
major antigenic groups of rabies virus in canada determined by anti-nucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies.a total of 123 rabies virus isolates from various geographical areas in canada were characterized by a panel of 43 anti-nucleocapsid monoclonal antibodies. four major antigenic groups are found in terrestrial mammals: "canadian arctic" from ontario, quebec and the northwest territories; "south-eastern georgian bay" from ontario; "south mid-central skunk" from alberta, saskatchewan and manitoba; and "brook's, alberta skunk" from a restricted area in alberta. bat isolates can be divided into 4 maj ...19863769442
philosophy and outlook. 19744606907
natural infections of crenosoma vulpis and angiostrongylus vasorum in dogs in atlantic canada and their treatment with milbemycin oxime.milbemycin oxime was used to treat dogs with natural infections of the fox lungworm, crenosoma vulpis and the french heartworm, angiostrongylus vasorum. crenosomosis was identified in 42 of 202 dogs with clinical signs of coughing, dyspnoea or exercise intolerance by a baermann analysis of faecal samples taken between october 2000 and october 2001. it occurred throughout atlantic canada (new brunswick, newfoundland, nova scotia and prince edward island). the clinical signs resolved and shedding ...200415264484
euthanasia training in new brunswick animal shelters--a cooperative approach. 200819043491
histoplasmosis in a dog from new brunswick.a young dog was presented with a history of chronic diarrhea, anorexia, and weight loss. histoplasma capsulatum was suspected, based on cytologic examination of lymph node aspirates and peritoneal fluid, and confirmed by fungal culture. to our knowledge, this is the first case of histoplasmosis diagnosed in a dog in atlantic canada.200717824159
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