serosurvey of brucella canis antibodies in urban and rural stray dogs in georgia. | | 1977 | 243308 |
human antirabies treatment in the united states, 1972. | data were examined on 965 persons treated in six states (delaware, florida, georgia, illinois, north dakota, and south carolina) and new york city in 1972 for possible rabies exposure. males 10-19 years were found to be the group at greatest risk, and exposures occurred most frequently during the warm months. dogs, other domestic animals, and wildlife were about equally responsible for human exposures in the six states, but 99% of the exposures in new york city involved dogs. antirabies postexp ... | 1979 | 432411 |
poisonous snakebite treatment in the united states. | this is retrospective report of 107 cases of poisonous snakebites treated in south georgia and north florida. sixty-seven percent of the cases required intensive treatment. intravenous antivenin therapy, if indicated, should be given early and over a short time. steroids are of use primarily for allergic phenomena. fasciotomies were not necessary unless cooling or inadequate antivenin had been administered. a grading system that matches the species of snake with the severity of the bite was use ... | 1978 | 671686 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991. | in 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ... | 1992 | 1483899 |
rabies surveillance, united states, 1988. | the primary purpose of the annual report on rabies surveillance is to assist local and state public health officials in the planning of rabies control programs and to guide health professionals in evaluating the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis in patients who are exposed to animals that may be rabid. in 1988, a total of 4,724 cases of animal rabies were reported by 47 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico, similar to the total (4,729) for 1987. no human cases of rabies were ... | 1989 | 2505046 |
rabies prophylaxis--a primer. | | 1973 | 4147337 |
isolations of an arbovirus of the bunyamwera group (tensaw virus) from mosquitoes in the southeastern united states, 1960-1963. | | 1969 | 4387750 |
dog bite laws. | | 1971 | 5106043 |
filarial infections of dogs in atlanta, georgia. | | 1968 | 5693154 |
occurrence of antibody to trypanosoma cruzi in dogs in the southeastern united states. | seven of 365 dogs from georgia and other southeastern states were seropositive for antibody to trypanosoma cruzi by the complement-fixation (cf) test. sera from 24 dogs, including the 7 dogs seropositive by cf test, were reactive at dilutions of 1:128 or 1:256 by the direct-agglutination (da) test. dogs with positive cf titers were significantly (p less than 0.05) younger than were the dogs in the total population surveyed. the occurrence of antibody to t cruzi was similar, regardless of the dog ... | 1981 | 7027850 |
risk factors for toxocaral ocular larva migrans: a case-control study. | twenty-four patients with serologically confirmed toxocaral ocular larva migrans (olm) and 24 age- and sex-matched controls were the subjects of an epidemiologic study. information on the exposure to dogs and other factors possibly associated with transmission of toxocariasis was obtained by contacting the parents of the subjects. the odds of having had a dog present in the household within the year previous to onset of illness were 3 to 1 for cases vs controls. an association of pups (< 3 month ... | 1980 | 7435744 |
low prevalence of antibodies to bluetongue and epizootic hemorrhagic disease viruses in dogs from southern georgia. | | 1995 | 7578458 |
ticks (acari: ixodidae) in bulloch county, georgia. | an 18-mo study was conducted in bulloch county, georgia, to determine tick species composition, seasonal activity of individual tick species, and host-tick associations. the following 7 methods of tick collection were included: (1) live trapping of potential host animals, (2) checking wild game, (3) drag sampling, (4) carbon dioxide attraction, (5) checking livestock, road kills, nests, and burrows, (6) samples submitted from veterinarians, and (7) ticks collected by local residents and submitte ... | 1996 | 8742526 |
spoilage bacteria of fresh broiler chicken carcasses. | studies were conducted to identify the bacteria responsible for spoilage of fresh broiler chicken carcasses and to characterize the off-odors these bacteria produce. broiler carcasses were collected from processing plants in the northeast georgia area, the southeastern u.s., arkansas, california, and north carolina. the carcasses were allowed to spoil under controlled conditions at 3 c and spoilage bacteria were isolated. each spoilage bacterium was separately inoculated into a sterile chicken s ... | 1995 | 8825595 |
