the prevalence of heartworms (dirofilaria immitis) in dogs from indiana. | | 1978 | 569196 |
species composition and feeding success of mosquitoes attracted to caged dogs in indiana. | a field study using caged dogs in mosquito bait traps was conducted in eastcentral indiana to determine the species composition of mosquitoes coming to feed. fourteen species of mosquitoes from 5 genera were collected; aedes trivittatus predominated. feeding success rates were measured as the percentage of mosquitoes collected that had a fresh blood meal. the species having the highest rates were: culex erraticus, aedes stimulans and ae. trivittatus. aedes vexans and cx. pipiens/restuans had mar ... | 1985 | 2906663 |
epizootic vesicular stomatitis in colorado, 1982: epidemiologic studies along the northern colorado front range. | epidemiologic evaluations were made of farm personnel on vesicular stomatitis-affected premises along the front range of the rocky mountains in colorado during the 1982 epizootic. a similar antibody prevalence was noted to that of veterinarians and research and regulatory personnel who were involved with the same epizootic. risk of infection resulted from intimate physical contact with infected horses or cows. incidence and infection rates in horses were 45%; rates in cows were much lower, only ... | 1987 | 3028193 |
canine serum levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs): a pilot study to evaluate the use of animal sentinels in environmental health. | to evaluate the potential for using domestic animals in the surveillance of environmental exposures, we collected serum samples for polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) analysis from nine dogs in monroe county, indiana, where people had been shown to have been exposed to pcbs. nine dogs in atlanta, georgia, served as comparisons. results indicated that canine serum pcb levels in contaminated areas (median = 3.0 ppb) tend to be greater than those in uncontaminated areas (median = 1.7 ppb [p = .06, mann ... | 1988 | 3132898 |
relationship of toxoplasma infections to other diseases in dogs. | toxoplasma infection as detected by the immunofluorescent antibody (ifa) test was found in 13.2% of 448 dogs examined at the purdue university small animal clinic. only titres of 1/64 and above were considered positive, but lesser titers were encountered more frequently. the highest titer observed was 1/1024 in 2 dogs one of which had idiopathic epilepsy and the other had dirofilariasis as well as hip dysplasia. the incidence of positive sera from male and female dogs were 11.7 and 14.5%, respec ... | 1983 | 6351416 |
blood hosts of aedes albopictus in the united states. | bloodfed aedes albopictus were collected during 1989-91 by vacuum aspirator from rural and urban study sites in missouri, florida, indiana, illinois, and louisiana. blood hosts identified by elisa and precipitin tests were rabbit (n = 91), rattus sp. (n = 69), dog (n = 14), unidentified mammal (n = 14), cow (n = 13), human (n = 10), deer (n = 10), sciurid (n = 7), turtle (n = 5), murid other than rattus sp. (n = 4), raccoon (n = 3), passeriform bird (n = 3), and cat (n = 2). as an opportunistic ... | 1994 | 7807094 |
dynamics of dog and cat populations in a community. | to describe dynamics of the pet dog and cat populations in a single community in terms of reproductive patterns and turnover. | 1997 | 9054991 |
ectoparasite fauna of the eastern woodrat, neotoma floridana: composition, origin, and comparison with ectoparasite faunas of western woodrat species. | we collected ectoparasites from eastern woodrats, neotoma floridana, from 3 sites in the southeastern united states: coastal south carolina, southeast georgia, and south-central georgia. twelve ectoparasite species were recovered from 47 woodrats in south carolina (5 ticks, 5 mites, 2 fleas), 13 from 35 woodrats in south-central georgia (1 tick, 10 mites, 2 fleas), and 4 from a small host sample (7) in southeast georgia (2 ticks, 1 mite, 1 flea). new state records are established for the listrop ... | 1997 | 9194815 |
there are at least three genetically distinct small piroplasms from dogs. | the 18s nuclear subunit ribosomal rna (18s rrna) gene of small piroplasms isolated from dogs from okinawa (japan), oklahoma, north carolina, indiana, missouri, and alabama, was isolated and sequenced. phylogenetic analysis of these sequences and comparisons with sequences from other babesia, cytauxzoon, and theileria species revealed that all canine small babesial isolates, with the exception of isolates from california and spain, were placed in a group containing the babesia spp. sensu stricto. ... | 2000 | 11428342 |
fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy in miniature schnauzers. | in large- and giant-breed dogs, fibrocartilaginous embolic myelopathy (fcem) is a well-recognized syndrome of acute spinal cord infarction caused by embolization of fibrocartilage. the miniature schnauzer is reportedly the most frequently affected small breed, although clinical data from only six miniature schnauzers with fcem is available in the literature. the purposes of this study were to determine the relative frequency of fcem compared to other causes of myelopathy in miniature schnauzers, ... | 2001 | 11450839 |
