canine filariasis in northeastern kansas. | | 1974 | 4856595 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1992. | in 1992, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 8,644 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 1 case in a human being to the centers for disease control and prevention. almost 92% (7,912 cases) were wild animals, the largest number of wild animals ever reported, whereas 8.5% (732 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases increased 23.9% over that of 1991 (6,975 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of rabies in raccoons. t ... | 1993 | 8307825 |
gross and microscopic lesions of 230 kansas greyhounds. | two hundred thirty greyhounds from kansas were submitted to kansas state university for necropsy to identify and document their diseases. sex distribution was 124 females (1 spayed) and 106 males (1 castrated). age range was 5 days-150 months. the mean body, heart, and liver weights for adult dogs (> 12 months) were 30 kg, 367 g, and 1,019 g, respectively. greyhounds were divided into six groups by histories: skeletal injuries, 24 (10%); nonskeletal injuries, 23 (10%); old age (mean = 89 months) ... | 1993 | 8373853 |
clinical management of flail chest in dogs and cats: a retrospective study of 24 cases (1989-1999). | cases of flail chest injury for 24 client-owned companion animals following various traumas were evaluated. concurrently sustained injuries, initial emergency treatments, and definitive treatment and outcome for regimens that utilize stabilization of the flail segment were compared with cases treated with no stabilization. flail chest was confirmed in 24 animals: 21 dogs and three cats. there was an even division (12 each) of right and left flail segments. the median number of ribs involved was ... | 2002 | 12118684 |
dysautonomia in dogs: 65 cases (1993-2000). | to determine signalment, history, clinical findings, results of autonomic function testing and other antemortem diagnostic tests, and pathologic findings in dogs with dysautonomia. | 2002 | 12418523 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 25-31, 2004. | during august 25-31, a total of 210 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 14 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, minnesota, montana, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15343148 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004. | during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15371969 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 15-21, 2004. | during september 15-21, a total of 218 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 21 states (arizona, california, florida, illinois, indiana, kansas, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, north dakota, oklahoma, south dakota, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15385920 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004. | during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15457147 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 29-october 5, 2004. | during september 29-october 5, a total of 81 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, florida, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, missouri, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, texas, and virginia). | 2004 | 15470326 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 6-12, 2004. | during october 6-12, a total of 86 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (arizona, florida, illinois, kansas, louisiana, michigan, minnesota, missouri, nevada, new jersey, new mexico, north dakota, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, tennessee, texas, and utah). | 2004 | 15483530 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 13-19, 2004. | during october 13-19, a total of 200 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 20 states (arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, illinois, indiana, iowa, kansas, maryland, michigan, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15499683 |
efficacy of training in theriogenology as determined by a survey of veterinarians. | to determine whether veterinarians perceive that theriogenology training at veterinary medical schools in north america and the caribbean is adequate for achievement of theriogenology skills commonly used in private practice. | 2006 | 16910848 |
identification and characterization of a highly virulent triple reassortant h1n1 swine influenza virus in the united states. | a highly virulent h1n1 influenza a virus, a/swine/kansas/77778/2007 (ks07), which caused approximately 10% mortality in finishing pigs, was isolated from herds in the midwestern united states. molecular and phylogenic analysis revealed this swine isolate was a triple reassortant virus, similar to an h1n1 virus that infected humans and pigs at an ohio county fair in august 2007. a pig challenge model was developed to evaluate the pathogenicity and transmission capacity of the ks07 virus. the resu ... | 2010 | 19862613 |
