicillin or amoxicillin resulted in a good survival rate. canine leptospirosis may be ... | 1996 | 8906726 |
ability of the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi to infect rodents and three species of human-biting ticks (blacklegged tick, american dog tick, lone star tick) (acari:ixodidae). | the infectivity of a diverse collection of borrelia burgdorferi strains from north america for mice was determined as a prelude to vector competence experiments with the 3 primary human-biting tick species in the eastern united states (ixodes scapularis say, dermacentor variabilis (say), amblyomma americanum (l.)]. of the 34 b. burgdorferi strains inoculated into mice, 29 were infectious; the exceptions were 5 isolates from texas. vector competence experiments were conducted with 2 strains from ... | 1997 | 9220680 |
dogs in hospital security: an underused and unappreciated protection tool? | according to a recent survey by iahss, only 2% of the hospitals surveyed listed dogs among the security tools that they employ. yet, according to hospital security directors who use canines, they can be valuable additions to a security force and accomplish certain tasks better than human officers. in this report, we'll describe the experiences of two midwest hospitals that have used dogs in security for extended periods--one for 10 years, the other for five. | 1996 | 10158709 |
prevalence of heartworm infection in healthy cats in the lower peninsula of michigan. | to determine prevalence of heartworm infection among healthy, client-owned cats in the lower peninsula of michigan. | 2000 | 10997156 |
other ways to interpret results from heartworm infection study. | | 2000 | 11132876 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1999. | during 1999, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,067 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals to the centers for disease control and prevention, a decrease of 11.2% from 7,961 cases in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being reported in 1998. more than 91% (6,466 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 8.5% (601 cases) were in domestic species (compared with 92.4% in wild animals and 7.6% in domestic species in 1998). no cases of rabies were reported in human beings in 1 ... | 2000 | 11132881 |
clinical management of flail chest in dogs and cats: a retrospective study of 24 cases (1989-1999). | cases of flail chest injury for 24 client-owned companion animals following various traumas were evaluated. concurrently sustained injuries, initial emergency treatments, and definitive treatment and outcome for regimens that utilize stabilization of the flail segment were compared with cases treated with no stabilization. flail chest was confirmed in 24 animals: 21 dogs and three cats. there was an even division (12 each) of right and left flail segments. the median number of ribs involved was ... | 2002 | 12118684 |
seroprevalence of antibodies against leishmania spp among dogs in the united states. | to determine seroprevalence of antibodies against leishmania spp among dogs other than foxhounds in the united states. | 2003 | 12619839 |
starting a canine program. | if it is done properly, a program of canine patrols in a healthcare setting can produce a number of benefits, not the least of which is a decline in criminal activity. in this article, the author shares his experiences in developing and implementing a successful program. | 2002 | 11951394 |
dirofilaria immitis: worm burden and pulmonary artery proliferation in dogs from michigan (united states). | despite the ability to prevent heartworm disease, infection with dirofilaria immitis continues to be a major problem for domestic dogs. to determine worm burden in heartworm-positive dogs from three county animal shelters in the state of michigan in the united states and to assess the relationship between gross intimal proliferation and worm burden, necropsy was done on 176 heartworm-positive dogs. adult heartworms were found in the heart and pulmonary artery of 170 of the 176 (96.6%) dogs exami ... | 2004 | 15350667 |