sampling for sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among prairie dog colonies on ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis in new mexico and colorado. | the possible presence of sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) among colonies of gunnison's prairie dogs, cynomys gunnisoni baird, was investigated on or near ranches with histories of vesicular stomatitis (vs) in domestic livestock in the mid-rio grande river valley, nm, and west-slope region of colorado. sampling was conducted at six locations, three in each region, using three methods: standard down-draft suction/light traps, up-draft suction/light traps (both supplemented with co2), and burrow-e ... | 2002 | 12144304 |
prognosis following surgical excision of canine cutaneous mast cell tumors with histopathologically tumor-free versus nontumor-free margins: a retrospective study of 31 cases. | the purpose of this study was to determine if the presence of histopathologically tumor-free versus nontumor-free margins was prognostic for relapse or tumor-related death in dogs following surgical excision of single or multiple cutaneous mast cell tumors confined to the skin without evidence of metastasis to lymph nodes or other noncutaneous sites. differences in tumor-related death or frequency of relapse between the two groups were not significant. failure to achieve histopathological tumor- ... | 2002 | 12220031 |
breed susceptibility for developmental orthopedic diseases in dogs. | a large-scale epidemiological study was conducted to determine breeds at risk for 12 developmental orthopedic diseases (dods). developmental orthopedic diseases investigated included canine hip dysplasia (chd); craniomandibular osteopathy (cmo); fragmented coronoid process; hypertrophic osteodystrophy; legg-calvé-perthes disease; osteochondrosis of the medial humeral condyle, caudal humeral head, femoral condyles, and talar trochlear ridges; panosteitis; patella luxation; and ununited anconeal p ... | 2002 | 12220032 |
multistate outbreak of monkeypox--illinois, indiana, and wisconsin, 2003. | cdc has received reports of patients with a febrile rash illness who had close contact with pet prairie dogs and other animals. the marshfield clinic, marshfield, wisconsin, identified a virus morphologically consistent with a poxvirus by electron microscopy of skin lesion tissue from a patient, lymph node tissue from the patient's pet prairie dog, and isolates of virus from culture of these tissues. additional laboratory testing at cdc indicated that the causative agent is a monkeypox virus, a ... | 2003 | 12803191 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004. | during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15343148 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004. | during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15385920 |
monkeypox: a review of the history and emergence in the western hemisphere. | a mysterious disease was reported on may 24, 2003, when the wisconsin division of public health (dph) received notice of a 3-year-old girl who had been hospitalized in central wisconsin with cellulites and fever after being bitten by a prairie dog on may 13. the laboratory isolated a gram-negative bacillus, raising concerns that it might be tularemia or plague; ultimately, it was identified as an acinetobacter species and was considered to be a contaminant. because no other such cases were repor ... | 2004 | 15494953 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004. | during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15499683 |
brief report: respiratory illness associated with boot sealant products--five states, 2005-2006. | during february 2005-february 2006, six regional poison control centers in five states were consulted regarding 172 human and 19 animal (i.e., pet cat or dog) exposures to shoe or boot leather protection or sealant products resulting in respiratory illness. one product was associated with 126 cases of human illness and another product with seven cases. an ongoing investigation, begun in december 2005, is being conducted by the poison centers. the majority of cases occurred in michigan, where poi ... | 2006 | 16675946 |
botulism associated with commercially canned chili sauce--texas and indiana, july 2007. | on july 7 and july 11, 2007, public health officials in texas and indiana, respectively, reported to cdc four suspected cases of foodborne botulism, two in each state. investigations conducted by state and local health departments revealed that all four patients had eaten brands of castleberry's hot dog chili sauce before illness began. botulinum toxin type a was detected in the serum of one indiana patient and in a leftover chili mixture obtained from his home. cdc informed the food and drug ad ... | 2007 | 17673898 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2006. | during 2006, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,940 cases of rabies in animals and 3 cases in humans to the cdc, representing an 8.2% increase from the 6,417 cases in animals and 1 case in a human reported in 2005. approximately 92% of the cases were in wildlife, and 8% were in domestic animals. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,615 raccoons (37.7%), 1,692 bats (24.4%), 1,494 skunks (21.5%), 427 foxes (6.2%), 318 cats (4.6%), 82 cattle (1.2%), and 79 dogs (1. ... | 2007 | 17696853 |