hepatozoonosis in dogs: 22 cases (1989-1994). | to document hepatozoonosis in dogs from alabama and georgia and to report associated clinical signs, method of diagnosis, response to treatment, and course of disease. | 1997 | 9096720 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1996. | in 1996, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 7,124 cases of rabies in non-human animals and 4 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention. nearly 92% (6,550 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8% (574 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases decreased 9.6% from that of 1995 (7,881 cases). although much of the decline was the result of fewer reported cases of rabies in raccoons, fewer cases were also reported among most g ... | 1997 | 9412679 |
162 cases of aldicarb intoxication in georgia domestic animals from 1988-1998. | a 10-y retrospective study of aldicarb intoxication in domestic animals from 1988 to 1998 is provided from animals submitted to the university of georgia veterinary diagnostic and investigational laboratory. within the period examined, 162 separate cases were confirmed and 18 additional cases were suspected based on bioassay but could not be confirmed. some cases involving as many as 15 affected animals. dogs were most often involved, but cats, horses, cattle and goats were also poisoned. most i ... | 1999 | 10434377 |
seroprevalence of trypanosoma cruzi in raccoons from south carolina and georgia. | trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of american trypanosomiasis or chagas' disease, is of both medical and veterinary importance as is evidenced by chronic phase myocarditis in humans and dogs. further, t. cruzi has been reported from over 20 species of wildlife reservoir hosts in the usa, with raccoons (procyon lotor) and opossums (didelphis virginiana) being the most common. whereas previous studies on t. cruzi in raccoons have included only culture and direct examination of blood, the indi ... | 2002 | 11838232 |
an outbreak of enterocolitis due to campylobacter spp. in a beagle colony. | | 1999 | 10424658 |
attachment sites of four tick species (acari: ixodidae) parasitizing humans in georgia and south carolina. | from june 1995 through january 1998, 677 tick specimens were submitted by 521 humans from 14 states. analysis was limited to specimens originating in georgia and south carolina, representing 87.3% of total submissions. attachment sites were specified in 367 specimens (62.3%). the american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say), a vector of the agent of rocky mountain spotted fever, favored the head and neck in 59% of attached specimens. the lone star tick, amblyomma americanum (l.), a strongly i ... | 1999 | 10337108 |
the fleas (siphonaptera) of tennessee. | thirty-three species of fleas are recorded from the state of tennessee. new state records are reported for two species, the pulicid fleas euhoplopsyllus glacialis affinis and pulex simulans. two species of fleas with catholic feeding habits appear to be especially widespread and abundant in tennessee. these are the pulicid ctenocephalides felis which parasitizes cats, dogs, humans, opossums, and other medium to large sized mammals, and the hystrichopsyllid ctenophthalmus pseudagyrtes which is as ... | 1997 | 9221734 |
ability of the lyme disease spirochete borrelia burgdorferi to infect rodents and three species of human-biting ticks (blacklegged tick, american dog tick, lone star tick) (acari:ixodidae). | the infectivity of a diverse collection of borrelia burgdorferi strains from north america for mice was determined as a prelude to vector competence experiments with the 3 primary human-biting tick species in the eastern united states (ixodes scapularis say, dermacentor variabilis (say), amblyomma americanum (l.)]. of the 34 b. burgdorferi strains inoculated into mice, 29 were infectious; the exceptions were 5 isolates from texas. vector competence experiments were conducted with 2 strains from ... | 1997 | 9220680 |
rabies among infrequently reported mammalian carnivores in the united states, 1960-2000. | most cases of rabies reported annually in the united states occur among three groups of carnivores--raccoons (procyon lotor), skunks (mephitis, spilogale, and putorius), foxes (vulpes, urocyon, and alopex)--and among bats (numerous species). however, between 1960 and 2000, a total of 2,851 cases of rabies in 17 other carnivore taxa were reported to the centers for disease control and prevention, atlanta, georgia (usa), from 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico. three species of t ... | 2003 | 12910751 |
ectoparasite fauna of the eastern woodrat, neotoma floridana: composition, origin, and comparison with ectoparasite faunas of western woodrat species. | we collected ectoparasites from eastern woodrats, neotoma floridana, from 3 sites in the southeastern united states: coastal south carolina, southeast georgia, and south-central georgia. twelve ectoparasite species were recovered from 47 woodrats in south carolina (5 ticks, 5 mites, 2 fleas), 13 from 35 woodrats in south-central georgia (1 tick, 10 mites, 2 fleas), and 4 from a small host sample (7) in southeast georgia (2 ticks, 1 mite, 1 flea). new state records are established for the listrop ... | 1997 | 9194815 |