conversion of atrial fibrillation by the experimental antiarrhythmic drug tedisamil in two canine models. | tedisamil is an experimental bradycardic agent possessing action potential-prolonging effects. it has been proven effective in terminating ventricular arrhythmias in several animal models and atrial flutter in a conscious dog model. there are no reports to date evaluating tedisamil's efficacy in terminating atrial fibrillation (af). | 2001 | 11699522 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004. | during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15385920 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004. | during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15457147 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004. | during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah). | 2004 | 15483530 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004. | during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15499683 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 20-26, 2004. | during october 20-26, a total of 80 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 16 states (arizona, california, florida, iowa, kentucky, louisiana, michigan, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, new york, ohio, south dakota, texas, and utah). | 2004 | 15514584 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 27-november 2, 2004. | during october 27-november 2, a total of 10 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, iowa, michigan, new mexico, ohio, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15525902 |
west nile virus activity--united states, november 9-16, 2004. | during november 9-16, a total of 31 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, maryland, michigan, missouri, new york, pennsylvania, and texas). | 2004 | 15549023 |
spatial and temporal comparison of selected cancers in dogs and humans, michigan, usa, 1964-1994. | our aim was to investigate the geographic and time distributions of some biologically similar neoplasms in dogs and humans living in michigan, usa, between 1964 and 1994. our objective was to describe and compare the patterns of cancer in the two species while assessing the strength and dependence of those patterns. in this retrospective, registry-based study, histologically confirmed incident human and canine cancer cases were mapped, and second-order (k function) spatial analysis and one-dimen ... | 2000 | 11058779 |
rates of euthanasia and adoption for dogs and cats in michigan animal shelters. | estimates of canine and feline euthanasia at u.s. animal shelters--largely based on voluntary surveys with low response rates--make it difficult to estimate the population from which the euthanized animals derive. estimates of euthanasia rates (animals euthanized per unit of population) have varied widely and been available only sporadically. this study used requirements of michigan state law (pet shops, dog pounds, and animal shelters act, 1969) for animal shelters to collect admission and disc ... | 2005 | 16277593 |
brief report: respiratory illness associated with boot sealant products--five states, 2005-2006. | during february 2005-february 2006, six regional poison control centers in five states were consulted regarding 172 human and 19 animal (i.e., pet cat or dog) exposures to shoe or boot leather protection or sealant products resulting in respiratory illness. one product was associated with 126 cases of human illness and another product with seven cases. an ongoing investigation, begun in december 2005, is being conducted by the poison centers. the majority of cases occurred in michigan, where poi ... | 2006 | 16675946 |
spatial and temporal distribution of selected canine cancers in michigan, usa, 1964-1994. | although rates are commonly used to compare regional disease occurrence, rate-independent methods might also be useful in circumstances where geographic occurrence of a disease is known, but calculation of disease rates is not feasible. this is frequently the case for diseases in companion animals, where accurate enumeration of populations-at-risk is often arduous. this study had two objectives: to demonstrate a rate-independent method for investigating disease aggregation in companion animals; ... | 1999 | 10532318 |
teaching an old dog new tricks. | | 1998 | 10176193 |
a cold nose can warm the heart. | chase, a three-year-old golden retriever, is a show dog with a mission! for the past six months, chase and his owner, carol ruby, of orion township, have been visiting patients on the inpatient physical rehabilitation unit at crittenton hospital in rochester. chase played a key role in the creation of the unit's new pet therapy program. currently, chase is one of three dogs whose goal is to bring smiles to the faces of patients at the hospital. | 1997 | 10167238 |