pancreatic abscess in 36 dogs: a retrospective analysis of prognostic indicators. | thirty-six dogs were diagnosed with pancreatic abscess by the presence of purulent exudate within the parenchyma of the pancreas during exploratory laparotomy. data regarding history, physical examination findings, clinicopathological data, diagnostic imaging findings, bacteriological culture results, abdominal drainage technique, and perioperative treatment were evaluated for factors predictive of survival. elevated blood urea nitrogen, serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and rising bicarbonat ... | 2008 | 18593854 |
the use of porcine small intestinal submucosa for the repair of full-thickness corneal defects in dogs, cats and horses. | to evaluate the efficacy of using a porcine small intestinal submucosa (sis) graft covered by a conjunctival flap for the surgical repair of full-thickness corneal wounds in dogs, cats and horses. | 2004 | 15310296 |
anthrax, heart disease, and your toothbrush: an interview with 2004 ida annual session presenter dr. tom glass. | | 2004 | 15266735 |
"bark parks"--a study on interdog aggression in a limited-control environment. | as limited-control dog parks become more popular, concerns arise about whether these parks encourage interdog aggression. systematic observations made at 1 park over 72 hr across 8 months found that 28 conflicts or potential conflicts occurred (< 0.5%). of these, 14 were clear aggressive episodes. each lasted less than 1 min (< 0.33% of total observation time). there were 14 other incidents of possible aggression that were ambiguous in nature. each lasted less than 30 sec (< 0.17%). none of thes ... | 2003 | 12795856 |
short-term rapid atrial pacing produces electrical remodeling of sinus node function in humans. | depression of sinus node function occurs in dogs and in patients after cessation of atrial flutter and fibrillation. we tested whether transient atrial pacing might produce similar changes in humans. | 2002 | 12108502 |
canine anal sac adenocarcinomas: clinical presentation and response to therapy. | a retrospective study of 43 dogs with anal sac adenocarcinoma (asac) was performed to characterize the clinical presentation and response to treatment. clinical signs at presentation varied considerably, with signs related either to sublumbar nodal metastasis (tenesmus or constipation) or hypercalcemia (polyuria-polydipsia and anorexia) being the most frequent findings. at the time of presentation, 23 (53%) dogs had hypercalcemia and 34 (79%) had metastases, with the regional lymph nodes (31 dog ... | 2002 | 11822797 |
a cross-sectional study to estimate prevalence of periodontal disease in a population of dogs (canis familiaris) in commercial breeding facilities in indiana and illinois. | the objectives of this cross-sectional study were: 1) to estimate the prevalence and characterize the severity of periodontal disease in a population of dogs housed in commercial breeding facilities; 2) to characterize pd preventive care utilized by facility owners; and 3) to assess inter-rater reliability of a visual scoring assessment tool. adult dogs (n = 445) representing 42 breeds at 24 cb facilities in indiana and illinois were assessed. periodontal disease was scored visually using the am ... | 2018 | 29346448 |
history about the discovery of the renin-angiotensin system. | the history of the discovery of the renin-angiotensin system began in 1898 with the studies made by tigerstedt and bergman, who reported the pressor effect of renal extracts; they named the renal substance renin based on its origin. in 1934, harry goldblatt induced experimental hypertension in dogs by clamping a renal artery. about 1936, simultaneously in the medical school of the university of buenos aires, argentina, and in the eli-lilly laboratories in indianapolis, 2 independent groups of re ... | 2001 | 11751697 |
human health concerns from pet ownership after a tornado. | although 50% to 60% of north american households own pets and many of these pets are considered family members, there is little information on the impact of pet ownership on pet-owning families affected by disasters. | 1996 | 10160462 |
risk factors for relinquishment of dogs to an animal shelter. | to identify canine and household characteristics associated with relinquishment of a pet dog to an animal shelter. | 1996 | 8755975 |
descriptive epidemiology of animal bites in indiana, 1990-92--a rationale for intervention. | animal bites are a reality of life throughout the world. they arise out of an imperfect relationship with domestic animals and wildlife. most bite injuries are preventable. the principal approaches to community-wide bite prevention programs include reducing the number of domestic animals roaming in the community (animal control) and teaching people to refrain from behaviors likely to provoke bites. this article addresses the epidemiologic basis and justification for a bite prevention program tar ... | 1995 | 7838946 |