intoxication of nontarget wildlife with rodenticides in northwestern kansas. | the perception of prairie dogs (cynomys spp.) both as a nuisance species and a keystone species presents a significant challenge to land, livestock, and wildlife managers. anticoagulant and nonanticoagulant rodenticides are commonly employed to control prairie dog populations throughout their range. chlorophacinone, and to a lesser extent zinc phosphide, are widely used in northwestern kansas for controlling black-tailed prairie dog (cynomys ludovicianus) populations. although zinc phosphide poi ... | 2011 | 21270011 |
emergency department visits and hospitalizations resulting from dog bites, kansas city, mo, 1998-2002. | dog bites are the second most costly public health problem in the united states with half of all americans being bitten in their lifetime. approximately 17 to 18 percent of dog bite injuries receive medical attention. between 1998 and 2002, kansas city, missouri, residents made 3,467 emergency department visits for dog bite trauma and 96 individuals were hospitalized. we report the principal diagnoses for those visits and admissions. median hospital charges for emergency department services and ... | 2005 | 16355644 |
new records of sylvatic plague in kansas. | sylvatic plague, or plague of wild rodents is caused by yersinia pestis and entered california (usa) from asia about 1899. extensive sampling during the 1930's and 1940's documented the spread of plague to approximately its current distribution in north america. records from the centers for disease control and prevention document plague in kansas (usa) between 1945 and 1950, but since then there has been no documentation of plague in the state. following a die-off of a black-tailed prairie dog ( ... | 2000 | 10813625 |
flies and their bacterial loads in greyhound dog kennels in kansas. | breeders of greyhound dogs traditionally feed racing animals and nursing bitches raw meat, and that meat generally is obtained frozen from commercial renderers. previous studies have shown that the rendered meat is frequently contaminated with enteric bacteria, including salmonella spp., and that during thawing the rendered meat is exposed to filth flies common in dog kennels. nursing greyhound pups tend to experience a high morbidity and mortality from intestinal infections, and we attempted to ... | 1998 | 9516545 |
canine population dynamics: a study of the manhattan, kansas, canine population. | analysis of the age distribution in the pet population of dogs in the community of manhattan, kansas from 1968 to 1979 revealed that the distribution was stationary and the rate of population change (lambda1) was close to 1, which means, that if present conditions do not change, the population probably would remain stable in size in the future. the number of females spayed in the manhattan population reached a frequency of 66% in 1979. considering only present age-dependent birth and survival ra ... | 1980 | 7212409 |
feline population dynamics: a study of the manhattan, kansas, feline population. | analysis of the age-specific birth and survival rates and the age distribution in the pet population of cats in manhattan, kansas, revealed that the rate of population change (lambda) was about 1.18. this means that under present birth and death rates, the cat population can increase by about 18% per year. in reality, the increase may not be as high since pet ownership may not increase by as much. the frequency of spayed females of reproductive age in the manhattan population was about 59%. this ... | 1982 | 7091813 |
rabies in kansas. | | 1969 | 5390730 |
ecologic studies of histoplasmosis. | | 1967 | 5334640 |
project outreach: organizations unified to reach youth. | youths of today are forced to deal with the external pressures of alcohol and drug abuse on all levels-from the older youngsters across the street pressuring them to be "cool," to the "cute dog" enticing them with the glamour of being the original "party animal." through today's mass communications, young people are exposed to negative, self-destructive attitudes. it is important, therefore, to expose them to a more positive influence and try to reach them through parental guidance, personal con ... | 1989 | 2493666 |
ixodes scapularis (acari: ixodidae) in kansas: a new distribution record. | the blacklegged tick, ixodes scapularis say, previously known to occur only in the extreme southeastern corner of kansas, has been collected in douglas and jefferson counties in the northeast. the new collections extend the northern range of this species in kansas by approximately 240 km. the role of i. scapularis as a vector of the lyme borreliosis spirochete, borrelia burgdorferi, makes this a noteworthy extension of its known range. the proximity of these new collection sites to large centers ... | 1991 | 1770524 |