geographic distribution of ticks (acari: ixodidae) in michigan, with emphasis on ixodes scapularis and borrelia burgdorferi. | a 12-yr (1985-1996) passive survey in michigan based upon tick submissions from citizens yielded 4,755 ticks of 21 species, 16 of which were probably indigenous in the state. three species of dermacentor [most common, d. variabilis say and d. albipictus (packard)]; 2 species of amblyomma [most common, a. americanum (l.)]; and 12 species of ixodes (most common, i. cookei packard and i. scapularis say), as well as haemaphysalis leporispalustris (packard), rhipicephalus sanguineus latreille, and th ... | 1998 | 9775623 |
use of tick surveys and serosurveys to evaluate pet dogs as a sentinel species for emerging lyme disease. | to evaluate dogs as a sentinel species for emergence of lyme disease in a region undergoing invasion by ixodes scapularis. | 2009 | 19119948 |
german shepherd dog pyoderma: a prospective study of 12 dogs. | twelve german shepherd dogs, each diagnosed as having a recurrent or refractory deep pyoderma (i.e., german shepherd dog pyoderma [gsp]), were evaluated for several parameters over a six-year period. results indicated that gsp could be associated with flea allergy dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, food allergy, cell-mediated immunodeficiency, or hypothyroidism, or could be an idiopathic disease. the combination of diseases present for a given dog varied from case to case. adequate control of the py ... | 1997 | 9204474 |
prevalence of rabies in bats in michigan, 1981-1993. | to analyze the species distribution of animals submitted to the michigan department of public health (mdph) for rabies testing during 1993. to determine whether any of the 9 species of bats residing in michigan carries a disproportionate rabies burden, and to determine whether bats contributed the most cases of confirmed rabies during 1981 through 1992. | 1997 | 9018352 |
a cornerstone in the history of hypertension: the seventieth anniversary of the discovery of angiotensin. | in 1939, two independent teams, in buenos aires and indianapolis, identified the polypeptide angiotensin. in 1934, goldblatt et al. demonstrated that partial occlusion of the renal arteries produces hypertension in dogs, and houssay in 1936 predicted the presence of a humoral mechanism and, with fasciolo, demonstrated that the ischemic kidneys released a pressor substance that increased the recipient's blood pressure. later on, taquini proved that the rise in blood pressure that follows the re-e ... | 2010 | 19956076 |
continuous versus intermittent delivery of nutrition via nasoenteric feeding tubes in hospitalized canine and feline patients: 91 patients (2002-2007). | to compare continuous to intermittent feeding at delivering prescribed nutrition in hospitalized canine and feline patients. | 2010 | 20487251 |
ceruminous gland tumors in dogs and cats: a review of 124 cases. | the histological features of 124 ceruminous gland tumors from canine and feline biopsy submissions were reviewed. the tissues, which represented submissions from private veterinary practices and a veterinary college, included ceruminous gland adenocarcinomas and adenomas as well as a single, mixed ceruminous gland adenocarcinoma. a majority of the masses from both dogs and cats were identified as malignant processes. | 1996 | 8875362 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2009. | during 2009, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,690 rabid animals and 4 human rabies cases to the cdc, representing a 2.2% decrease from the 6,841 rabid animals and 2 human cases reported in 2008. approximately 92% of reported rabid animals were wildlife. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,327 (34.8%) raccoons, 1,625 (24.3%) bats, 1,603 (24.0%) skunks, 504 (75%) foxes, 300 (4.5%) cats, 81 (1.2%) dogs, and 74 (1.1%) cattle. compared with 2008, numbers of rabid ... | 2010 | 20839985 |
stray voltage and developmental, reproductive and other toxicology problems in dogs, cats and cows: a discussion. | ten years ago, after 3 y of investigations, attempts to determine the cause(s) of reproductive and developmental problems at a dog kennel in allegan county, mi were suspended. this kennel had lost more than 120 litters of shetland sheepdogs (shelties) over the preceding 12 y; many of the puppies that died were deformed as were several that survived. similar effects occurred in persian cats, although on a smaller scale, and later in german shepherds and golden retrievers. such problems began afte ... | 1995 | 7631499 |
canine leptospirosis in detroit. | among 433 stray dogs in detroit, michigan, surveyed for leptospiral agglutinins, 164 (37.8%) had significant titers to 1 or more leptospiral serotypes; from 123 suburban stray dogs tested, 23 (18.7%) had significant titers. the use of 2-mercaptoethanol on positive serum samples was helpful in identifying acute from chronic phase titers. cross-reaction patterns also were clarified by the use of 2-mercaptoethanol. cultural isolation of leptospires from dog urine was unsuccessful unless the urine h ... | 1980 | 7224293 |
