
human antirabies treatment in the united states, were examined on 965 persons treated in six states (delaware, florida, georgia, illinois, north dakota, and south carolina) and new york city in 1972 for possible rabies exposure. males 10-19 years were found to be the group at greatest risk, and exposures occurred most frequently during the warm months. dogs, other domestic animals, and wildlife were about equally responsible for human exposures in the six states, but 99% of the exposures in new york city involved dogs. antirabies postexp ...1979432411
tularemia pneumonia in washington, dc. a report of three cases with possible common-source june 1978, three cases of tularemia pneumonia occurred in persons residing in the washington, dc, area. the patients, all men, became ill three to four days after a brief session training their hunting dogs in an undeveloped wooded area adjacent to a housing complex. one of the dogs, which later died, had captured a wild rabbit during the training session. all three men had handled the rabbit while familiarizing their dogs with the rabbit's scent. the men had no other common exposure that was ...1979573806
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ...19921483899
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1989, 4,808 cases of rabies in animals other than human beings were reported to the centers for disease control, 1.8% more (4,724 to 4,808) than in 1988. eighty-eight percent (4,224/4,808) of those affected were wild animals and 12% (584/4,808) were domestic animals. cases were reported from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico; hawaii remained rabies-free. skunks (1,657) continued to be the most commonly reported rabid wild animal. for the second consecutive year, more cats ( ...19902276949
rabies surveillance, united states, 1988.the primary purpose of the annual report on rabies surveillance is to assist local and state public health officials in the planning of rabies control programs and to guide health professionals in evaluating the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis in patients who are exposed to animals that may be rabid. in 1988, a total of 4,724 cases of animal rabies were reported by 47 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico, similar to the total (4,729) for 1987. no human cases of rabies were ...19892505046
deaths from exertional myopathy at the national zoological park from 1975 to 1985.a retrospective study was conducted to determine the incidence of deaths from exertional myopathy (em) in the hoofstock collection at the national zoological park (nzp) from 1975 to 1985. the diagnosis of em was based on history, clinical signs, clinicopathological findings, gross and microscopic lesions. only bovids, cervids, and equids were included in the study. data were derived from the medical and pathological records of the nzp. there were 10 cases of em during this period, but only seven ...19873625907
rabies in the united states and canada, 1983.primarily as a result of organized canine rabies vaccination, leash laws, and other preventive procedures aimed at the canine population, the number of rabid dogs decreased markedly in the last thirty years (figure 10). this decrease was accompanied by a similar marked reduction in human rabies (table 2, figure 11). as domestic animal rabies declined, rabies in wildlife increased. since 1958 the number of cases of rabid wildlife surpassed domestic rabies cases, and today they account for over 85 ...19853932839
canine abortion due to an unclassified gram-negative bacterium. 19675182721
prevalence and distribution of sarcocystis sp among wild swine of southeastern united states.digestive techniques revealed sarcocystis sp infection in 62 of 192 (32%) wild swine collected in alabama, arkansas, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, virginia, and west virginia. sarcosporidia were not detected in wild swine of florida and were rarely found in the lower coastal plains of georgia, mississippi, and south carolina. swine from mountainous terrain in north carolina, tennessee, and west virginia and bottomland floodplain regions of alabama, a ...19816799467
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1994, 48 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,224 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 6 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,632 cases) were wild animals, whereas 7% (592 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 13.4% from that of 1993 (9,498 cases), with most of the decline resulting from 19.2% fewer cases of rabies in raccoons. two previously described epizootics of rabies involvi ...19957493894
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1993, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 9,495 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. greater than 93% (8,889 cases) were wild animals, whereas 6.4% (606 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 9.9% over that of 1992 (8,645 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of rabies in raccoons (37.1% increase in reported cases over 1992). t ...19947744643
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1992, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,644 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the centers for disease control and prevention. almost 92% (7,912 cases) were wild animals, the largest number of wild animals ever reported, whereas 8.5% (732 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 23.9% over that of 1991 (6,975 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of rabies in raccoons. t ...19938307825
