
hereditary nasal parakeratosis in labrador retrievers.hereditary nasal dermatitis is reported in 14 labrador retrievers and 4 labrador retriever crosses. this appears to be a newly described inherited disorder for which an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance is suspected. the lesions were first noted between 6 and 12 months of age. histopathological analysis revealed parakeratotic hyperkeratosis, often with marked multifocal accumulation of proteinaceous fluid between keratinocytes within the stratum corneum and superficial stratum spinosum. th ...200312662268
dilated cardiomyopathy in the newfoundland: a study of 37 cases (1983-1994).the case records of 37 newfoundlands with congestive heart failure caused by dilated cardiomyopathy were reviewed in an attempt to compare current knowledge of dilated cardiomyopathy with findings in a large and homogeneous population. the clinical diagnosis was based on echocardiographic findings of reduced shortening fraction (fs) in the presence of clinical and radiographic signs or necropsy findings of left-sided or biventricular heart failure. systolic murmurs were detected in only four cas ...19968906721
further records of helminths from newfoundland mammals. 19695408703
sequence analysis of three pigmentation genes in the newfoundland population of canis latrans links the golden retriever mc1r variant to white coat color in coyotes.three genes, mc1r, agouti, and cbd103, interact in a type-switching process that controls much of the pigmentation variation observed in mammals. a deletion in the cbd103 gene is responsible for dominant black color in dogs, while the white-phased black bear ("spirit bear") of british columbia, canada, is the lightest documented color variant caused by a mutation in mc1r. rare all-white animals have recently been discovered in a new northeastern population of the coyote in insular newfoundland a ...201323297074
presence and impact of the exercise-induced collapse associated dnm1 mutation in labrador retrievers and other breeds.the impact of the mutation causing dynamin 1 (dnm1)-associated exercise-induced collapse (d-eic) was determined in a retrospective genetic survey. the frequency of dnm1 mutant allele carriers in labrador retrievers from conformation show, field trial/hunt test, pet or service lines ranged from 17.9% to 38.0% and the frequency of homozygous mutant (ee genotype) individuals ranged from 1.8% to 13.6%; 83.6% of these ee labradors were reported to have collapsed by 4years of age. dnm1 mutation carrie ...201121782486
elucidating the spread of the emerging canid nematode angiostrongylus vasorum between palaearctic and nearctic ecozones.angiostrongylus vasorum is an emerging parasite that is currently distributed through western europe and parts of south america. an isolated population is also present in newfoundland, canada. this presents a risk of onward spread into north america, but its origin is unknown. to ascertain the phylogeographic relationships and genetic diversity of a. vasorum within the western palaearctic and eastern nearctic ecozones, a total of 143 adult and larval nematode specimens were collected from foxes ...201020139034
gastrointestinal parasites in dogs from the island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland.the present work was performed to survey the gastrointestinal parasites of domestic dogs (canis lupus familiaris) and also to determine if any were infected with angiostrongylus vasorum (french heartworm), on the french island of st. pierre off the south coast of newfoundland. a total of 57 fecal samples were collected and examined for intestinal parasites. the overall prevalence of parasitism was 57.9% and the six species found were: uncinaria stenocephala/ancylostoma caninum (47.4%), toxocara ...200919303213
pathological findings in dogs naturally infected with angiostrongylus vasorum in newfoundland and labrador, canada.fifty-six dogs from st. john's, newfoundland, canada, were evaluated for angiostrongylus vasorum infection. small numbers of nematodes were found within pulmonary arteries of 6 dogs. larvae were identified in fecal samples in 2 of 6 dogs. all 6 dogs had multifocal granulomatous pneumonia and sometimes foci of chronic thrombosis, which varied from very mild to severe. one dog had extensive pulmonary lesions resulting in cor pulmonale. right heart failure was characterized by right ventricular hyp ...200818182502
serologic detection of angiostrongylus vasorum infection in dogs.angiostrongylus vasorum, french heartworm, is a metastrongylid nematode infecting the pulmonary arteries and right heart of wild and domestic canids in various regions of the world. infection in dogs can result in fatal cardiopulmonary disease. a single endemic focus of a. vasorum in north america occurs in the southeastern portion of newfoundland, canada. dogs are currently diagnosed by detection of first-stage larvae shed in feces using the baermann technique or fecal flotation. however, these ...200817981397
prevalence of sarcocystis spp. in two subspecies of caribou (rangifer tarandus) in newfoundland and labrador, and foxes (vulpes vulpes), wolves (canis lupus), and husky dogs (canis familiaris) as potential definitive hosts.a study was conducted to determine the prevalence and geographical distribution of sarcocystis spp. infecting 2 subspecies of caribou (rangifer tarandus) inhabiting newfoundland and labrador and its potential definitive hosts. muscle samples of caribou were obtained, primarily from hunters, and feces of red foxes (vulpes vulpes) and wolves (canis lupus), from trappers, and husky dogs (canis familiaris), from owners. histological sections of muscle and flotation methods for feces were used for pa ...200616884021
anaplasma phagocytophilum infection (granulocytic anaplasmosis) in a dog from vancouver island.a 7-year-old labrador retriever had nonspecific clinical signs that included lethargy, malaise, and difficult ambulation. the dog was native to vancouver island, british columbia, and had never left this area. morulae were identified in polymorphonuclear cells. serologic studies and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) testing confirmed canine anaplasmosis caused by anaplasma phagocytophilum. the dog recovered after treatment with tetracycline.200516231653
natural infections of crenosoma vulpis and angiostrongylus vasorum in dogs in atlantic canada and their treatment with milbemycin oxime.milbemycin oxime was used to treat dogs with natural infections of the fox lungworm, crenosoma vulpis and the french heartworm, angiostrongylus vasorum. crenosomosis was identified in 42 of 202 dogs with clinical signs of coughing, dyspnoea or exercise intolerance by a baermann analysis of faecal samples taken between october 2000 and october 2001. it occurred throughout atlantic canada (new brunswick, newfoundland, nova scotia and prince edward island). the clinical signs resolved and shedding ...200415264484
angiostrongylus vasorum infection in 2 dogs from newfoundland.described are the first antemortem diagnosis made via fecal examination using the baermann technique and the first postmortem recovery of endemic angiostrongylus vasorum in dogs from north america, specifically the avalon peninsula of newfoundland. in one dog, a. vasorum was recovered and identified at postmortem; gross and histologic lesions are described.200212497965
perioperative factors associated with puppy vigor after delivery by cesarean section.this prospective study examined the perioperative factors associated with puppy vigor in a clinical population of 807 litters containing 3,410 cesarean-derived puppies. information was obtained from 109 private and institutional practices in the united states and canada. puppy vigor was determined by assessing three spontaneous conditions within 2 minutes after delivery: breathing, moving, and vocalizing. the percentages of live-born puppies with these characteristics were 85%, 73%, and 60%, res ...200211804323
identification of ixodes scapularis in newfoundland, canada. 200010992615
perioperative management and mortality rates of dogs undergoing cesarean section in the united states and describe dogs undergoing cesarean section in the united states and canada, to determine perioperative management, and to calculate survival proportions.19989702224
newfoundland and labrador veterinarians promote dog vaccinations. 19978993780
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