canine distemper infection in pet dogs: ii. a case-control study of risk factors during a suspected outbreak in indiana. | the epidemiologic features of an outbreak of canine distemper during 1992 and 1993 in pet dogs in indiana are described. risk factors for disease were characterized using hospital records of private veterinary practitioners. the risk of disease for purebred dogs was 85% lower than the risk of disease for mixed-breed dogs. lack of vaccination was associated with a 350-fold increase in the risk of canine distemper, and 93.8% of all cases could be attributed to the lack of vaccination. for many of ... | 1995 | 7634057 |
canine distemper infection in pet dogs: i. surveillance in indiana during a suspected outbreak. | a mail survey of 613 private veterinary practices in indiana was conducted to determine the prevalence of canine distemper infection in indiana during 1991 and 1992 and to compare the prevalence in three geographic regions. of the practices that were contacted, 223 (37%) responded. canine distemper had been diagnosed by 150 (67%) of the 223 practices. the period prevalence increased significantly from 11.1 to 16.9 cases per 10,000 dog visits. surveillance of private veterinary practices may be u ... | 1995 | 7634056 |
nutrition classics. proceedings of the society for experimental biology and medicine, volume 38, 1938: toxicity of nicotinic acid. k. k. chen, charles l. rose and e. brown robbins. | | 1984 | 6366637 |
ixodes dammini (acari: ixodidae) in indiana. | ixodes dammini spielman, clifford, piesman and corwin is reported from indiana for the first time. four specimens were taken from deer and one from a dog. all specimens are adult females and all were collected in 1987. the significance of this finding is discussed. | 1989 | 2709389 |
mediastinal yolk sac tumor. the indiana university experience, 1976 to 1988. | mediastinal yolk sac tumor (endodermal sinus tumor) is an extremely rare extragonadal germ cell neoplasm that has been associated with a grave prognosis. twenty-one male patients with mediastinal yolk sac tumor received treatment at indiana university between 1976 and 1988. fourteen were seen after initial diagnosis, and their disease was treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy in association with complete surgical resection if possible. five are currently alive and disease free (36%). seven w ... | 1991 | 1960997 |
pet populations in the catchment area of the purdue comparative oncology program. | using a 1-stage random-digit dial telephone survey, we estimated the number of pet dogs and cats and cancer case ascertainment in the principal catchment area of an animal tumor registry in indiana, the purdue comparative oncology program (pcop). these findings will assist in the estimation of pet cancer incidence rates for the pcop. the estimated canine and feline populations for marion county were 144,039 (95% confidence interval, 121,555 to 166,523) and 94,998 (74,384 to 115,648), respectivel ... | 1992 | 1537690 |
characteristics of pet populations and households in the purdue comparative oncology program catchment area, 1988. | a 1-stage, random-digit dial telephone survey was conducted to obtain information on characteristics of pet populations and pet-owning households in 1988 in marion and tippecanoe counties, indiana. interviews for 653 out of 731 eligible households were completed (response rate, 88%). approximately half of the households in each county owned a pet. of these, 35% owned at least 1 dog, and 23% owned at least 1 cat. households with pets were more likely to be larger and have a higher median income s ... | 1992 | 1293114 |
gastrointestinal helminths in dogs from a humane shelter in indiana. | between january 1975 and august 1976, the alimentary tracts of 104 euthanatized dogs from a humane shelter in tippecanoe county, indiana, were examined to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths. the survey was restricted to dogs greater than 1 year old. their average age was estimated at approximately 2 years. parasitism was detected in 86.5% of the dogs examined. ancylostoma caninum was found most often (58.7%), followed by trichuris vulpis (51.9%), taenia sp (31.7%), toxocara c ... | 1978 | 721684 |
evidence of resistance to metals in larvae of the midge chironomus tentans in a metal contaminated lake. | | 1978 | 719194 |
a cornerstone in the history of hypertension: the seventieth anniversary of the discovery of angiotensin. | in 1939, two independent teams, in buenos aires and indianapolis, identified the polypeptide angiotensin. in 1934, goldblatt et al. demonstrated that partial occlusion of the renal arteries produces hypertension in dogs, and houssay in 1936 predicted the presence of a humoral mechanism and, with fasciolo, demonstrated that the ischemic kidneys released a pressor substance that increased the recipient's blood pressure. later on, taquini proved that the rise in blood pressure that follows the re-e ... | 2010 | 19956076 |