trypanosoma cruzi infection in walker hounds from virginia.trypanosomiasis has been reported in dogs from texas, oklahoma, louisiana, and south carolina. we describe the first isolation and characterization of trypanosoma cruzi from a walker hound pup in virginia that also had postvaccinal distemper. the mother of the pup and 7 of its 8 siblings also were found to be infected with t cruzi, suggesting that the parasite had been transmitted transplacentally or through lactation. parasitologic, serologic, histologic, and molecular methods were used to esta ...19958533975
hemocytic rickettsia-like organisms in ticks: serologic reactivity with antisera to ehrlichiae and detection of dna of agent of human granulocytic ehrlichiosis by pcr.ixodid ticks were collected from connecticut, massachusetts, missouri, pennsylvania, rhode island, and british columbia (canada) during 1991 to 1994 to determine the prevalence of infection with hemocytic (blood cell), rickettsia-like organisms. hemolymph obtained from these ticks was analyzed by direct and indirect fluorescent antibody (fa) staining methods with dog, horse, or human sera containing antibodies to ehrlichia canis, ehrlichia equi, or rickettsia rickettsii. of the 693 nymphal and a ...19958567911
ticks parasitizing humans in georgia and south carolina.from 1990 through 1995, 913 ticks removed from 460 human patients in georgia or south carolina were identified and recorded. the majority of these specimens (758, 83.0%) were lone star ticks, amblyomma americanum. one hundred and four (11.4%) american dog ticks dermacentor variabilis, 36 (3.9%) blacklegged ticks ixodes scapularis, 9 (1.0%) gulf coast ticks amblyomma maculatum, and 6 (0.7%) brown dog ticks rhipicephalus sanguineus were also recovered. all active stages (larvae, nymphs, and adults ...19968636862
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1995, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,877 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (7,247 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (630 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 4.2% from that of 1994 (8,230 cases). most of the decline was the result of 17.1% fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons in areas of the northeast, where rabies is now e ...19968960176
ectoparasite fauna of the eastern woodrat, neotoma floridana: composition, origin, and comparison with ectoparasite faunas of western woodrat species.we collected ectoparasites from eastern woodrats, neotoma floridana, from 3 sites in the southeastern united states: coastal south carolina, southeast georgia, and south-central georgia. twelve ectoparasite species were recovered from 47 woodrats in south carolina (5 ticks, 5 mites, 2 fleas), 13 from 35 woodrats in south-central georgia (1 tick, 10 mites, 2 fleas), and 4 from a small host sample (7) in southeast georgia (2 ticks, 1 mite, 1 flea). new state records are established for the listrop ...19979194815
the fleas (siphonaptera) of tennessee.thirty-three species of fleas are recorded from the state of tennessee. new state records are reported for two species, the pulicid fleas euhoplopsyllus glacialis affinis and pulex simulans. two species of fleas with catholic feeding habits appear to be especially widespread and abundant in tennessee. these are the pulicid ctenocephalides felis which parasitizes cats, dogs, humans, opossums, and other medium to large sized mammals, and the hystrichopsyllid ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes which is as ...19979221734
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1996, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,124 cases of rabies in non-human animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (6,550 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (574 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 9.6% from that of 1995 (7,881 cases). although much of the decline was the result of fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons, fewer cases were also reported among most g ...19979412679
large-scale human exposures to rabid or presumed rabid animals in the united states: 22 cases (1990-1996).to identify common elements of large-scale human exposures to rabid or presumed rabid animals in the united states from 1990 to 1996.19989569151
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1997, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,509 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 93% (7,899) were wild animals, whereas 7% (610) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 19.4% from that of 1996 (7,128 cases). increases were apparent in each of the major species groups, with the exception of cattle. the relative contributions of these groups to the total ...19989861958
attachment sites of four tick species (acari: ixodidae) parasitizing humans in georgia and south carolina.from june 1995 through january 1998, 677 tick specimens were submitted by 521 humans from 14 states. analysis was limited to specimens originating in georgia and south carolina, representing 87.3% of total submissions. attachment sites were specified in 367 specimens (62.3%). the american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say), a vector of the agent of rocky mountain spotted fever, favored the head and neck in 59% of attached specimens. the lone star tick, amblyomma americanum (l.), a strongly i ...199910337108
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1998.during 1998, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,961 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the centers for disease control and prevention, a decrease of 6.5% from 8,509 cases in nonhuman animals and 4 cases in human beings reported in 1997. more than 92% (7,358 cases) were in wild animals, whereas > 7.5% (603 cases) were in domestic species (compared with 93% in wild animals and 7% in domestic species in 1997). decreases were evident in al ...199910613210