rabies surveillance in the united states during 2002. | during 2002, 49 states and puerto rico reported 7,967 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control and prevention, an increase of 7.2% from the 7,436 cases in non-human animals and 1 case in a human being reported in 2001. more than 92% (7,375 cases) were in wild animals, whereas 7.4% (592) were in domestic species (compared with 93.3% in wild animals and 6.7% in domestic species in 2001). compared with cases reported in 2001, the numbers of ... | 2003 | 14690203 |
west nile virus activity--united states, august 18-24, 2004. | during august 18-24, a total of 154 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, california, colorado, connecticut, florida, georgia, illinois, kentucky, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, nevada, new mexico, north carolina, south dakota, tennessee, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15329654 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 8-14, 2004. | during september 8-14, a total of 195 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 26 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, colorado, florida, georgia, idaho, illinois, iowa, kansas, maryland, minnesota, missouri, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, new york, north dakota, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south dakota, tennessee, texas, and wisconsin). | 2004 | 15371969 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 22-28, 2004. | during september 22-28, a total of 180 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported in the district of columbia (dc) and 24 states (alabama, arizona, california, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, louisiana, maryland, michigan, minnesota, mississippi, missouri, montana, nebraska, nevada, new mexico, ohio, pennsylvania, texas, utah, wisconsin, and wyoming). | 2004 | 15457147 |
west nile virus activity--united states, september 29-october 5, 2004. | during september 29-october 5, a total of 81 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from 18 states (alabama, arizona, arkansas, california, florida, georgia, illinois, iowa, kansas, kentucky, minnesota, missouri, ohio, oklahoma, pennsylvania, south dakota, texas, and virginia). | 2004 | 15470326 |
west nile virus activity--united states, october 27-november 2, 2004. | during october 27-november 2, a total of 10 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, iowa, michigan, new mexico, ohio, oklahoma, and pennsylvania). | 2004 | 15525902 |
west nile virus activity--united states, november 9-16, 2004. | during november 9-16, a total of 31 cases of human west nile virus (wnv) illness were reported from eight states (arizona, georgia, maryland, michigan, missouri, new york, pennsylvania, and texas). | 2004 | 15549023 |
sensitivities of three county health department surveillance systems for child-related dog bites: 261 cases (2000). | to determine incidence of child-related dog bites and sensitivities of 3 county health department dog-bite surveillance systems. | 2004 | 15626217 |
ticks parasitizing humans in georgia and south carolina. | from 1990 through 1995, 913 ticks removed from 460 human patients in georgia or south carolina were identified and recorded. the majority of these specimens (758, 83.0%) were lone star ticks, amblyomma americanum. one hundred and four (11.4%) american dog ticks dermacentor variabilis, 36 (3.9%) blacklegged ticks ixodes scapularis, 9 (1.0%) gulf coast ticks amblyomma maculatum, and 6 (0.7%) brown dog ticks rhipicephalus sanguineus were also recovered. all active stages (larvae, nymphs, and adults ... | 1996 | 8636862 |
use of melarsomine dihydrochloride (rm 340) for adulticidal treatment of dogs with naturally acquired infections of dirofilaria immitis and for clinical prophylaxis during reexposure for 1 year. | heartworm-infected dogs were treated therapeutically with a new heartworm adulticide (melarsomine dihydrochloride, rm 340) and then put on a strategic program with treatment every 4 months for clinical prophylaxis to take advantage of the drug's potent activity against 4-month-old immature as well as adult dirofilaria immitis. ten random-source dogs with naturally acquired heartworm infections (microfilariae- and antigen-positive) were given melarsomine (2.2 mg kg-1 twice 3 h apart) by i.m. inje ... | 1994 | 7879380 |
clinical prophylactic activity of melarsomine dihydrochloride (rm 340) against dirofilaria immitis in heartworm-naive beagles exposed to natural infection in three southeastern states. | melarsomine dihydrochloride (rm 340), a drug being developed as an adulticide for treatment of heartworm (dirofilaria immitis) infection in dogs, was safe and highly effective as a clinical prophylactic agent against naturally acquired infections using strategic and tactical treatment programs. the strategic program involved treatment every 4 months (three series of treatments per year), disregarding the mosquito season (ms), to clear the existing infection at each treatment. the tactical progra ... | 1994 | 7879379 |
