
serological survey of leptospiral infections in sheep, goats and dogs in cordillera province, bolivta.a serological survey for antibodies to leptospira spp. was conducted on sheep, goat and dog serum samples collected in three localities in cordillera province in the southern part of the santa cruz department (bolivia) in 1992. a total of 98 sheep, 218 goats and 43 dogs were tested against 29 leptospiral serovars using the microscopic agglutination test. at the time of blood collection all of the examined animals appeared healthy and presented no clinical sign suggestive of leptospirosis. antibo ...19979037672
serologic survey for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi in sheep, goats and dogs in cordillera province, bolivia.a serosurvey for antibodies to borrelia burgdorferi using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) was conducted on sheep, goat and dog serum samples collected in cordillera province, bolivia, in 1992 sera from 98 sheep, 218 goats and 43 dogs were tested. the observed seroprevalence in sheep and dogs was 0.0%, whereas the seropositivity rate for goat serum samples was 5.0%. upon analysing 10 positive sera by western immunoblotting, five reacted against the specific protein antigens and all o ...19979197208
epidemiology of urban canine rabies, santa cruz, bolivia, 1972-1997.we analyzed laboratory data from 1972 to 1997 from santa cruz, bolivia, to determine risk factors for laboratory canine samples' testing positive for rabies virus (rabv). of 9,803 samples, 50.7% tested positive for rabv; the number of cases and the percentage positive has dropped significantly since 1978. a 5- to 6-year cycle in rabies incidence was clearly apparent, though no seasonality was noted. male dogs had significantly increased odds of testing positive for rabv (odds ratio [or]=1.14), a ...200211996678
rickettsia infection in dogs and rickettsia parkeri in amblyomma tigrinum ticks, cochabamba department, bolivia.only few published data are available on ticks and tick-borne zoonotic pathogens in bolivia. to evaluate rickettsial seroprevalence and infection in dogs and ticks, during february-april 2007, we collected whole blood, sera, and ticks from dogs living in the rural, peri-urban, and urban areas of cochabamba, bolivia. dog sera were subjected to enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test to detect igg antibodies against rickettsia rickettsii and 68.2% of samples were found to be positive (nā€‰=ā€‰30; 95% c ...201020426684
seroprevalence of toxocara canis-igg antibodies in two rural bolivian communities.a survey on toxocara canis-igg seroprevalence was carried out in two bolivian communities (mora and zanja honda) living in the cordillera province, department of santa cruz. two hundred and sixteen people, both males and females, 2 to 85 years old were sampled. altogether, 73 people were positive (34%). the seroprevalence was 27% in mora and 42% in zanja honda (p = 0.022). no statistical correlations were found with sex and age. high prevalences were also found for intestinal helminths (hookworm ...199810645561
trypanosoma cruzi genotypes associated with domestic triatoma sordida in bolivia.triatoma sordida is the second species of triatominae considered of epidemiological significance in bolivia. associated with triatoma infestans in various regions, it is as yet the only triatomine species established in human dwellings in localities of velasco province, department of santa cruz. this domestication is considered as primary. flagellate parasites were detected in 16.2% of domiciliary t. sordida and the kdna-pcr confirmed the presence of trypanosoma cruzi. frequencies of t. cruzi cl ...19989879736
low probability of transmission of trypanosoma cruzi to humans by domiciliary triatoma sordida in bolivia.the role of triatoma sordida in the domestic transmission of trypanosoma cruzi was assessed in 7 rural localities in velasco province, department of santa cruz, bolivia. tri. sordida, the only triatomine species identified in these localities, was found inside 58.0% of houses but not in large numbers (3.1 bugs per infested house on average). a total of 220 faecal samples from domiciliary bugs was examined microscopically and by the polymerase chain reaction for the presence of trypanosomes: 21.4 ...19979580115
antibody seroprevalences against rabies in dogs vaccinated under field conditions in bolivia.bolivia currently has one of the highest numbers of cases for human and canine rabies and is thus clue to the elimination process. the objective of the present study was to assess antibody seroprevalences against rabies in dogs vaccinated under field conditions and other factors that might influence the success of the on-going rabies control programmes in an endemic area of the disease, santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia. all 240 study animals, selected using area-stratified random sampling, were ...200818975125
antibody response to an anti-rabies vaccine in a dog population under field conditions in bolivia.rabies remains an important public health issue in bolivia, south america. public concern and fears are most focussed on dogs as the source of rabies. the objective of the present study was to assess immunity of an inactivated suckling mouse brain vaccine against canine rabies used for the official vaccination campaigns under field conditions in an endemic area of rabies in bolivia. a total of 236 vaccinated and 44 unvaccinated dogs in santa cruz de la sierra, selected using stratified random sa ...200818399941
rabies-vaccination coverage and profiles of the owned-dog population in santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia.the bolivian government issued a regulation for rabies control in november 2005, owing to increasing the prevalence of dog and human rabies cases in recent years. an assessment of rabies-vaccination coverage and other factors that might influence the success of the on-going vaccination campaign was needed. the objective of this study was to investigate dog rabies vaccination coverage and risk factors associated with dogs being unvaccinated against rabies, and profiles of the owned-dog population ...200818387138
descriptive spatial and spatio-temporal analysis of the 2000-2005 canine rabies endemic in santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia.the authors analysed laboratory samples testing positive for rabies virus collected between 2000 and 2005 from santa cruz de la sierra, bolivia, to assess the spatial and spatio-temporal distribution of the endemic of canine rabies. according to the results of the spatial analysis, canine rabies was not evenly distributed in the city. significant spatio-temporal clustering of canine rabies cases showed a trend towards clusters with high incidence rates in two particular areas compared with surro ...200717631264
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