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1999.during 1999, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,067 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals to the centers for disease control and prevention, a decrease of 11.2% from 7,961 cases in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being reported in 1998. more than 91% (6,466 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 8.5% (601 cases) were in domestic species (compared with 92.4% in wild animals and 7.6% in domestic species in 1998). no cases of rabies were reported in human beings in 1 ...200011132881
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2000.during 2000, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,364 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 5 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention, an increase of 4.3% from 7,067 cases in nonhuman animals reported in 1999. ninety-three percent (6,855 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 6.9% (509 cases) were in domestic species (compared wth 91.5% in wild animals and 8.5% in domestic species in 1999). compared with cases reported in 1999, the numbe ...200111767918
seroprevalence of trypanosoma cruzi in raccoons from south carolina and georgia.trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of american trypanosomiasis or chagas' disease, is of both medical and veterinary importance as is evidenced by chronic phase myocarditis in humans and dogs. further, t. cruzi has been reported from over 20 species of wildlife reservoir hosts in the usa, with raccoons (procyon lotor) and opossums (didelphis virginiana) being the most common. whereas previous studies on t. cruzi in raccoons have included only culture and direct examination of blood, the indi ...200211838232
ehrlichia ewingii infection in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus).two closely related zoonotic ehrlichiae, ehrlichia chaffeensis and e. ewingii, are transmitted by amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick. because white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) are critical hosts for all mobile stages of a. americanum and are important vertebrate reservoirs of e. chaffeensis, we investigated whether deer may be infected with e. ewingii, a cause of granulocytotropic ehrlichiosis in humans and dogs. to test for e. ewingii infection, we used polymerase chain reaction ...200212095432
rabies among infrequently reported mammalian carnivores in the united states, 1960-2000.most cases of rabies reported annually in the united states occur among three groups of carnivores--raccoons (procyon lotor), skunks (mephitis, spilogale, and putorius), foxes (vulpes, urocyon, and alopex)--and among bats (numerous species). however, between 1960 and 2000, a total of 2,851 cases of rabies in 17 other carnivore taxa were reported to the centers for disease control and prevention, atlanta, georgia (usa), from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico. three species of t ...200312910751
transcriptional regulation of cardiac conduction system development: 2004 faseb cardiac conduction system minimeeting, washington, dc.the development of the complex network of specialized cells that form the atrioventricular conduction system (avcs) during cardiac morphogenesis occurs by progressive recruitment within a multipotent cardiomyogenic lineage. understanding the molecular control of this developmental process has been the focus of recent research. transcription factors representative of multiple subfamilies have been identified and include members of zinc-finger subfamilies (gata4, gata6 hf-1b), skeletal muscle tran ...200415368344
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004.during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming).200415457147
medical and behavioral surveillance of dogs deployed to the world trade center and the pentagon from october 2001 to june evaluate early medical and behavioral effects of deployment to the world trade center, fresh kills landfill, or the pentagon on responding search-and-rescue (sar) dogs.200415485044
deployment morbidity among search-and-rescue dogs used after the september 11, 2001, terrorist determine characteristics, variables associated with deployment morbidity, and injuries and illnesses of search-and-rescue dogs associated with the sept 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.200415485045
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2003.during 2003, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,170 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the cdc. this represents a 10% decrease from the 7,967 cases in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings reported in 2002. more than 91 (n = 6,556) were in wild animals, and 8.6% (614) were in domestic species (compared with 92.5% in wild animals and 74% in domestic species in 2002). the relative contributions of the major groups of animals were as follows: 2,635 raccoons ...200415643834
potential and actual terrestrial rabies exposures in people and domestic animals, upstate south carolina, 1994-2004: a surveillance study.although there has been a reduction of rabies in pets and domestic animals during recent decades in the united states, rabies remains enzootic among bats and several species of terrestrial wildlife. spillover transmission of wildlife rabies to domestic animals therefore remains a public health threat200919236696
cervical vertebral malformation-malarticulation syndrome in the bernese mountain dog: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging describe the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features of cervical vertebral malformation-malarticulation in bernese mountain dogs.200919320813
perceptions of environmental supports for physical activity in african american and white adults in a rural county in south carolina.this study examined the association between perceptions of social and safety-related environmental attributes and physical activity (pa) and walking in african american and white adults.200516164815