the mother of the pill. | the first synthesis of an active ingredient of the pill was performed on october 15, 1951, at syntex in mexico city. these preliminary results, obtained in late 1951, encouraged the submission of a synthetic progestin, norethindrone (19-nor-17alpha-ethynyltestosterone), to a number of outside investigators for more extensive biological scrutiny. norethynodrel, together with many other steroids synthesized in the searle laboratories, as well as syntex's norethindrone, were examined by pincus and ... | 1995 | 7740153 |
the natural history of exercise: a 10-yr follow-up of a cohort of runners. | to determine the pattern of exercise and associated adverse events, including injuries, a mail survey was conducted on participants in the 1980 peachtree road race study for whom we were able to obtain current addresses. a total of 535 persons responded, 326 men and 209 women, representing 72% of those with identifiable addresses. although only 56% of respondents reported that they were still running in 1990, 81% reported that they were still exercising regularly. the cumulative probability for ... | 1995 | 7476063 |
[molecular diagnostic and targeted therapy--"barking dogs are going to bite": presentations from the 42nd annual meeting of the american society of clinical oncology, atlanta 2006]. | this years asco-meeting reinforced the trend of the recent years to get off from empirical treatment concepts to tailored and individualized diagnostics and therapy. however, the basis for an individual therapy is a specific molecular diagnostic which can be reflected in the analysis of hormonal receptor, her-1, her-2 and topoisomerase iialpha in breast cancer. all these markers are not only able to prognosticate the course of disease but they also can predict the success of specific treatment a ... | 2006 | 17001557 |
dirofilaria immitis in stray dogs from richmond county, georgia. | | 1981 | 7299593 |
prevalence and distribution of sarcocystis sp among wild swine of southeastern united states. | digestive techniques revealed sarcocystis sp infection in 62 of 192 (32%) wild swine collected in alabama, arkansas, georgia, louisiana, mississippi, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, virginia, and west virginia. sarcosporidia were not detected in wild swine of florida and were rarely found in the lower coastal plains of georgia, mississippi, and south carolina. swine from mountainous terrain in north carolina, tennessee, and west virginia and bottomland floodplain regions of alabama, a ... | 1981 | 6799467 |
botulism associated with commercially canned chili sauce--texas and indiana, july 2007. | on july 7 and july 11, 2007, public health officials in texas and indiana, respectively, reported to cdc four suspected cases of foodborne botulism, two in each state. investigations conducted by state and local health departments revealed that all four patients had eaten brands of castleberry's hot dog chili sauce before illness began. botulinum toxin type a was detected in the serum of one indiana patient and in a leftover chili mixture obtained from his home. cdc informed the food and drug ad ... | 2007 | 17673898 |
occurrence of canine parvovirus type 2c in the united states. | canine parvovirus (cpv) type 2 (cpv-2) emerged around 1978 as a major pathogen of dogs worldwide. in the mid-1980s, the original cpv-2 had evolved and was completely replaced by 2 variants, cpv-2a and cpv-2b. in 2000, a new variant of cpv (named cpv-2c) was detected in italy and now cocirculates with types 2a and 2b in that country. the cpv-2c has also been reported from single outbreaks in vietnam and spain. this study was conducted to determine if cpv-2c occurs in the united states. thirty-thr ... | 2007 | 17823398 |
upper respiratory disease in military dogs: bacterial, mycoplasma, and viral studies. | | 1968 | 5691748 |
epizootiologic observations of canine filariasis in georgia. | | 1968 | 5689710 |
phage typing of the mycobacterium avium-intracellulare-scrofulaceum complex. a study of strains of diverse geographic and host origin. | a total of 339 strains of the mycobacterium avium-intracellulare-scrofulaceum complex were phage typed using our previously described technique and 11 typing phages. these included 235 strains of human origin obtained from state health laboratories in virginia, georgia, florida, and arkansas, 26 strains isolated from persons with aids, 38 strains isolated from animals, and 40 environmental isolates. a phage-typing scheme was developed that denotes sensitivity to 8 primary typing phages: the jf g ... | 1985 | 4026062 |
intestinal parasites in pet store puppies in atlanta. | we examined 143 pups from 14 atlanta area pet stores for intestinal parasites and reviewed deworming practices and information given to customers. seventy-four (52 per cent) of the pups had at least one parasite including giardia sp. (34 per cent), toxocara canis (12 per cent), and isospora sp. (9 per cent). eighty-eight per cent received some form of anthelminthic treatment while at the store. only six (43 per cent) of the stores routinely informed clients of the need to continue deworming proc ... | 1987 | 3812843 |
