
human antirabies treatment in the united states, were examined on 965 persons treated in six states (delaware, florida, georgia, illinois, north dakota, and south carolina) and new york city in 1972 for possible rabies exposure. males 10-19 years were found to be the group at greatest risk, and exposures occurred most frequently during the warm months. dogs, other domestic animals, and wildlife were about equally responsible for human exposures in the six states, but 99% of the exposures in new york city involved dogs. antirabies postexp ...1979432411
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1991, 49 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico reported 6,972 cases of rabies in nonhuman animals and 3 cases in human beings to the centers for disease control. ninety-one percent (6,354 cases) were wild animals, whereas 8.9% (618 cases) were domestic species. the total number of reported cases of rabies increased 42.9% over that of 1990 (4,881 cases), with most of the increase resulting from continued spread of the epizootic of rabies in raccoons in the mid-atlantic and northeas ...19921483899
rabies surveillance in the united states during 1990, the united states and its territories reported 4,881 cases of rabies in animals to the centers for disease control, a 1.5% increase from 1989. of these, 553 were domestic animals, 4,327 were wild animals, and one was a human being. pennsylvania reported the highest number (611) of rabies cases in animals in 1990. for the first time since surveillance of rabies in wild animals was begun in the 1950s, the number of cases of rabies in raccoons exceeded that in skunks. particularly large in ...19921577642
rabies surveillance, united states, 1988.the primary purpose of the annual report on rabies surveillance is to assist local and state public health officials in the planning of rabies control programs and to guide health professionals in evaluating the need for rabies postexposure prophylaxis in patients who are exposed to animals that may be rabid. in 1988, a total of 4,724 cases of animal rabies were reported by 47 states, the district of columbia, and puerto rico, similar to the total (4,729) for 1987. no human cases of rabies were ...19892505046
a survey of canine heartworm infetion in one county in delaware. 19724483050
pre-west nile virus outbreak: perceptions and practices to prevent mosquito bites and viral encephalitis in the united states.mosquitoes can transmit over 100 of the viruses that can cause encephalitis, meningitis, and hemorrhagic disease in humans (chin 2000; gubler 1996; monath 1989). while much is known about the ecology, epidemiology, and clinical manifestations of the arboviral encephalitides (campbell et al. 2002; centers for disease control and prevention 1997; gubler 1998; hayes 1989; hubálek and halouzka 1999), little empirical research exists regarding the u.s. population's knowledge of mosquitoes and arbovir ...200314733669
a review of animal bites in delaware--1989 to 1990.rabies, a disease associated with aggression in animals, has been endemic in terrestrial wildlife in new castle county, delaware, since november 1987. there have been four documented deaths in humans in delaware since 1919, although the last case originated in maryland and was hospitalized in delaware in 1975. because of the potential association of pet animals with wild animals and the subsequent contact with humans, emphasis is placed on preventive medicine (vaccinations) and prevention of ani ...19902079119
host-feeding patterns of suspected west nile virus mosquito vectors in delaware, 2001-2002.paucity of data on host-feeding patterns and behavior of 43 mosquito species that are reported as suspected west nile virus (wn) vectors has limited full evaluation of their vectorial capacity. recent studies addressing this issue need additional confirmation and should also be expanded to include collections of species or subpopulations attracted to humans. we used 4 types of collection methods to collect mosquitoes, including omnidirectional fay-prince traps, centers for disease control-type l ...200516033122
canine units: the softer side of security.try a different breed of security officer to improve safety and boost morale in your facility.200515988222
rabies. 19715094612
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