
animal bites, a public health problem in jefferson county, alabama. 1979515339
arthritis in the prehistoric southeastern united states: biological and cultural variables.recent research shows that a bacterial life form, erysipelothrix insidiosa, can produce rheumatoid arthritis in deer, swine, and dogs, and that a number of animals, including man, birds, and fish, may be infected by the organism. examination of the archaeological record suggests that both cultural and biological variables may be interrelated in the maintenance of some forms of arthritis over long periods of time in geographically disparate populations. re-examination of cherokee folk beliefs con ...19751098480
prevalence of sarcocystis odocoileocanis from white-tailed deer in alabama and its attempted transmission to goats.sarcocysts of sarcocystis odocoileocanis were found in tissue sections of hearts and tongues examined by light microscopy from 30 (88%) of 34 white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). hearts were infected less often (13 of 34, 38%) than were tongues (30 of 34, 88%). sarcocysts of sarcocystis odoi were not observed in the white-tailed deer examined. a gray fox (urocyon cinereoargenteus) excreted sporocysts after consuming tongues of white-tailed deer infected with s. odocoileocanis. two goats i ...19883127603
isolations of an arbovirus of the bunyamwera group (tensaw virus) from mosquitoes in the southeastern united states, 1960-1963. 19694387750
jerome cochran lecture. development of arterial grafts and arterial surgery in alabama. 19704918664
further observations on the epidemiology of spirocerca lupi in the southeastern united states. 19676062060
prevalence and distribution of sarcocystis sp among wild swine of southeastern united states.digestive techniques revealed sarcocystis sp infection in 62 of 192 (32%) wild swine collected in alabama, arkansas, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, virginia, and west virginia. sarcosporidia were not detected in wild swine of florida and were rarely found in the lower coastal plains of georgia, mississippi, and south carolina. swine from mountainous terrain in north carolina, tennessee, and west virginia and bottomland floodplain regions of alabama, a ...19816799467
human cryptosporidiosis--alabama. 19826808342
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1994, 48 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,224 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 6 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,632 cases) were wild animals, whereas 7% (592 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 13.4% from that of 1993 (9,498 cases), with most of the decline resulting from 19.2% fewer cases of rabies in raccoons. two previously described epizootics of rabies involvi ...19957493894
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1995, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,877 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (7,247 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (630 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 4.2% from that of 1994 (8,230 cases). most of the decline was the result of 17.1% fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons in areas of the northeast, where rabies is now e ...19968960176
hepatozoonosis in dogs: 22 cases (1989-1994).to document hepatozoonosis in dogs from alabama and georgia and to report associated clinical signs, method of diagnosis, response to treatment, and course of disease.19979096720
the fleas (siphonaptera) of tennessee.thirty-three species of fleas are recorded from the state of tennessee. new state records are reported for two species, the pulicid fleas euhoplopsyllus glacialis affinis and pulex simulans. two species of fleas with catholic feeding habits appear to be especially widespread and abundant in tennessee. these are the pulicid ctenocephalides felis which parasitizes cats, dogs, humans, opossums, and other medium to large sized mammals, and the hystrichopsyllid ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes which is as ...19979221734
potential rabies exposures in a virginia county.although records of animal bites and scratches are kept at most local health departments, little is known about the epidemiology and characteristics of these potential rabies exposures on a local level. bite and scratch records for a four-and-a-half-year period from montgomery county, virginia, were examined in order to identify preventable trends.19989633873
there are at least three genetically distinct small piroplasms from dogs.the 18s nuclear subunit ribosomal rna (18s rrna) gene of small piroplasms isolated from dogs from okinawa (japan), oklahoma, north carolina, indiana, missouri, and alabama, was isolated and sequenced. phylogenetic analysis of these sequences and comparisons with sequences from other babesia, cytauxzoon, and theileria species revealed that all canine small babesial isolates, with the exception of isolates from california and spain, were placed in a group containing the babesia spp. sensu stricto. ...200011428342
west nile virus activity--united states, august 18-24, 2004.during august 18-24, a total of 154 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, connecticut, florida, georgia, illinois, kentucky, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, south dakota, tennessee, and wisconsin).200415329654
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004.during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin).200415371969
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
west nile virus activity--united states, september 29-october 5, 2004.during september 29-october 5, a total of 81 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, florida, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, missouri, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, texas, and virginia).200415470326
efficacy of training in theriogenology as determined by a survey of determine whether veterinarians perceive that theriogenology training at veterinary medical schools in north america and the caribbean is adequate for achievement of theriogenology skills commonly used in private practice.200616910848
search and identification methods that owners use to find a lost characterize the process by which owners search for lost dogs and identify factors associated with time to recovery.200717223753
sequence conservation in the rrna first internal transcribed spacer region of babesia gibsoni genotype asia isolates.babesia gibsoni genotype asia is a small, tick-transmitted intraerythrocytic protozoan that parasitizes dogs. reports suggest that it is increasingly diagnosed in the united states. the clinical outcome of infection with this piroplasm is often variable, leading us to hypothesize that the different clinical outcomes resulting from b. gibsoni genotype asia infection are due to genetically distinguishable strains that differ in virulence. as a first step to assess the genetic variability of b. gib ...200818207327