sarcocystis sigmodontis n. sp. from the cotton rat (sigmodon hispidus). | sarcocystis sarcocysts were found in 3 of 4 cotton rats (sigmodon hispidus) from atlanta, georgia. sarcocysts were several centimetres long and were present only in skeletal muscles. the sarcocyst wall appeared thin (less than 1 micron), with minute projections in the light microscope. by transmission electron microscopy, the sarcocyst wall had 0.6-1.0 x 0.21-0.36-micron villar protrusions without microtubules. the metrocytes were 6.5 x 3.8 micron, and the bradyzoites were 8 x 2.7 micron. the sa ... | 1988 | 3138400 |
canine serum levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs): a pilot study to evaluate the use of animal sentinels in environmental health. | to evaluate the potential for using domestic animals in the surveillance of environmental exposures, we collected serum samples for polychlorinated biphenyl (pcb) analysis from nine dogs in monroe county, indiana, where people had been shown to have been exposed to pcbs. nine dogs in atlanta, georgia, served as comparisons. results indicated that canine serum pcb levels in contaminated areas (median = 3.0 ppb) tend to be greater than those in uncontaminated areas (median = 1.7 ppb [p = .06, mann ... | 1988 | 3132898 |
a serologic survey of a population of georgia dogs for brucella canis and an evaluation of the slide agglutination test. | in a serologic survey of stray and pet dog populations of georgia, serums were screened for brucella canis antibodies, using the slide agglutination test. if results were positive, b canis antibody titers were determined, using the standard tube agglutination test. the stray dogs had significantly (p less than 0.01) higher titers than did the pet dogs. the reactor rate was 58% higher for the slide agglutination test than for the tube agglutination test. the manufacturer's evaluation of the slid ... | 1976 | 1033929 |
ticks parasitizing dogs in northwestern georgia. | from january 1998 through september 1999, 324 dogs in three northwestern georgia counties were examined for ticks. six species of ticks were recovered. the three most commonly collected ticks were the american dog tick, dermacentor variabilis (say) (310 male male, 352 female female; prevalence, 97%; mean intensity 2.1); the brown dog tick, rhipicephalus sanguineus (latreille) (118 male male, 119 female female, 38 nymphs; prevalence, 22%; mean intensity, 3.8); and the lone star tick, amblyomma am ... | 2002 | 11931241 |
skeletal lesions in a population of virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana) from baldwin county, georgia. | antemortem skeletal lesions were analyzed in 61 virginia opossums (didelphis virginiana) collected as roadkill from baldwin county, georgia, usa. as evidenced by bridging fracture calluses, misalignments, bone-surface depressions, perforations, localized superficial calluses, periosteal proliferations, and bony bridges across intervertebral disk spaces, 64% of the individuals had signs of one or more healed injuries. within the subset of skeletons with bone lesions, 54% had healed rib fractures ... | 2009 | 19395742 |
reflections on the future of veterinary medical education. | dr. keith prasse is a very distinguished leader in veterinary education. he started his career achieving his bs and dvm degrees from iowa state university (isu). he returned to isu after a brief period in private practice in illinois. his well-recognized career in veterinary pathology began with his ms and phd degrees, followed by a five-year period of teaching at isu. dr. prasse joined the faculty of the university of georgia in 1972, and thus began a long-term partnership with dr. bob duncan t ... | 2009 | 19861710 |
definitive radiation therapy for infiltrative thyroid carcinoma in dogs. | the medical records of eight dogs with histopathologically confirmed infiltrative thyroid carcinoma treated with external beam radiation were reviewed and a retrospective analysis of survival and local tumor control were performed. the dogs received a definitive radiotherapy protocol of 46.8-48 gray. all dogs had a reduction in tumor size to a clinically undetectable level on follow up examinations. kaplan-meier analysis indicated a median survival time of 24.5 months. pulmonary metastasis was d ... | 2001 | 11678572 |
a multisite case report on the clinical use of sevoflurane in dogs. | the purpose of this report was to evaluate the clinical safety and efficacy of sevoflurane as an inhalant anesthetic in dogs. subjective and objective data from 196 clinical cases utilizing sevoflurane as the maintenance anesthetic was collected at three sites. after preanesthetic evaluation, the attending anesthesiologist assigned the dogs to one of the following six anesthetic protocols: protocol 1, oxymorphone premedication and thiopental induction; protocol 2, oxymorphone/acetylpromazine pre ... | 2001 | 11563440 |
reactivity of serum samples of dogs and horses tested by use of class-specific recombinant-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for detection of granulocytic ehrlichiosis. | to test serum samples of dogs and horses by use of class-specific recombinant-based elisa for establishing a diagnosis of granulocytic ehrlichiosis attributable to infection with organisms from the ehrlichia phagocytophila genogroup. | 2001 | 11560261 |