squamous cell carcinoma in dogs. | in a review of neoplasm registry records at kansas state university (1961 through 1971), 112 squamous cell carcinomas were reported in 38 breeds of dogs, representing 3.2% of 3,481 neoplasms recorded. mean age of the affected dogs was 8.3 years. metastases occurred in 7 dogs. the tumors were removed surgically for biopsy in 104 dogs, 8 of which then had recurrences and required further surgery. the oral cavity was the principal site (18%) of squamous cell carcinomas in the 112 dogs. | 1976 | 1254515 |
sebaceous gland adenomas in dogs. | in a review of neoplasm registry records at kansas state university (1961 through 1971), 162 sebaceous gland adenomas were reported in 31 breeds of dogs, representing 5.0% of 3,240 neoplasms recorded. mean age of the affected dogs was 9.5 years. females accounted for 56.1% of the recorded sebaceous gland adenomas. the tumors were removed surgically for biopsy in all dogs; 24 dogs had multiple concurrent skin neoplasms of a different cell type, and 7 dogs had recurrence of sebaceous gland adenoma ... | 1976 | 965289 |
canine schistosomiasis in kansas: five cases (2000-2009). | this is a retrospective case series consisting of five dogs diagnosed with schistosomiasis. the purpose of this article is to report the presence of naturally occurring canine schistosomiasis in kansas and to provide clinical details regarding schistosomiasis. medical records of dogs diagnosed with schistosomiasis from 2000 to 2009 were reviewed, and information extracted included signalment, history, clinical signs, diagnostic test results, treatment, and outcome. affected dogs were primarily m ... | 2011 | 22058373 |
evaluations of land cover risk factors for canine leptospirosis: 94 cases (2002-2009). | associations of land cover/land use variables and the presence of dogs in urban vs. rural address locations were evaluated retrospectively as potential risk factors for canine leptospirosis in kansas and nebraska using geographic information systems (gis). the sample included 94 dogs positive for leptospirosis predominantly based on a positive polymerase chain reaction test for leptospires in urine, isolation of leptospires on urine culture, a single reciprocal serum titer of 12,800 or greater, ... | 2011 | 21724280 |
rickettsia rickettsii (rickettsiales: rickettsiaceae) in amblyomma americanum (acari: ixodidae) from kansas. | the role of lone star ticks as vectors for rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) remains poorly described. we compared the entomological inoculation rates (eirs) for rickettsia spp. for representative sites in missouri and kansas, states that frequently report rmsf each year. host-seeking ticks were collected during 2006 and pooled tick homogenates analyzed by polymerase chain reaction to detect probable r. rickettsii, with confirmation for multiple gene targets performed on individual ticks from ... | 2011 | 21485390 |
disease surveillance and referral bias in the veterinary medical database. | the veterinary medical database (vmdb) is a summary of veterinary medical records from north american veterinary schools, and is a potential source of disease surveillance information for companion animals. a retrospective record search from four u.s. university veterinary teaching hospitals was used to calculate crude disease rates. our objectives were to evaluate the utility of the database for disease surveillance purposes by comparing the utility of two methodologies for creating disease cat ... | 2010 | 20129684 |
ecosystem engineering by a colonial mammal: how prairie dogs structure rodent communities. | as ecosystem engineers, prairie dogs (cynomys spp.) physically alter their environment, but the mechanism by which these alterations affect associated faunal composition is not well known. we examined how rodent and vegetation communities responded to prairie dog colonies and landcover at the cimarron national grassland in southwest kansas, usa. we trapped rodents and measured vegetation structure on and off colonies in 2000 and 2003. we plotted two separate ordinations of trapping grids: one ba ... | 2008 | 19137937 |
feline dysautonomia in the midwestern united states: a retrospective study of nine cases. | dysautonomia of domestic animals is pathologically characterized by chromatolytic degeneration of the neurons in the autonomic nervous ganglia that results in clinical signs related to dysfunction or failure of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. the exact cause is unknown. it has a poor prognosis among all species reported and no definitive treatment is available currently. to date, most reported feline cases have occurred in the united kingdom and scandinavia. the cases report ... | 2008 | 17950646 |