
notes from the field: community-based prevention of rocky mountain spotted fever - sonora, mexico, 2016.rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf), a life-threatening tickborne zoonosis caused by rickettsia rickettsii, is a reemerging disease in mexico (1,2). r. rickettsii is an intracellular bacterium that infects vascular endothelium and can cause multisystem organ failure and death in the absence of timely administration of a tetracycline-class antibiotic, typically doxycycline. epidemic rmsf, as described in parts of arizona and mexico, is associated with massive local infestations of the brown dog t ...201627880753
[rocky mountain spotted fever in children: clinical and epidemiological features].to report the clinical features of the rocky mountain spotted fever (rmsf) in children of southern sonora, mexico.200717585701
urban epizootic of rabies in mexico: epidemiology and impact of animal bite injuries.from 1 july 1987 to 31 december 1988, a total of 317 animals (91% of which were dogs) were confirmed to have rabies in hermosillo, mexico. the median age of rabid dogs was 1 year, 69% were male, and 98% were owned. the epizootic started in the southern areas of the city, rapidly involved the entire city, and persisted mainly in lower socioeconomic status areas. the area of the city and mean household size were significant predictor variables for the population density of rabid dogs around househ ...19938261565
immunogenicity of rabies vaccines used during an urban epizootic of rabies in mexico.from 1 july 1987 to 31 december 1988, 30% of 247 rabid dogs in hermosillo, mexico had a positive history of rabies vaccination. serosurveys suggested that inactivated suckling mouse brain vaccine (inact-smbv) and inactivated tissue culture vaccine (inact-tc) used before and during the epizootic were poor immunogens. prospective studies showed that only about one-third of dogs vaccinated with inact-smbv were seropositive 5 weeks after vaccination. lack of vaccine potency was the most likely cause ...19947856289
seropositivity for trypanosoma cruzi in domestic dogs from sonora, mexico.chagas disease is an important health problem in latin america due to its incapacitating effects and associated mortality. studies on seropositivity for trypanosoma cruzi in mexican dogs have demonstrated a direct correlation between seropositivity in humans and dogs, which can act as sentinels for the disease in this region. the objective of this study was to determine the seropositivity for t.cruzi infection in dogs from sonora, a northern borderstate of mexico.201728870247
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