ticks (acari: ixodidae) and spirochetes (spirochaetaceae: spirochaetales) recovered from birds on a georgia barrier island. | from september 1997 through july 1999, 300 individuals and 46 species of birds were mist-netted and screened for ticks and spirochetes on st. catherine's island, liberty county, ga. seventy-six (25%) of the birds were parasitized by a meal intensity of 4.6 ticks. seasonally, more birds were infested with ticks during the summer (50% in 1998, 34% in 1999) than in spring (15% in 1998, 11% in 1999) or fall (21% in 1997, 20% in 1998), mainly because of severe infestations on some birds by immature s ... | 2001 | 11296828 |
a modified bait for oral delivery of biological agents to raccoons and feral swine. | a field study was conducted on ossabaw island (georgia, usa) in march 1994 to evaluate four different types of bait for delivering orally effective biological agents to raccoons (procyon lotor) and feral swine (sus scrofa). a deep-fried corndog batter bait, which was previously shown to be ingested by both captive and free-ranging raccoons, and a polymer fishmeal bait which had been shown effective for both raccoons and feral swine were compared with a grain-based dog food meal polymer bait topi ... | 2000 | 10682748 |
ehrlichia ewingii infection in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus). | two closely related zoonotic ehrlichiae, ehrlichia chaffeensis and e. ewingii, are transmitted by amblyomma americanum, the lone star tick. because white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) are critical hosts for all mobile stages of a. americanum and are important vertebrate reservoirs of e. chaffeensis, we investigated whether deer may be infected with e. ewingii, a cause of granulocytotropic ehrlichiosis in humans and dogs. to test for e. ewingii infection, we used polymerase chain reaction ... | 2002 | 12095432 |
clinical management of flail chest in dogs and cats: a retrospective study of 24 cases (1989-1999). | cases of flail chest injury for 24 client-owned companion animals following various traumas were evaluated. concurrently sustained injuries, initial emergency treatments, and definitive treatment and outcome for regimens that utilize stabilization of the flail segment were compared with cases treated with no stabilization. flail chest was confirmed in 24 animals: 21 dogs and three cats. there was an even division (12 each) of right and left flail segments. the median number of ribs involved was ... | 2002 | 12118684 |
wolbachia endosymbionts in fleas (siphonaptera). | intracellular endosymbionts, wolbachia spp., have been reported in many different orders of insects and in nematodes but not previously in fleas. this is the first conclusive report of wolbachia spp. within members of the siphonaptera. using nested polymerase chain reaction (pcr) targeting of the 16s ribosomal rna gene, we screened for wolbachia spp. in fleas collected from 3 counties in georgia and 1 in new york. the prevalence of wolbachia spp. detected varied among the 6 different species scr ... | 2003 | 12760642 |
isolation of blastomyces dermatitidis from natural sites at augusta, georgia. | | 1964 | 14205892 |
ectoparasites and other epifaunistic arthropods of sympatric cotton mice and golden mice: comparisons and implications for vector-borne zoonotic diseases. | ectoparasite and epifaunistic arthropod biodiversity and infestation parameters were compared between 2 sympatric small rodent species, the cotton mouse (peromyscus gossypinus (le conte)) and golden mouse (ochrotomys nuttalli (harlan)), in southern georgia from 1992 to 2003. because the cotton mouse is known to be a reservoir of more vector-borne zoonotic pathogens than the golden mouse, we hypothesized that it would be parasitized by more ectoparasites that are known to be vectors of these path ... | 2004 | 15715219 |
fleas parasitizing domestic dogs in georgia, usa: species composition and seasonal abundance. | monthly flea collections were made from domestic dogs in bulloch county, georgia, usa from september 1996 to august 2004. a total of 2518 fleas belonging to 8 species were collected. the most common flea was the cat flea, ctenocephalides felis (389 males and 1148 females), followed by the dog flea, ctenocephalides canis (250 males and 285 females), a generalist/carnivore flea, pulex simulans (106 males and 213 females), and a sticktight flea, echidnophaga gallinacea (3 males and 89 females). sma ... | 2005 | 15893082 |
eastern equine encephalitis in dogs. | eastern equine encephalitis virus (eeev) is an alphavirus that is endemic in the southeastern united states. from 1993 to january 2005, the veterinary diagnostic and investigational laboratory in tifton, georgia, performed postmortem examinations on over 101 domestic canines exhibiting clinical neurological disturbances. in 12 of these dogs, brains were histologically suggestive of infection with eeev. all dogs were less than 6 months of age, with no breed predilection. clinical signs included p ... | 2005 | 16475527 |