analysis of nonfatal dog bites in children. | dog bites are a significant public health problem among children. the purpose of this study was to examine the hospital incidence, hospital charges, and characteristics of dog bite injuries among children by age group and hospitalization status who were treated at our health care system to guide prevention programs and policies. | 2009 | 19276721 |
the use of harvested white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) and geographic information system (gis) methods to characterize distribution and locate spatial clusters of borrelia burgdorferi and its vector ixodes scapularis in indiana. | ixodes scapularis (say) is the vector for borrelia burgdorferi (bb) the causative agent of lyme disease (ld). the increased number and presence of ticks in the environment pose a significant health risk to people and many domestic animals including dogs, cats, and horses. this study characterized the distribution and expansion of i. scapularis and bb and identified areas of increased risk of ld transmission in indiana using geographical information systems (gis) and spatial analysis. a cross-sec ... | 2009 | 19272000 |
puppy love... and then some. dawn moore, lpn, chcm, practice manager, decatur county memorial hospital, greensburg, ind. | | 2008 | 18590089 |
human rabies--indiana and california, 2006. | rabies is a viral infection that causes acute, progressive encephalitis and is considered to be universally fatal. however, during 2004, an unvaccinated wisconsin patient received a new medical treatment and became the first documented survivor of rabies who had not received preexposure vaccination or postexposure prophylaxis (pep), suggesting the possibility of successful future interventions. this report describes two recent patients with rabies who were treated using therapy similar to that u ... | 2007 | 17443120 |
detection of anaplasma phagocytophilum and babesia odocoilei dna in ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) collected in indiana. | the blacklegged tick, ixodes scapularis say, first reported in indiana in 1987, has now been detected in more than half of indiana's counties. the first case of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis (human anaplasmosis) in indiana was reported in 2002. we now report the detection of anaplasma phagocytophilum and babesia odocoilei (emerson and wright 1968) in i. scapularis ticks collected in northern indiana. using polymerase chain reaction analysis, 41 of 193 adult ticks (21.2%) collected from deer we ... | 2006 | 16619631 |
transmission of monkeypox among persons exposed to infected prairie dogs in indiana in 2003. | to describe a cluster of human monkeypox cases associated with exposure to ill prairie dogs in a home child care. | 2005 | 16275790 |
spatial and temporal factors affecting parasite genotypes encountered by hosts: empirical data from american dog ticks (dermacentor variabilis) parasitising raccoons (procyon lotor). | the american dog tick (dermacentor variabilis) is an important vector of numerous pathogens of humans and animals. in this study, we analysed population genetic patterns in d. variabilis at scales of the host individual (infrapopulation) and population (component population) to elucidate fine-scale spatial and temporal factors influencing transmission dynamics. we genotyped d. variabilis collected from raccoons (procyon lotor) trapped in two habitat patches (located in indiana, usa) which were s ... | 2010 | 20060394 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2009. | during 2009, 49 states and puerto rico reported 6,690 rabid animals and 4 human rabies cases to the cdc, representing a 2.2% decrease from the 6,841 rabid animals and 2 human cases reported in 2008. approximately 92% of reported rabid animals were wildlife. relative contributions by the major animal groups were as follows: 2,327 (34.8%) raccoons, 1,625 (24.3%) bats, 1,603 (24.0%) skunks, 504 (75%) foxes, 300 (4.5%) cats, 81 (1.2%) dogs, and 74 (1.1%) cattle. compared with 2008, numbers of rabid ... | 2010 | 20839985 |
raccoon roundworms in pet kinkajous--three states, 1999 and 2010. | baylisascaris procyonis (bp) is the common roundworm of raccoons (procyon lotor). adult bp live in the small intestine of this host, where they produce eggs that are passed in the feces. bp eggs ingested by nondefinitive host species hatch in the intestine, producing larvae that can migrate widely, causing visceral, ocular, or neural larva migrans. cases of neural larva migrans in humans caused by bp likely acquired from raccoons have resulted in severe encephalitis with permanent deficits and i ... | 2011 | 21412211 |
idiopathic immune-mediated thrombocytopenia and recent vaccination in dogs. | vaccination is often cited as a potential cause of immune-mediated thrombocytopenia (itp) in dogs. although an association has been documented in humans, particularly in children, this relationship has not been definitively established in dogs. | 2011 | 22151468 |