diagnostic, treatment, and prevention protocols for feline heartworm infection in animal sheltering agencies.cats are at risk for heartworm infection (dirofilaria immitis) wherever the disease is endemic in dogs. diagnosis is more difficult in cats, and little information is available regarding effective palliative and curative treatments for infected cats. in contrast to the challenges of diagnosis and treatment, chemoprophylaxis is highly effective, and current guidelines call for preventive medications to be administered to all cats in endemic areas. the purpose of this study was to survey feline he ...201121330060
diagnostic, treatment, and prevention protocols for canine heartworm infection in animal sheltering agencies.the high prevalence of heartworm infection in shelter dogs creates a dilemma for shelter managers, who frequently operate with insufficient funding, staffing, and expertise to comply with heartworm guidelines developed for owned pet dogs. the purpose of this study was to survey canine heartworm management protocols used by 504 animal sheltering agencies in the endemic states of alabama, florida, georgia, and mississippi. open-admission shelters, which tended to be larger and more likely to perfo ...201121353743
cadaver dog and handler team capabilities in the recovery of buried human remains in the southeastern united states.the detection of human remains that have been deliberately buried to escape detection is a problem for law enforcement. sometimes the cadaver dog and handler teams are successful, while other times law enforcement and cadaver dog teams are frustrated in their search. five field trials tested the ability of four cadaver dog and handler teams to detect buried human remains. human and animal remains were buried in various forested areas during the summer months near tuscaloosa, alabama. the remains ...200312762533
portosystemic shunts: diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of 64 cases (1993-2001).cases diagnosed with portosystemic shunting between the years 1993 and 2001 were reviewed. sensitivities of screening tests and abdominal ultrasonographic evaluation for the detection of portosystemic shunting were evaluated. prognosis for surgically treated shunts was also evaluated. results indicated that both paired serum bile acids and blood ammonia levels were useful screening tests for portosystemic shunting. however, paired bile acid tests were significantly more sensitive than blood ammo ...200312617545
environmental, policy, and cultural factors related to physical activity among rural, african american women.sixty-one african american women (ages 20-50 years) from a rural community in alabama participated in six focus groups. barriers to and enablers of physical activity were identified and grouped into personal, environmental (social and physical), policy, and cultural themes for qualitative analyses. personal factors included motivation, perceived health, feeling tired, and lack of time; social environmental factors included support from friends, family, and issues related to child care; physical ...200212487142
angiotensin ii receptor blockade does not improve left ventricular function and remodeling in subacute mitral regurgitation in the dog.we hypothesized that angiotensin ii type-1 (at(1)) receptor blocker (at(1)rb) would prevent adverse left ventricular (lv) remodeling and lv dysfunction when started at the outset of mitral regurgitation (mr).200211955858
seroprevalence of borrelia burgdorferi in dogs in alabama, usa.a random sample of private small-animal practices in alabama submitted sera from dogs with known tick contact. a total of 579 samples from the three geographic regions of the state were collected (58% of the targeted sample size). sera were screened for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi using an indirect fluorescent antibody (ifa) test which had a sensitivity and specificity of greater than 90%. anti-b burgdorferi titers of > or = 1:64 were considered to be positive, based on results from b. bu ...19979234431
furunculoid myiasis in a dog caused by cordylobia anthropophaga.two days after returning with its owners from a 60-day visit to liberia, an 8-year-old 6.5-kg spayed female miniature schnauzer was examined by a veterinarian in the united states. a 1.0 x 1.0-cm raised erythematous nodule was noticed on the medial aspect of the right pinna. in the center of the nodule was a 1.0 x 1.0-mm pore from which a 0.5 x 0.5 x 1.0-cm white larva was extracted. the larva was identified as a third-stage larva of cordylobia anthropophaga, the african tumbu fly, a fly restric ...19957559067
field isolations of dirofilaria from mosquitoes in alabama.field collections of mosquitoes were made april-september 1977 and 1978 in the immediate vicinity of a hunting-dog kennel where the dogs had a chronic history of heartworm infection. among 19 mosquito species taken in light-trap collections, only aedes sticticus, ae. vexans, and anopheles punctipennis were found infected with what were presumed to be d. immitis larvae. based on natural infection rates and the relative abundance of these three host species, an. punctipennis and ae. sticticus appe ...19807365629
potential vectors of dirofilaria immitis in macon county, alabama.a study was conducted in macon county, alabama (east-central) during the mosquito breeding seasons of 1978 and 1979 to determine the potential vector(s) of dirofilaria immitis. live mosquitoes were collected with co2-baited, miniature light traps, and small hand aspirators. these mosquitoes were subsequently dissected to determine whether immature stages of the heartworm were present. specific communities were selected based on their having at least 4 known cases of d immitis infection present i ...19826129822
characterization of several canine populations by age, breed, and sex. 19676069498
occupational lead poisoning, animal deaths, and environmental contamination at a scrap smelter.occupational lead poisoning and environmental contamination were evaluated at a lead scrap smelter. thirty of 37 employees (81 per cent) has blood lead levels of greater than or equal to 80 mug/100 ml, indicating unacceptable absorption, and 35 had free erythrocyte protoporphyrin (fep) levels greater than 60mug/100ml rbc, indicating toxicity of lead on heme metabolism in red blood cells; eight current and previous employees had been hospitalized with lead colic, and another with encephalopathy. ...1976937600
aortic valve replacement with a subcoronary ball valve--early experiments.between the years 1954 and 1958, the combined effort of a surgeon and an engineer allowed the development of some of the principles of aortic valve construction that proved clinically successful several years later. it was demonstrated for the first time that there was adequate room in the area of the sinuses of valsalva below the coronary arteries for a prosthetic ball valve, and that such a ball valve did not obstruct flow. aortic pulse tracings with such a ball valve in place were indistingui ...1977323656
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