prevalence and characterization of urinary tract infections in dogs with surgically treated type 1 thoracolumbar intervertebral disc extrusion. | to determine the prevalence of urinary tract infections (uti), factors that correlate positively with uti, and whether identified uti are most likely community- or hospital acquired in dogs with surgically treated type 1 thoracolumbar intervertebral disc (ivd) extrusions. | 2006 | 16756612 |
nonhuman remains and relics encountered by the medical examiner: fulton county, georgia, 2003-2004. | medical examiner and coroner offices occasionally respond to "death scenes" which, after investigation, are found to involve nonhuman remains or other relics not requiring further investigation or certification of death. this report describes such cases encountered by the fulton county medical examiner during 2003 and 2004. | 2006 | 16936512 |
brown spider envenomation. | the venom from spiders of the genus loxosceles, the most famous being loxosceles recluse (the most brown recluse spider) can cause serious poisoning. these spiders inhabit the south and south central states from georgia through texas and north to southern wisconsin. they are commonly called violin spiders because of the violin-shaped marking on the dorsum of the cephalothorax. many dermonecrotic lesions are incorrectly diagnosed as brown recluse bites, as up to 50% of the diagnoses are in geogra ... | 2006 | 17265904 |
nutrition environment measures survey in stores (nems-s): development and evaluation. | eating, or nutrition, environments are believed to contribute to obesity and chronic diseases. there is a need for valid, reliable measures of nutrition environments. this article reports on the development and evaluation of measures of nutrition environments in retail food stores. | 2007 | 17383559 |
infectious canine hepatitis in a gray fox (urocyon cinereoargenteus). | a free-ranging adult male gray fox (urocyon cinereoargenteus) with moderate diarrhea and thick ocular mucus discharge was examined postmortem. microscopically, the fox had intranuclear inclusion bodies within hepatocytes. canine adenovirus-1 was identified by polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and nucleotide sequencing. to our knowledge, this is the first report of clinical infectious canine hepatitis in a gray fox. | 2007 | 17984271 |
combining targeted sampling and fluorometry to identify human fecal contamination in a freshwater creek. | many bacterial source tracking (bst) methods are too expensive for most communities to afford. in an effort to develop an inexpensive method of detecting human sources of fecal contamination in a freshwater creek during baseflow and stormflow conditions, we combined targeted sampling with fluorometry. targeted sampling is a prelude to bst and finds sources of fecal contamination by continued sampling and resampling over ever-decreasing distances. fluorometry identifies human fecal contamination ... | 2008 | 17998611 |
sequence conservation in the rrna first internal transcribed spacer region of babesia gibsoni genotype asia isolates. | babesia gibsoni genotype asia is a small, tick-transmitted intraerythrocytic protozoan that parasitizes dogs. reports suggest that it is increasingly diagnosed in the united states. the clinical outcome of infection with this piroplasm is often variable, leading us to hypothesize that the different clinical outcomes resulting from b. gibsoni genotype asia infection are due to genetically distinguishable strains that differ in virulence. as a first step to assess the genetic variability of b. gib ... | 2008 | 18207327 |
pancreatic abscess in 36 dogs: a retrospective analysis of prognostic indicators. | thirty-six dogs were diagnosed with pancreatic abscess by the presence of purulent exudate within the parenchyma of the pancreas during exploratory laparotomy. data regarding history, physical examination findings, clinicopathological data, diagnostic imaging findings, bacteriological culture results, abdominal drainage technique, and perioperative treatment were evaluated for factors predictive of survival. elevated blood urea nitrogen, serum alkaline phosphatase activity, and rising bicarbonat ... | 2008 | 18593854 |
rabies control and prevention in georgia: current status and perspectives. | the incidence of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (pep) is very high in georgia, at 876/100,000 persons in 2006. data from the national centre for disease control on rabies surveillance for 2004, 2005 and 2006 was analysed, with the objective of improving postexposure policy and practice, as well as identifying priorities for national surveillance and control. for the base period 1986-1995, a total of 40 rabies cases in humans were reported in georgia. in 2004, 2005 and 2006 there were 12, 10 an ... | 2008 | 18634500 |
companion animals as sentinels for community exposure to industrial chemicals: the fairburn, ga, propyl mercaptan case study. | this study utilized the electronic medical records of six veterinary hospitals (operated by banfield, the pet hospital) in the vicinity of fairburn, georgia, to assess the health of dogs and cats following the unintentional release of propyl mercaptan from a waste-processing facility. | 2008 | 19006975 |