zoonoses at henry ford hospital: clinical, epidemiologic, and therapeutic aspects. | | 1982 | 7085343 |
zoonoses in modern medical practice. | | 1982 | 7085342 |
hepatic granuloma due to a nymph of linguatula serrata in a woman from michigan: a case report and review of the literature. | there have been seven cases of human infection by nymphs of linguatula serrata reported from the united states. only three of these, however, are proven to be autochthonous. we report a rare case of hepatic granuloma due to a nymph of l. serrata in a woman from michigan. she had never left the continental united states. | 1984 | 6364856 |
a comparison of licensed and hospital dog populations. | | 1968 | 5689877 |
evaluation of a hands-on workshop as a teaching tool for critical care medicine. | many medical students have difficulty correlating the principles of cardiorespiratory physiology with the practice of critical care medicine. we developed a workshop to make this transition easier. after a computer-administered preworkshop test, groups of four students intubated a dog, and inserted arterial, peripheral, and pulmonary artery catheters. after baseline cardiorespiratory variables were measured, noncardiogenic pulmonary edema was created by administration of oleic acid via the right ... | 1985 | 3971731 |
changing patterns of rabies in michigan. | | 1991 | 2046563 |
parasites of black bears of the lake superior region. | parasites collected from free-ranging black bears, ursus americanus pallas, 1780, from northeastern minnesota or northern michigan include the dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say, 1821), the winter tick, d. albipictus (packard, 1869), a louse, trichodectes pinguis euarctidoes hopkins, 1954, an ascarid worm, baylisascaris transfuga (rudolphi, 1819), a filarial worm, dirofilaria ursi yamaguti, 1941, taeniid tapeworms, and unidentified fleas. the broad fish tapeworm, diphyllobothrium latum (linna ... | 1975 | 1142551 |
serum concentrations of mibolerone in beagle bitches as influenced by time, dosage form, and geographic location. | a radioimmunoassay was developed for the assay of mibolerone in the serum of adult bitches with a lower limit of detection of 0.5 ng of mibolerone/ml of serum. serum concentrations in beagle bitches given mibolerone were found to be dependent on concentration in and type of formulation. the type of formulation also influenced the time to reach peak serum concentrations of mibolerone. serum concentrations were also different for the same animals treated at 2 geographic locations. | 1978 | 565606 |
assessment of the hazards of polybrominated biphenyls. | during their peak use period, pbbs represented under 1% of the total sales of fire retardant chemicals, and very probably would have escaped intensive study if they had not been mixed accidentally with animal feed preparations. instead, international attention was drawn to pbbs by the state-supervised killing of over 35,000 cattle which had been contaminated with pbbs. interestingly, low doses of pbbs exert a broad spectrum of toxicological, pharmacological, and biochemical effects despite low a ... | 1978 | 209999 |
teaching old dogs new tricks: rn "returnship" program. | rn shortages, lack of experienced rns, technological advances, closed doors to rns without recent acute care experience-these are the common problems making it difficult for experienced rns to return to the hospital setting after an extended absence. solution? a specialized orientation-the "rn returnship program." this creative and adaptable medical-surgical nursing program met these unique needs. the returnship program was designed to support "old dog" rns and teach them the "new tricks" of acu ... | 2004 | 15295261 |
building collaborative opportunities. | there was a dog-eared copy of the iom report to err is human in my briefcase back in january 2000, when i showed up for my first day of work at the mha. released just weeks earlier, i suspected to err is human would change the landscape of health care delivery significantly. | 2003 | 14628332 |
helminth parasites of dogs in southeastern michigan. | | 1964 | 14118011 |
