
[rats and dogs: important vectors of leptospirosis in agricultural areas in cuidad guzmán, jalisco].a study was conducted to determine how important rats and dogs are in the dissemination of leptospirosis in farms and stales located in ciudad guzmán, jalisco. thirteen of leptospira interrograns serovarieties were used in microagglutination test of serogroups (mat). three hundred and fifty four rats (rattus rattus and rattus norvergicus) trapped in agricultural areas of the place were studied; 22 were positive (6,2%) and 34 suspected of leptospirosis (9,6%). also four hundred and nineteen dogs ...200215846935
feeding patterns of triatoma longipennis usinger (hemiptera, reduviidae) in peridomestic habitats of a rural community in jalisco state, mexico.we analyzed triatomine blood feeding patterns to evaluate the role of peridomiciles in trypanosoma cruzi transmission at the rural village of tepehuaje de morelos at jalisco state, mexico (1999). a total of 206 bugs were collected in 11 out of 26 households (42.3%). nymphs predominated in the collections (64.9% of the total). except for one triatoma barberi female, a species that belongs to the protracta species complex, all adults were triatoma longipennis, a species of the phyllosoma complex. ...200415605639
[anti-rabies vaccination service in health centers 2 and 3 in guadalajara, jalisco]. 19817330714
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