virulence and vertical transmission of two genotypically and geographically diverse isolates of trypanosoma cruzi in mice. | although principally considered a vector-borne disease, the vertical transmission of trypanosoma cruzi from mother to child is now recognized as a significant and increasing threat to human health. despite its importance, significant gaps exist in our understanding of the relationships between genotype, virulence, and the extent of vertical transmission of this pathogen. to better understand these relationships, we describe the comparison of a south american-derived type i isolate (bs) of t. cru ... | 2010 | 19954258 |
detection of dirofilaria immitis (nematoda: filarioidea) by polymerase chain reaction in aedes albopictus, anopheles punctipennis, and anopheles crucians (diptera: culicidae) from georgia, usa. | potential mosquito vectors of dirofilaria immitis (leidy) (nematoda: filarioidea), the causative agent of dog heartworm in the southeastern region of the united states, were collected with cdc light traps and gravid traps in seven counties in the state of georgia, usa. the presence of d. immitis in these mosquitoes was detected by polymerase chain reaction using species-specific primers for the d. immitis surface or cuticular antigen. overall, 1,574 mosquitoes of 13 species in seven genera were ... | 2010 | 20695279 |
panniculitis attributable to mycobacterium goodii in an immunocompetent dog in georgia. | a 5-year-old 38.3-kg (84.5-lb) mixed-breed dog was examined because of acute onset of lethargy and anorexia. four days later, a raised, firm, warm 15 × 10-cm lesion was detected in the right caudal paralumbar area. | 2010 | 21034345 |
diagnostic, treatment, and prevention protocols for feline heartworm infection in animal sheltering agencies. | cats are at risk for heartworm infection (dirofilaria immitis) wherever the disease is endemic in dogs. diagnosis is more difficult in cats, and little information is available regarding effective palliative and curative treatments for infected cats. in contrast to the challenges of diagnosis and treatment, chemoprophylaxis is highly effective, and current guidelines call for preventive medications to be administered to all cats in endemic areas. the purpose of this study was to survey feline he ... | 2011 | 21330060 |
diagnostic, treatment, and prevention protocols for canine heartworm infection in animal sheltering agencies. | the high prevalence of heartworm infection in shelter dogs creates a dilemma for shelter managers, who frequently operate with insufficient funding, staffing, and expertise to comply with heartworm guidelines developed for owned pet dogs. the purpose of this study was to survey canine heartworm management protocols used by 504 animal sheltering agencies in the endemic states of alabama, florida, georgia, and mississippi. open-admission shelters, which tended to be larger and more likely to perfo ... | 2011 | 21353743 |
Brucella suis Infection in Dogs, Georgia, USA. | TO THE EDITOR: Brucellosis is a serious, globally distributed zoonotic disease. Humans are susceptible to infection by Brucella suis, B. abortus, B. melitensis, and B. canis and can have lifelong symptoms of undulating fever, enlarged lymph nodes, malaise, and arthritis (1). In 2009, the United States was officially classified free of B. abortus. All states except Texas are classified as stage III (free) for swine brucellosis caused by B. suis (2). | 2011 | 22172146 |
parasitology, virology, and serology of free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa. | we examined 31 free-ranging coyotes (canis latrans) from central georgia, usa, for select parasites and viral agents. sixteen coyotes had adult heartworms (dirofilaria immitis). serum samples from 27 animals revealed antibodies against canine parvovirus (100%), canine distemper virus (48%), canine adenovirus (37%), and trypanosoma cruzi (7%); none were detected against leishmania spp. twenty-two of 24 (92%) coyotes were positive for toxoplasma gondii. real-time pcr of feces revealed 32% of coyot ... | 2014 | 25098300 |
mechlorethamine, procarbazine and prednisone for the treatment of resistant lymphoma in dogs. | forty-one dogs with resistant lymphoma were treated with a modified mopp (mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine and prednisone) protocol (mpp [mechlorethamine, procarbazine and prednisone] administered on a 21-day cycle, shortened from the 28-day mopp cycle). the overall response rate to mpp was 34% for a median of 56 days (95% confidence interval 30-238). seventeen percent of dogs had a complete response for a median duration of 238 days, 17% had a partial response for a median of 56 days ... | 2009 | 19222829 |
cervical vertebral malformation-malarticulation syndrome in the bernese mountain dog: clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features. | to describe the clinical and magnetic resonance imaging features of cervical vertebral malformation-malarticulation in bernese mountain dogs. | 2009 | 19320813 |