a canine distemper outbreak in alaska: diagnosis and strain characterization using sequence analysis. | vaccination with modified-live vaccines has been very effective in reducing the incidence of canine distemper, a disease that can be devastating in unvaccinated populations. a diagnostic submission to the animal health diagnostic laboratory at michigan state university, east lansing, michigan, involved a case in which several hundred dogs in an alaskan town died in a suspected canine distemper outbreak. cytoplasmic and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies, consistent with canine distemper ... | 2003 | 12735343 |
sarcoptic mange in raccoons in michigan. | sarcoptic mange is a cause of pruritic skin disease in domestic dogs and a wide range of wildlife species. we describe sarcoptic mange in free-ranging raccoons (procyon lotor). three adult raccoons from upper wayne county, michigan (usa), were captured, killed, and submitted for diagnostic evaluation. the animals were intensely pruritic, and two had advanced alopecic and crusting lesions over their dorsum and hind limbs. skin scrapings and skin biopsies revealed crusting and hyperkeratotic derma ... | 2004 | 15362840 |
computed tomography as an aid in the diagnosis of chronic nasal disease in dogs. | to assess the use of computed tomography (ct) in the diagnosis of chronic nasal disease in dogs. | 2005 | 15971898 |
prevalence of serum antibodies against six leptospira serovars in healthy dogs. | to determine the prevalence of antibodies against 6 leptospira serovars and determine risk factors associated with positive leptospira titers in healthy client-owned dogs in michigan. | 2007 | 17542733 |
pitbull mauling deaths in detroit. | between the years 1987 and 2005, there were 6 deaths reported in wayne county, michigan, associated with pitbull dog attacks. this article discusses the age incidence, scene investigation, nature of the injuries, and discussion relative to fatal dog attacks, an unusual accidental type of death. | 2007 | 18043027 |
absence of mycobacterium bovis infection in dogs and cats residing on infected cattle farms: michigan, 2002. | a cross-sectional field study was performed to evaluate infection in dogs and cats living on farms with mycobacterium bovis-infected cattle. the purpose was to determine pet infection status and assess their risk to farm families and/or tuberculosis-free livestock. data and specimens were collected from 18 cats and five dogs from nine participating farms. elisa testing for m. bovis and m. avium was conducted. fifty-one biological samples were cultured; all were negative for m. bovis, although ot ... | 2008 | 18325127 |
ecologic niche modeling of blastomyces dermatitidis in wisconsin. | blastomycosis is a potentially fatal mycosis that is acquired by inhaling infectious spores of blastomyces dermatitidis present in the environment. the ecology of this pathogen is poorly understood, in part because it has been extremely difficult to identify the niche(s) it occupies based on culture isolation of the organism from environmental samples. | 2008 | 18446224 |
specific allergic sensitization in parents and their 18-year-old offspring in the suburban detroit childhood allergy study. | allergic sensitization is increased among offspring of sensitized parents. | 2009 | 19409605 |
how accurately do young adults recall childhood pets? a validation study. | epidemiologic research shows that pets influence human health, demonstrating both protective and deleterious health risks; therefore, valid definitions of pet exposure would enhance research. the authors determined how well young adults aged 18 years report their early childhood pets. subjects in an established birth cohort from detroit, michigan, born in 1987-1989 (n = 820) were asked a series of questions about pets in the home during their first 6 years of life. pet recall was compared with a ... | 2009 | 19515795 |
kwashiorkor from a severe dietary restriction in an 8-month infant in suburban detroit, michigan: case report and review of the literature. | kwashiorkor is a type of protein-calorie malnutrition often seen in children of impoverished countries and famine. the condition occurs in the setting of insufficient protein intake in the presence of sufficient caloric intake. we report a case of a 8-month-old male infant in the suburban detroit, mi, usa who presented with diffuse edema, erythroderma and desquamation, a "bull-dog" face, diarrhea, and irritability, consistent with kwashiorkor as a result of severe dietary restriction. the mother ... | 2010 | 20534082 |
the impact of dog walking on leisure-time physical activity: results from a population-based survey of michigan adults. | the extent to which dog walking promotes leisure-time physical activity (ltpa) remains unresolved. we describe the characteristics of people who walk their dog, and assess the impact on ltpa. | 2011 | 21487144 |