west nile virus activity--united states, july 3-9, 2003.this report summarizes west nile virus (wnv) surveillance data reported to cdc through arbonet as of 8 a.m. mountain daylight time, july 9, 2003.200312855948
isolation of eee virus from ochlerotatus taeniorhynchus and culiseta melanura in coastal south carolina.a 1-year arbovirus study was conducted at the wedge plantation located in coastal south carolina to determine the occurrence and level of arbovirus activity in mosquito species inhabiting the site. mosquito species composition and temporal abundance were also determined. a total of 45,051 mosquitoes representing 27 species in 9 genera was collected and identified during 130 trap-nights between august, 1997, and july, 1998. the most abundant species was culex salinarius (n = 20,954) followed by o ...200312674532
prevalence of canine hip dysplasia in a veterinary teaching hospital population.the purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of canine hd in a population in which there was minimal or no prior screening of radiographs for the disorder. patient information was obtained from the radiographic database at the university of missouri-columbia veterinary teaching hospital during the five-year period of 1991-1995. the coxofemoral joints on ventrodorsal radiographs of the pelvis were independently evaluated by three veterinary radiologists. a consensus evaluation of nor ...200212174992
prevalence of antibodies to neospora caninum and toxoplasma gondii in gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) from south carolina.little is known about the epidemiology of neospora caninum in wild mammal populations. it has been suggested that a sylvatic cycle exists for n. caninum. dogs and potentially other canids are a definitive host for n. caninum. the present study was done to determine the prevalence of antibodies to n. caninum in a population of gray foxes (urocyon cinereoargenteus) from a nonagricultural setting in south carolina. we also determined the prevalence of antibodies to toxoplasma gondii in these animal ...200111358632
hip dysplasia: a feline population study.the study population consisted of cats presented to the university of missouri-columbia veterinary medical teaching hospital from january 1, 1991 through december 31, 1995. ventrodorsal radiographs including the pelvic region were evaluated for radiographic evidence of hip dysplasia. each radiograph was evaluated independently by three board-certified veterinary radiologists and a consensus normal of dysplastic evaluation was determined. there were 684 cats from 12 breeds. the data derived from ...199910528838
characterization of rabies consultations in south carolina, 1979-1981. 19836582336
epidermophyton floccosum infection in a dog from the united states.epidermophyton floccosum was isolated from a lesion of dermatophytosis on a dog with hyperadrenocorticism. this report is, to our knowledge, the first unequivocally documented case of canine infection in the united states.19854012513
severe attacks by dogs: characteristics of the dogs, the victims, and the attack settings.sixteen incidents involving dog bites fitting the description "severe" were identified among 5,711 dog bite incidents reported to health departments in five south carolina counties (population 750,912 in 1980) between july 1, 1979, and june 30, 1982. a "severe" attack was defined as one in which the dog "repeatedly bit or vigorously shook its victim, and the victim or the person intervening had extreme difficulty terminating the attack." information from health department records was clarified b ...19853918325
sparganosis in the united states. report of a case.a 20-year-old philadelphia woman (recently moved from south carolina) had sparganosis of her lower anterior abdominal wall. in the united states sparganosis occurs when man enters the life cycle of dog or cat tapeworms of the genus spirometra. most of the american cases have been reported from the southeastern united states, and the most probable source of infection is contaminated drinking water. sporadic cases have also been seen in other parts of the country. if the pathologist is familiar wi ...1976961635
rocky mountain spotted fever (tick-borne typhus) in south carolina: an educational program and tick/rickettsial survey in 1973 and 1974.because the incidence of spotted fever is increasing in south carolina, campaigns were carried out in 1973 and 1974 to provide the public and medical practitioners, through pamphlets and news media, with information about spotted fever and the ticks which transmit the causative agent, rickettsia rickettsii. people were also invited to save and submit live ticks removed from vegetation, animals and humans, for examination by the hemolymph test. a total of 1,186 ticks consisting of 987 dermacentor ...1975811127
the changing status of rabies in south carolina. 1978273125
cryptococcus gattii with bimorphic colony types in a dog in western oregon: additional evidence for expansion of the vancouver island outbreak.cryptococcus gattii was isolated from a 1.5-year-old dog with systemic cryptococcosis in oregon. the dog had no link to vancouver island or british columbia, canada. samples from a nasal swab and from a granulomatous mass within the cranial cavity were pooled for culture. colonies on sabouraud dextrose agar were mucoid and exhibited bimorphic morphology, melanin-pigmented and unpigmented. pigmented colonies were encapsulated budding spherical yeast, whereas unpigmented colonies were of unencapsu ...200919139515
an international outbreak of human salmonellosis associated with animal-derived pet treats--canada and washington state, 2005. 200616869066
Displaying items 1 - 49 of 49